Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 208 You can just stand (Thanks to the leader of ‘Ye Shu Biao’)

Watson Little Chinatown.

A blue supercar slowly pulled over and parked under a high-end apartment building, immediately attracting the attention of passers-by.

The scissor door of the supercar raised upwards, V stepped out of the car with long legs, closed the door and walked to the front of the car to wait.

She glared hard at the gangsters and suppressed their attempts to come forward to harass her.

V, who grew up on the streets, has a deep understanding of the rule of survival that the ruthless is king. Even if he cannot defeat the opponent, he must let others know that he is a tough scumbag who is not easy to mess with.

Several street gangsters were stunned for a while. After feeling the sharp gaze, they stopped and dispersed in disgrace.

V looked at the time and saw that it was almost the appointed time and Tang Yu hadn't come down yet.

His mood was not beautiful, and he said to himself: "It's only ten seconds away. As promised, if you are late, you will be charged double the reward."

Just when she thought she was going to earn two dollars from one job, a familiar voice sounded in her ears.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's drive off. I'm in a hurry." Tang Yu waved his hand in front of her eyes and asked, "V-child?"

V's face suddenly fell. As he watched Tang Yu get into the passenger seat, he couldn't help but muttered: "Why are you so arrogant? Who are you showing off to in such handsome clothes? How busy are you when you go to a high-end club in broad daylight?"

She received a message from Tang Yu early in the morning, requesting to drive to Rayfield and follow him to an unknown high-end club, and offered a reward that she couldn't refuse.

V has nothing to do at home these days, and Jack has arranged a few commissions for her, but she is used to making a lot of money, so she still wants to wait a little longer.

Opening the scissor car door, V sank into the car and heard Tang Yu ask her what she was mumbling outside.

V quickly explained perfunctorily: "Nothing, I just want to know if you want to go to the club to have fun because you are so handsome today."

Tang Yu said with a smile: "I'm not looking for fun, I'm looking for fun for you. Let's go."

V couldn't figure out what he was talking about, so he stepped on the accelerator and headed straight towards his destination in Taiping Prefecture.

Not long after, the two arrived at the underground club, located in the underground parking lot of an abandoned hotel in Taiping Prefecture.

The place was very hidden, and V felt that if Tang Yu hadn't brought her here, she might never have found this place in her life.

"You can open a club in a place like this. How did you find this place?" V followed Tang Yu through the abandoned parking lot, went down the steps from a safe passage, and stood at the corner to see the entrance of the club.

Two electronic robots held heavy machine guns and stood guard at the door. Their single round prosthetic eyes emitted red light and were alert to all unusual movements around them.

Tang Yu did not show up rashly, but stood at the corner and said: "Where there is a club, there will be wine and beauties. It just so happens that Lizzy Bar has both, so you can find out. This is not the point. The point is that it depends on you now. "

V looked at Tang Yu doubtfully: "Rely on me?"

Tang Yu had no choice but to explain again: "Of course you smash it in with your iron fist. Is it possible for me to argue with the two robots?"

V was speechless. He thought that Tang Yu would be able to come here without any obstruction. He said hello like an old customer and went in. He spent a long time just to ruin the place.

She didn't care what Tang Yu's intentions were, anyway, it was easy and clear to get money.

V's prosthetic eyes turned, activated the whole body combat implant, and after a brief warm-up, he clenched his iron fist.


She dodged around the corner so fast that she could almost only see the afterimage.

There was a crackling and clanking sound, and by the time Tang Yu walked to the door of the club, the two robots had fallen apart.

At this time, the club's red alert also lit up.

Tang Yu winked and asked her to open the electronic gate.

V turned around and faced the electronic gate, rolled his eyes upwards, raised his iron fist and hit the access controller hard.


After a burst of sparks and white smoke came out, she jammed her hands into the gap of the electronic gate and opened it with all her strength.

"Fuck, what kind of stupid door?" Seeing that the door was stuck tightly, V raised his fist and punched the access controller several times.

She pushed it hard again, and the electronic gate was forced open.

But before she could see clearly what was going on inside the club, the bullet grazed her ear.

The two hurriedly hid by the door, and bullets hit the door panel, causing bursts of sparks.

V glanced at Tang Yu angrily: "You didn't say the job was so big at the beginning, and we couldn't agree on the previous price."

Tang Yu was free and easy, and said bluntly: "Isn't it just to increase the money? Is it okay to pay double?"

"That's pretty much it. I'm going to have to put in a lot of effort to get this job straightened out. Just stand here and don't move around. It's none of my business if you accidentally injure yourself."

After V finished speaking, he activated Si'an Westan again and entered the club.

Tang Yu waited quietly outside. The movement inside was much louder than before, and there were probably a lot of robots arranged.

With nothing to do, he kicked the remains of the robot on the ground and saw the Kangtao logo printed on the back of the machine.

After a while.

The noise of the crowd came from the club, and many people walked out angrily, cursing as they walked.

These people include company dogs in formal suits, street guys in gold and silver, and beauties in cool clothes.

After the people were almost dispersed and there was no movement in the club, Tang Yu turned around and entered the club.

The luxurious decoration has become tattered due to the battle just now, and the blue lanterns that were hit by stray bullets are still flickering with electric sparks.

