Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 230 Soaring into the sky

"Hahaha, that's so interesting."

Lucy's eyes were filled with intense light, and she continued to climb toward the clouds in the wind, while waves of whistling passed by her ears.

She felt like a soaring bird, flying higher and farther.

The cheerful and wanton shouting had just sounded, but it quickly dissipated in the sky without a trace of echo.

Tang Yu followed her, gently holding the soles of her feet with his palms, and sent her off again to a higher place.

The surface of the earth and the sea shrank sharply, and the City of Night gradually condensed from a curtain of light into a circle of light, and then turned into a bright spot of light dotted on the west coast.

Because of the high-altitude environment problem, Tang Yu could clearly feel that the temperature and oxygen content around him began to drop, but it had little impact on them.

As a cyber hacker, Lucy has a high degree of implant modification. In addition, she has been soaked in ice water all year round, so she has a certain ability to resist freezing and replenish oxygen.

As the two climbed to the lower clouds, Tang Yu controlled the strength of the force field to stay at this height. There happened to be a certain amount of clouds floating here. You could see the scene of the rocket taking off from the bottom. When the clouds and fog thinned, you could see the moon from the top.

The two of them floated above the clouds and shuttled freely between the clouds and mist.

Lucy looked back at Tang Yu who was chasing behind her, and asked with a smile: "Can you still hold on?"

Tang Yu gave her a no problem gesture, and then asked: "Is it fun?"

"Can it be more fun?" Lucy was swimming in the clouds without any fear.

Tang Yu stretched out his hand to her, and a weak blue arc extended from his fingertips.

Lucy also raised her hand, and her fingertips touched the blue arc of electricity, and a numb feeling quickly spread throughout her body.

She felt something different.

For an instant, it seemed as if he could freely control his own force field, moving and turning at will.

The blue electric arc became the induction bridge connecting her and Tang Yu, and every thought she had seemed to be accurately transmitted to Tang Yu's heart.

Tang Yu used weak electric control to read the bioelectric information in Lucy's brain, and instantly controlled the force field around her to achieve her 'free flight'.

As if she had played to her heart's content, Lucy stopped flying, slowly fell to Tang Yu, and sat on the edge of the clouds.

Tang Yu sat on the "cloud" and looked at the sky and the sea together.

"Have you really thought about it?" Lucy asked quietly.

After the company square incident, Tang Yu was basically completely isolated from the company. After major companies learned that he had mysterious powers, he could no longer stay alone.

Even if the consequences were worse, the scene in her dream might become reality.

Tang Yu nodded slightly: "I've thought about it, there are always some things that have a higher meaning."

Lucy looked sideways at Tang Yu. The person in front of her seemed to have changed, but also seemed to have stayed the same. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Is it more powerful than your position in the company? To be honest, I have always thought that you are very suitable to be a senior executive of the company. , he looks quite handsome in a suit, ha."

Tang Yu stretched out his palm and watched the clouds in front of him move slowly with the wind and flow between his fingers. He sighed: "Actually, I feel the same way."

Lucy smiled angrily and said, "I really do have you."

She withdrew her gaze, suddenly took out the cigarette holder from her pocket, picked two long cigarettes, bit one herself, and handed the other to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu opened his mouth, and the cigarette in Lucy's hand floated and fell into his mouth. Then a flash of lightning flashed and the cigarette butt spontaneously ignited.

Lucy caught a glimpse of his flashy behavior and joked: "It seems that you have become more and more free after leaving your job. You didn't play like this before."

As she spoke, Lucy put the cigarette into her mouth. Just when she was about to light it, the same electric spark lit up, lighting the cigarette in advance.

She was stunned for a while, then complained helplessly: "Be careful, be careful of lightning strikes."

Tang Yu just smiled.

The two smoked for a while. After Tang Yu finished disposing of the cigarette, he flicked the cigarette butt out gracefully, his eyes followed the sparks, and finally disappeared into the wild wind.

Lucy's eyes were calm and she said softly: "Actually, you don't have to get to where you are today. It's hard to get any good results if you go against the company in this world."

"After leaving Arasaka, you can no longer hide like before. Everything you do will be restricted, even yourself."

She worries that Tang Yu's future path will be much more difficult than before. Although he has mastered mysterious powers that surpass ordinary people, he is only an individual after all.

The company controls the world and the rules. In this duel, they can lose many times, but as long as Tang Yu loses once, there is no possibility of recovery.

After the big incident in the company square, Lucy thought deeply about this issue.

Tang Yu is very strong, even strong enough to fight against the company and destroy the city, but he worries and cares too much, and staying in Night City has become his fatal weakness.

Sometimes, Lucy would rather Tang Yu be more ruthless and decisive, really leave Night City and never come back.

Tang Yu understood Lucy's thoughts, but he had never been a person who liked to escape.

"Do you want to experience how I feel?"

Lucy looked at Tang Yu again, with a little doubt in her eyes.

