Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 210 Premonition

Arasaka Tower, Public Relations Department.

In the minister's office, Tang Yu was sitting on an office chair, holding a teacup in his hand and making a phone call in a leisurely manner.

On the other end of the phone, Meredith smiled and said, "Why, you only invited me to attend the press conference. Are there no other arrangements?"

Tang Yu's tone was a little helpless: "The higher-ups have given me full authority to organize this product launch. The invitation list given to me is all well-known people in Night City. Just this call requires a lot of calls."

"This is rare. It's rare to see you working so hard for Arasaka. Leave it to me to arrange the military technology. I had your strong assist last time. I have to praise you this time." Meirui Dis has been in a good mood during this period, especially after receiving Tang Yu's call, good things happened every time.

Tang Yu saw that she didn't ask any more questions, so he didn't go into details. Anyway, the Relic biochip will be made public at the press conference.

Now he can't stop Arasaka Yorinobu from being stubborn, so he can only take one step at a time and wait and see.

Product launches can be held, but Relic biochips must not be put on the market.

He caught Anderson Herman, and the two had secretly reached a cooperation. Herman was responsible for announcing the problems of Relic at the press conference and sabotaging the listing plan.

Tang Yu was responsible for protecting Herman's life and sending him back to the Arasaka headquarters in Kyoto to survive.

As long as the flaws in Relic biochip technology are exposed, no one will be stupid enough to be a guinea pig at this time.

But it is foreseeable that a large number of celebrities will be crazy about this digital immortality plan.

Relic biochip research and development technology is indeed immature now, but it does not represent the future research and development status.

Arasaka's scientific research power is enough to convince everyone in the world.

Tang Yu thought there was no problem in organizing the press conference, but when he saw the list given by the boss, he felt something was wrong.

All the top executives of the company, including the powerful and famous, such a large group of ruthless characters gathered in the company square.

If a cannon were thrown, the entire Night City would probably be turned upside down.

Tang Yu clearly remembers that the concept of the Iron Lotus Brotherhood when it was first established was to assassinate the actual controllers of major companies, hoping to use such extreme means to dismantle the company's power.

He seriously doubted Ye Bai Xianzhi's intention to instigate Lai Xuan to hold this press conference.

Instead of using immature relic biochips to go on the market, they tricked a group of high-level celebrities into killing them, causing Night City to boycott the project.

It would be better to circle up the entire Night City celebrities and kill them all, directly lighting the fuse and exploding the hostility of the companies towards Arasaka.

Think about this.

Tang Yu feels that the product launch event must be carefully considered to avoid big mistakes.

The key is that he already has some kind of ominous premonition that he may be unable to survive.

Caught between Saburo and Yorinobu, he was unknowingly forced to embark on a very dangerous and narrow road.

He increasingly felt that it was necessary to give Arasaka Yorinobu a warning. If he allowed Yorinobu to continue like this, he would be played to death by Saburo sooner or later.

Tang Yu put his thoughts away and was about to contact the next company when he received a call from Gloria.

"Mr. Tang, is it convenient now?"

"Well, tell me what's going on."

Tang Yu recruited his subordinates and gave him the remaining communication tasks, allowing him to continue to be responsible for related matters.

Gloria said cautiously: "I received information from the Mox sisters, saying that someone has been secretly snooping on my information recently, and it was confirmed that it was Arasaka's backstabbing."

Tang Yu felt that this premonition might have hit the target.

Arasaka's hidden stakes were used to collect information about Gloria, and it was most likely related to Susan Abernathy.

He thought of what happened to Kate last time and realized that she might already have something in her hands, and it would be necessary to go to Saburo Arasaka's office later.

Tang Yu thought about it, stabilized Gloria on the other end of the phone, and warned: "I know, remember, you must be with Sasha."

"Well, actually, I'm not afraid, but you have to pay attention to your safety." Gloria's voice was low, but her tone was full of deep concern.

She felt guilty and sad because Tang Yu had been implicated in her own affairs.

The people in Arasaka were trying to find out the details about her, just because they found clues about David's identity and suspected Tang Yu.

When Tang Yu arranged for David to join the Counterintelligence Department as an intern, he actually took risks like today.

Gloria thought of the vicious woman who unexpectedly visited David in David's hospital room that day - Susan Abernathy, director of special operations for Arasaka Corporation.

She learned from David that this vicious woman was a sworn enemy of Tang Yu.

From this, we can understand that Tang Yu's struggle in the company is so stressful that a small problem can affect his whole body at any time, causing a life-or-death crisis.

