Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 206 Former Friends

On the top floor of Arasaka Tower, there is Saburo Arasaka's exclusive office.

Tang Yu had just finished his report to Kyoto, although the investigation that Saburo Arasaka originally asked him to do did not include diplomatic relations with military technology.

But he was sure that Saburo Arasaka had the same idea as him and did not want to escalate the conflict with military technology.

Seeing that the board of directors was holding an emergency meeting and the results were very unfavorable to him, Tang Yu took action decisively and caught them off guard.

Thinking that I had to say hello to Saburo Arasaka by borrowing his authority, I sent him a report. The content not only included the reasons for his negotiation with Military Science and Technology, but also speculated on the causes and consequences of the attack.

Tang Yu did not intend to take any more pressure on Yori Xuan this time, and directly told Saburo Arasaka that the force pretending to be military technology personnel to attack Arasaka was the Iron Lotus Brotherhood.

The relationship between father and son has long been on showdown, and the scrap information Tang Yu exposed will not change anything. Deflecting conflicts is the basic skill.

After confirming and issuing the instructions, Tang Yu suddenly noticed that there were several requests for instructions, one of which came from Director Susan Abner.

He clicked to read it and then couldn't help but smile.

This old woman is quite smart and knows how to take some responsibility in time in order to seek leniency in the subsequent treatment.

"Since you like to accept punishment so much, I won't be polite to you anymore."

Tang Yu clicked to confirm and agreed to Susan Abernathy's request for self-punishment.

After doing all this, he knew that the fire would definitely continue to burn, but the wind direction had changed, and the people on the other side were being burned, so he could sit back and watch the show.

Just as he was about to pack up and leave the office, the office system suddenly prompted a message from Kyoto.

A trace of surprise flashed in Tang Yu's eyes. This was the first time he had received a message since he used this office. In the past, he would send instructions to the people below.

The only person who can send a message to Saburo Arasaka's office is the head of the office.

Tang Yu decisively clicked on the message to check.

as expected.

The person who sent the letter was none other than Saburo Arasaka. It was not clear whether it was him himself, or Hanako or Goro who conveyed it through the office system.

[Arasaka Saburo: Now that Arasaka is safe and the barbarians have surrendered, those who want to surrender must first make peace within. 】

[Attachment: Anderson Herman]

Before fighting the outside world, we must first make peace with the inside?

Tang Yu didn't find anything strange about Saburo Arasaka's conclusion.

Saburo Arasaka must have known about Yori Xuan's intention to use the Relic biochip containing Johnny Silverhand to cause trouble and destroy the immortality plan, which directly touched Saburo's reverse scale.

He can tolerate Arasaka Yorinobu's nonsense, but he will never allow anyone to block his progress.

This is the most fundamental contradiction between father and son.

Now Tang Yu may not agree with Lai Xuan's extreme behavior, but he has never questioned Lai Xuan's ideals and beliefs.

It's a pity that Saburo Arasaka, who has a digital soul, can still control the situation within the Arasaka Group even if he loses his dying body, and is even more powerful than before.

Saburo Arasaka, who has become a digital ghost, can even travel through any electronic device in Arasaka Tower and penetrate into everyone's brain prosthesis.

Things finally reached the most difficult step, and the situation of 'father is kind and son is filial' will surely involve everyone and crush them.

Tang Yu neither wanted Yori Xuan to be taken away from him, nor did he want Saburo to use extreme methods to destroy or control Night City.

He must find a new way to break the situation, a solution that can change the world situation.

Clicking on the attachment about Anderson Herman, Tang Yu found that he had left Kyoto for Night City, nominally coming to do persuasion work with Arasaka Yorinobu.

Tang Yu estimated that he was most likely worried that Arasaka Yorinobu would abuse the biochip and be punished by Arasaka Saburo, so he found a reason to take refuge in Night City.

If Anderson Herman had been able to persuade Yorinobu, he would not have bothered Saburo Arasaka to make the trip in person.

Tang Yu copied the information about Anderson Herman and shut down the office system.

It's almost time to pick the right time to release old friend Johnny Silverhand from Yori Xuan.

He got up and went out, took the elevator to the Arasaka Tower lobby, and as soon as he got into the car and was about to leave, he found that there were already multiple missed calls and multiple messages.

Part of it is a call from the front desk of the Public Relations Department, including related requests for instructions and decisions.

Members of the delegation participating in the negotiations were anxious to draft a public apology statement to seek Tang Yu's opinion.

Tang Yu replied directly, telling them not to worry about it anymore and just do whatever they needed to do.

Part of it was a call from the exclusive secretary of the board of directors. Tang Yu did not respond. The time had passed, and it was useless to reply now.

Turned it over.

Suddenly I received a new message.


Tang Yu immediately checked the content of the message, and Lucy asked him to meet, saying that if there were important matters, they should discuss them in detail in secret.

He had no choice but to get out of the car, deliberately go around in circles, find a safe area, hail a new Draman, get in the car and set off.

Sixth floor, Marina Bay Residences, Sakura Street, Westbrook.

Tang Yu stood at the familiar doorway, raised his hand and knocked.

Boom, boom, boom.

Soon, the access control light came on and the iron gate slid open automatically.

He walked into the apartment and took a casual glance. It was still the familiar furnishings and layout. Not much had changed. Even the old moon landing poster on the wall was still posted in its original position.