Tang Yu continued to explain: "Just like the same rocket taking off, different people will have different feelings."

The two of them lowered their heads and looked at the scattered launch platforms on the distant sea.

The rocket ignited its tail flame and the launcher detached.

Under the thrust of the huge flame spray, the rocket began to slowly lift off, and the arrow climbed toward the night sky section by section.

Immediately afterwards.

Various images suddenly began to appear in Lucy's mind, as if she was playing a first-person perspective movie or experiencing a Mewtwo in person.

Companies, wandering, rock and roll, concerts, brain-burning by hackers, body reconstruction, bars in the afterlife, until a nuclear explosion ended all stories.

Reluctance, indulgence, happiness, madness, murderous intent, and inability to calm down all kinds of emotions linger in my heart.

In a short period of time, Lucy saw countless scenes that she had never seen before, and she knew very well that these were the pictures in Tang Yu's mind.

Is it a dream?

Or is it a real experience?

Lucy's eyes were horrified, and she didn't know how to express the shock in her heart at this time.

Tang Yu selected some of the wonderful life scenes from the previous life and passed them into Lucy's mind, allowing her to truly feel her past feelings so that she could understand her current choices.


Lucy heard another faint heartbeat, thump thump, getting stronger.

The beating rhythm of her heart muscles gradually became one beat with her heartbeat, contracting with the same rhythm in different bodies.

She seemed to be able to feel the feelings and emotions of another body, and her soul seemed to be integrated into the other body.

A weak current evoked an electric shock-like sensation.

The two gradually raised their heads and met each other's eyes. A power that transcended physical space instantly filled their hearts, and then passed into each other's hearts through the arc.

High in the clouds, telepathic, this wonderful experience produces an unparalleled chemical reaction.

Lucy could clearly feel a strange feeling rising as the rocket took off.

Tang Yu said with some embarrassment: "It seems that there is no way to watch the rocket take off."

The words just fell.

The mouth was blocked by a piece of coldness, full of tenderness, and fell into a double deep exchange of spiritual and material things.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the rocket rose from the ground and began to enter the accelerated flight stage after getting rid of the initial gravity of the ground.

After dozens of seconds, the rocket began to slowly change in the predetermined direction according to the predetermined procedure.

About two minutes later, after climbing to a certain altitude, the first-stage rocket engine shut down and separated.

The second stage then ignites and continues to accelerate. At this time, the rocket is close to the dense atmosphere and continues to gallop into outer space.

The huge rocket passed through the clouds where the two of them were, stirring up the clouds and mist and creating waves of wind and waves.

The rocket breaks out of the dense atmosphere and reaches the predetermined speed and altitude. The third-stage rocket engine shuts down and separates, and the accelerated flight phase ends.


Under the influence of the planet's gravity, the rocket enters the inertial flight stage and slowly reaches a position tangent to the predetermined orbit.

At this time, the third-stage rocket engine ignited and began the final acceleration phase of flight.

Accelerating to a certain speed again, the third-stage engine shuts down, the rocket slowly approaches the moon, reaches the designated position and begins to adjust for landing.

Until it successfully lands on the lunar base, the rocket's mission is completed.

The sky gradually lit up with a touch of fish belly white.

Tang Yu was sitting in front of the bay window, looking at the empty launch platform on the sea in the distance, and was surprised to find that two lines of nosebleeds had flowed out from nowhere.

He must have been in the cloud for too long, which resulted in excessive mental and physical exertion.

He raised his hand to wipe away the nosebleed, picked up the stupid monkey beside him and took a sip to add some sugar.

Lucy might have been too tired and had fallen asleep in the bedroom, but he had no intention of sleeping.

Not long ago, Lucy told him what happened on the dive that day.

All the Arasaka hackers arranged by Yorinobu were killed by Ott Cunningham, and even the network monitoring agents who were supervising the transactions did not escape death.

Ultra no longer has normal human emotions. In her opinion, uploading a digital soul to cyberspace is only death in a biological sense, but is actually another continuation of everyone's life.

But the crux of the matter is that Otto let Lucy go and sent her back safely.

Tang Yu knew that Ott must have known something before he made such an arrangement.

He had checked that Lucy's body was clean in all aspects and had not been tampered with.

Perhaps Otto is sending a signal of hope for cooperation. After all, the real obstacle standing in the way of AI now is Tang Yu, and he is right.

The original body has not been transformed and cannot be brainwashed. He has mastered supernatural and mysterious powers, and can even directly invade electronic devices and launch attacks on them at the network level. It is normal for the circulating AI to be afraid of him.

Similarly, Otto may be preparing for a bigger move and wants to use Lucy's point to achieve his goal.

"Ultra Johnny Rogue"

The Relic biochip containing Johnny's silver hand is still in Rogge's hands. It's time to go find her, settle Johnny's old relationship, and prepare some gifts to take with her.

None tonight!

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