Gloria now seriously doubts whether her original decision was correct. Was sending David to work at Arasaka Tower really the best decision?

David seemed unhappy and caused more and more trouble to Tang Yu.

She was in a dilemma, not knowing how to break out of this suffocating situation.

"Don't worry, I'm here."


When she heard Tang Yu's simple words, she felt an infinite sense of security in her heart, which pulled her drowning heart out of the bottom of the sea.

Warm tears flowed down uncontrollably.

When Tang Yu heard that Gloria had been silent, he thought she was still worried about her identity, so he said some words of relief.

Gloria covered her mouth and suppressed her sobs. It wasn't until Tang Yu hung up the phone that she released her tight tear nerve. She couldn't hold back any longer, letting the tears flow freely across her cheeks, and cried loudly.

She placed her palm gently on her slightly bulging belly, her eyes gentle but firm.

Tang Yu ended the call and realized that the situation had become urgent.

Susan Abernathy may have followed suit and found out that Gloria was the middleman she supported.

With her behavior, she would inevitably carry out assassination threats and oppression. Fortunately, Sasha was always watching over her, so there was no need to worry about safety issues for the time being.

Moreover, the value of Gloria's existence was more to threaten him. As long as he was still in this position, Gloria would have personal safety.

Tang Yu decided to go to Saburo Arasaka's office first, looking for a suitable opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the stinky cousin who was still alive today.

Tang Yu didn't want to use assassination unless he had to.

Whether you do it yourself or arrange for others to assassinate an Arasaka executive, you will face extremely terrifying risks and pressures.

He didn't want someone he trusted to risk his life for this unworthy cousin.

Tang Yu had just stood up and received another call from V. He had a bad premonition for no reason.

After answering the phone, V said simply and decisively.

"Don, Jack just took a huge order. Do you know who sent it to him?"

A flash of lightning flashed through Tang Yu's mind, as if he had some enlightenment, as if all the things that he couldn't figure out and couldn't see at the time were penetrated at this moment.

"It's Dexter Sean."

V complained: "Fuck, you even know this? You are too well-informed, right? That fat black guy just returned to Night City and he made a big deal. It was Jack who pulled the strings and invited me to join him." Work, guess what it is?"

"Go to Arasaka Yorinobu's room in the penthouse suite of Kanbi Building to steal a piece of goods. You must first go to the Uzumaki Gang to get a robot named Xiaopingtou, and then contact Evelyn Parker to confirm the action plan. Then you can start working." Tang Yu took his time and told everything. These were all things he had personally participated in back then.

V: "."

"Did you install a monitor in my head? I'm afraid the eyes Lao Wei installed for me are not clean. Can I still have some privacy?" V heard Tang Yu say exactly In all cases, it was a surprise.

Tang Yu explained: "What do I do in Arasaka?"

V thought for a while and said: "Now we are engaged in relations, but in the past we were engaged in intelligence."

"Isn't that right? No big deal in Night City can escape my grasp." Tang Yu said confidently.

"Are you really that awesome?" V was a little unconvinced, but he believed most of it. After all, he could guess every detail. It was absolutely impossible without some intelligence skills.

Now she felt as if there were Tang Yu's spies in the entire Night City, opening their faint blood-red eyes in unnoticed corners to help him monitor and spy on everything.

V shook his head, getting rid of this nonsensical thought, and asked: "Then do you want me to take this job?"

"Take it, why don't you pick it up? I got the goods from Kanbi Building. If you're crazy, Fatty Hei, just give the stuff to me."

V: "."

"After all, I am trustworthy. If I accept this task, how can I kill the middleman with my backhand? Will I still be able to hang out in this place if word spreads about it?"

Tang Yu: "Don't worry, your work will not be in vain. This is the last order I send you. Get the goods and kill Deshaun. From now on, the debt will be written off. If everything goes well, we can go for a drive together." .”

V was caught off guard by Tang Yu's sudden words. He didn't know what to say and could only speak vaguely.

"Wearing a suit, what's wrong with you today? Have you suddenly thought about it, or are you tired of life?"

She didn't quite understand how Tang Yu, who had always been stingy and always worried about loans, was willing to write off such a huge sum of money.

In other words, she may not be used to a life without debt.

Hearing Tang Yu's words, I felt inexplicably empty.

Tang Yu said that everything was normal, and told V that the value of this order was indeed very high, and he would definitely become famous all over the world if he did it well.

V never thought about this question at all, but asked: "Do you hate Fat Black Man that much? Do you have to kill him?"

Tang Yu said with great certainty: "Yes, we must kill him, because he once killed my best friend."

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