V came to Tang Yu's side, looked at the robot wreckage all over the ground and complained: "How come the security here didn't see a single living person? I didn't plan to do anything, and I couldn't find anyone if I wanted to ask."

Tang Yu explained: "This club is owned by Kangtao Company. It is equipped with robots. Let's go and find the real owner."

The two of them walked through the hall and came to the VIP box area. Many of the box doors were wide open, filled with customers who had just lost their interest.

Tang Yu came to a private room without a house number and stopped.

V was about to open the gate, but was stopped by Tang Yu.

After two seconds, the electronic gate automatically slid open, and a man in a suit sat inside.

He wore gold-rimmed glasses. When he saw the two people coming in, his eyes looked a little anxious and his tone was quite helpless: "I didn't expect you to find yourself here."

Tang Yu walked in and said bluntly: "Anderson Herman, Night City is such a palm-sized place, there are always clues if you look for it."

Herman also stood up, spread his hands and tried to explain: "I didn't mean to refuse to contact you. I really have no choice. Arasaka Yorinobu didn't listen to my advice at all and insisted on using the immature software. relic biochip is on the market.”

Seeing that Herman was too nervous, Tang Yu said calmly: "Don't be too nervous, I'm not here to take you back to Kyoto."

Herman was a little confused and didn't seem to believe what the man in front of him said.

At the Kyoto R\u0026D Department, the information he heard about Tang Yu was basically negative.

He is a lone wolf, capable of doing things, ruthless to others, and pursues the supremacy of power and position. He is deeply favored by the Arasaka family.

He was just a R\u0026D engineer and did not want to get involved in a dangerous power struggle, so he found an excuse to run to Night City and temporarily hide in this club.

Tang Yu asked casually: "Do you want to escape to Kangtao? I don't think this idea is very good."

Herman's thoughts were pierced by the words, and he said helplessly and honestly: "This is just my alternative plan. You know, no matter where I hide, Arasaka will not let me go. The key technology for the development of relic biochips is in This is the only bargaining chip in my hand."

Tang Yu denied his statement: "No, no, no, don't talk so harshly first."

He looked around and continued: "It's okay to hide in a corner all the time. Follow me back to Arasaka Tower. At least your personal safety is guaranteed. There are too many people watching you outside."

Tang Yu did not lie to Herman. He held the core technology of the Relic biochip in his hand. Ye's company was almost drooling when he looked at him. In addition, there were still a large number of robots around. If Mr. Blue Eyes knew about it, he would probably laugh in his dreams. Awake.

Herman still wanted to refuse, but after seeing the helpers brought by Tang Yu, who single-handedly defeated all the security forces, he knew that he had no room for refusal.

In order to completely settle Herman, Tang Yu said something that shocked him.

"The relic biochip that Arasaka Yorinobu stole from your laboratory must contain Johnny Silverhand's soul mark."

Anderson Herman suddenly looked at Tang Yu, his eyes full of surprise, and he couldn't believe these words came out of his mouth.

Only the core members of the Arasaka family knew this information. He was worried that Yorinobu would make a big mistake by using the Silver Hand digital seal, so he ran to Night City to avoid the limelight.

The successful launch of the biochip will at most affect Arasaka's interests, but Johnny's digital soul can even shatter Saburo Arasaka's dream.

After being shocked, Herman gradually accepted this fact and said with a wry smile: "It seems that Mr. Saburo Arasaka values ​​you much more than me, no, it should be much higher than everyone imagined. You said It’s good, but it’s not entirely right.”

Tang Yu was a little curious. Could it be that Lai Xuan took other things along with him?

Herman continued to explain: "Yorinobu Arasaka did take the relic biochip from the laboratory, which contained Johnny Silverhand's digital soul mark. At the same time, he also took away two other experimental chips. version 2.5 of relic biochip."

Three coins were taken away?

Tang Yu always thought that the only thing Lai Xuan held was the one in Johnny's silver hand.

What does Lai Xuan want to do with three biochips?

He quickly judged Yori Xuan's intentions. One was used to make deals with network surveillance, and the other was used to launch the product. What about the other one?

It is unknown at the moment.

On the other hand, V on the side was confused when he heard the conversation between the two of them, feeling that he was inexplicably involved in a very serious incident.

But Tang Yu did not avoid her existence. The more he listened, the more he discovered that there was a shocking inside story hidden inside.

She sighed helplessly, if she had known better, she would have just waited outside and worked for the man in a suit, never a small one.

None tonight!

PS: I was just shocked to hear that the boss of ‘Yeshu Biao’ has joined the alliance. I’m so excited. I wish the boss a prosperous new year and great success!

I was deeply touched by the words of encouragement from the boss in the comment area.

Instant Noodles thinks the same way. I insist on writing a complete story. On this basis, it would be better if it can be more exciting. I strive to write my own style.

The comment area has been opened for fans to express their opinions. Some of the comments are dissatisfied with the money spent on this book, so they are qualified to say a few words.

But instant noodles cannot be changed. After all, writing books cannot satisfy everyone's taste, and the level of writing books is gradually improving. You may have stepped on some mistakes without knowing it.

But it doesn't matter.

Writing the story you want is the most important thing.


Once again, I would like to thank the leader of ‘Ye Shu Biao’ for accompanying me and supporting me all the way till now.

Thank you for your support. I will leave more words to the end of the volume for summary.

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