Lucy was wrapped in a white bath towel and sitting on the sofa, with her shapely white legs stacked together.

She held up a towel to wipe her wet hair, but kept her eyes on the projection TV with a cigarette in her mouth.

Tang Yu glanced at the bathroom with the curtain open. He should have just completed a deep dive mission.

Seeing Tang Yu's arrival, Lucy put down her folded legs and freed her hand to put out the half-smoked cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Then, she stood up and walked to the refrigerator. After opening the cabinet door, she glanced at Tang Yu slightly and asked calmly, "What do you want to drink?"

Before Tang Yu could answer, she took out two bottles of Stupid Monkey from the refrigerator and said, "V lived here for a while before and bought a lot of these green cans."

When Lucy saw the stupid monkey in the refrigerator cabinet, she had no choice but to close the cabinet door.

She sat back on the wide bay window sill and placed a bottle of Stupid Monkey opposite her.

Tang Yu also stepped up the bay window, and the two sat opposite each other, each holding a bottle of stupid monkey.

The sound from the projection TV reached my ears, and it happened to be the representative of the Arasaka Company's board of directors making a public speech, apologizing to Military Technology.

Lucy asked: "I didn't expect that you would be involved in such a situation just after being promoted. Are you in trouble?"

Tang Yu said in a deep voice: "It was a bit troublesome, but fortunately it was all solved."

"The three-day meeting is not a short one, but in the end Arasaka publicly apologized, which is really unexpected." Lucy said calmly.

She had never been so concerned about matters between companies before. Maybe it was because she joined the Internet Monitoring Department and needed to deal with the company.

And coincidentally, Meredith, the representative sent by military technology, happened to be the person he met that day while constructing a tunnel on the outskirts of the city.

Lucy clearly remembered the woman's little moves, which seemed to have a lot to do with Tang Yu.

Tang Yu took a sip of the sweet Stupid Monkey and explained: "There are many reasons involved. It is difficult to explain clearly at the moment. I can only tell you that the result of this negotiation is inevitable."

Lucy raised her head and stared at Tang Yu dimly.

"In this meeting, military technology has benefited a lot, and the municipal side has benefited a lot. Arasaka has only lost face. It doesn't look like it will end well."

"It is said that the representative of Military Technology, Meredith, has just been promoted to director. After taking this credit, her voice within the company has become stronger and stronger. She is considered to be somewhat unqualified when dealing with network surveillance."

"City Councilor Jefferson's approval rating has also increased. This meeting has just ended. People in Night City have already seen his abilities and skills. It is very possible that he will become the mayor of Night City in the future."

She joined the Internet Supervision team and was responsible for network activities in the Night City area. She paid more attention to major companies and municipal activities, especially when these things were related to the man in front of her.

Tang Yu said helplessly: "As you just said, Arasaka lost face, and there is no loss in essence. Apart from being scolded a little unpleasantly on the Internet, it will be over when the limelight passes."

After hearing Tang Yu's explanation, Lucy shook her head slightly and denied his statement.

"I'm not asking Arasaka, I'm asking you."

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment and quickly figured out the meaning of Lucy's words.

After a while.

He saw a miniature of himself appearing in those ice-blue neon eyes, and immediately understood something.

Tang Yu smiled self-deprecatingly. He shouldn't put the girl in front of him out of his heart. Maybe it was his habitual caution that made him always hide his true thoughts.

Lucy must have thought that since Arasaka was the only one who lost the entire meeting, someone would definitely take the blame, and that person was most likely Tang Yu.

Tang Yu explained sincerely again: "Don't worry, there is really no problem on my side. You will understand some things later."

Lucy then retracted her slightly cold gaze: "You'd better not lie to me, because what I'm going to say next is very important to you and me."

Tang Yu looked serious and listened to what Lucy said.

After listening, Tang Yu thought that a small amount of words meant a big deal.

As a cyber hacker for network surveillance, Lucy is responsible for deeply monitoring the network activities in Night City.

Not long ago, she received a task to assist Cheever, the network surveillance project supervisor, in completing a special top-secret task.

She didn't know the specific content of the mission in advance. She just followed Cheever's instructions to dive deep into cyberspace and came to the designated place to read an encrypted program code.

When she successfully decrypted the encryption and read the program code, she was shocked to find that it contained a partially fragmented program similar to AI.

This fragmented program only had extremely basic pronunciation functions. Although this fragmented program contained very little content, she still accurately judged that the owner of this voice should be Tang Yu's friend.

"What the hell, what kind of damn black hole prison is this? If you don't let me out, why don't I have a cigarette? Why did Dasha* invent this thing?"

Lucy tried to talk to the voice, but found it impossible.

She concealed her surprise and exited the cyberspace. Before reporting the results to Cheever, she contacted Tang Yu in advance.

Lucy wanted to see what Tang Yu had to say before making any subsequent decisions.

Tang Yu quickly clarified the relationship and said: "Your judgment is correct. That voice should come from Johnny Silverhand, and the project for network monitoring of secret transactions is the Relic biochip in Arasaka Yorinobu's hand, which contains Johnny Silverhand’s digital soul imprint.”

This time, Lucy froze.

"You mean, your friend exists in a chip in the form of a digital soul?"

Tang Yu nodded to confirm.

None tonight!

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