Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 232 Old Lover

In the private room of the Afterlife Bar, the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy.

After listening to Tang Yu's detailed account, V immediately understood the serious consequences of implanting a relic biochip into the brain, which is like being infected with a chronic virus that cannot be eradicated and can only passively wait for the death of consciousness.

If you're lucky, if you successfully activate the relic biochip, you can transfer this body to another person.

V looked at Rogge who was sitting in the main seat, worried that she might not be able to accept such a result.

But Rogge's performance exceeded V's expectations.

Rogge, who was silent at first, smiled with relief: "It saves you some trouble. There is no problem on my side."

Then she looked at Tang Yu solemnly and said very seriously: "I may need to trouble you to help me activate the soul imprint on the chip."

Rogge looked relaxed. In her eyes, such shocking news seemed to be no different from routine.

Regarding the queen of the afterlife, Tang Yu believes that she has always had her own opinion.

This is what Roger owes to Johnny, and this is what Johnny owes to Roger.

Originally, Tang Yu wanted to wait for the complete relic biochip to be obtained, and use his knowledge and talents to cooperate with Anderson Herman to push the relic biochip version one step further, so as to resurrect Johnny in a better way. body.

Now it seems that this is no longer necessary. Forcibly removing the Relic biochip from Rogge's brain will cause unpredictable damage to both of them.

The only thing that can be done is to go with the flow and activate the relic biochip in Rogge's brain so that Johnny can reappear in her world.

Faced with Rogge's request, Tang Yu could only help her complete this idea.

In fact, before deciding to go to the Afterlife Bar to find Rogge, Tang Yu probably guessed what choice Rogge would make in the event of an accidental damage to the safe.

There is also some selfishness on his part here. Rather than giving Johnny another body to waste, perhaps it would be more meaningful to spend some intimate life time with Roger.

Even if Johnny doesn't admit it himself, Tang Yu firmly believes that they are the most suitable and they owe each other.

Tang Yu agreed to Rogge's request and said without going into details: "If you are ready, you can contact me at any time. You can think about it carefully during this time."

V felt that Tang Yu was right. Transferring your body to another person so rashly requires a more careful decision. Even the queen in the next life may be in trouble.

"Just wait a little longer, maybe Johnny won't appreciate your kindness."

Rogge still insisted: "No need to wait, just do it now. I owe him this. Besides, all the regrets in my life have been made up for."

"I founded the next life, got married, and had children. The children are studying in college abroad and are about to graduate. If I have any regrets, it is that I want to meet him."

"Oh, it makes me laugh when I think about Johnny trapped in my head, maybe crying and begging me."

"Tang, you should understand me. You have your choice, and I have mine."

That’s it for now.

Roger easily made a decision that would affect the rest of his life. Seeing Johnny was more important than anything else.

"Do I need to prepare a special place, or are you going to take aim and shoot me in the brain?"

Tang Yu took out several things from his pocket and placed them flat on the table. They included a cardiotonic pill, a box of pills, and a graphics card chip.

After placing the object, a weak blue arc appeared on his fingertips, gradually extending to Rogge's brain, invading her biological brain and prosthetic components, and enveloping the relic biochip.

Rogge felt something strange in his mind, as if he accepted the arrangement of the god of fate, and gradually closed his eyes, waiting for a new life, and the rest of his life.

V couldn't help but look a little solemn, realizing that Tang Yu might want to 'kill' Rogge here.

She found Tang Yu's stretched out hand and asked with some confusion: "What?"

Tang Yu smiled and asked, "Want to meet the famous Johnny Silverhand?"

V was stunned for a while, slightly hesitant, and gently placed his hand in Tang Yu's palm, and then was held tightly.

A warm feeling gradually spread from the palm of her hand to her whole body and reached her brain. She seemed to feel something different, like she had a wonderful spiritual resonance with another person.


V's vision went dark, and his entire body seemed to have shut down, falling into endless darkness.

The chaotic darkness made her unable to find her direction, and she looked around confusedly, trying to see where she was.

In a daze, V felt a warm hand reach out and hold her hand tightly.

Then she looked up and was surprised to find that Tang Yu had come to her side at some point and led her back and forth.

Tang Yu is blue, and she is also blue, just like a body constructed from a series of data streams, moving forward in a dark world.


They came to a data space, which was also made up of strings of data. From a structural point of view, it looked like an afterlife bar.

V noticed a red shadowy man sitting on the bar, a man with long hair parted in the middle and wearing sunglasses.

The man muttered alone: ​​"What the hell is this Taima place? There isn't even a decent glass of wine. Where are the people? Where are the people?! Fuck, where did everyone die? Arasaka, yes, it must be Arasaka's conspiracy!"

The man seemed to have noticed Tang Yu and the others. He suddenly turned his head and appeared in front of him like a ghost. He asked fiercely: "Who are you riding on the horse? Why am I here?"

Before they could answer, another figure appeared behind the red shadow and said, "Johnny, it's me."

"Roger?" Johnny looked back. Although his expression did not change, his tone revealed deep doubts.

V looked at the conversation taking place in front of him, feeling a little unbelievable that the red shadow man was actually the famous Johnny Silverhand.

This also means that Johnny Silverhand's soul mark is activated in Rogge's mind.

Johnny no longer paid attention to Tang Yu and the others, but flashed in front of Rogge and asked: "Arasaka asked you to do this. Where is this place? Is it related to Ultra?!"

Rogge snorted and said helplessly: "Oh, you remember fucking Arasaka and that Guo'er after you woke up. It's no wonder, after all, that's how you died in the first place."

When old lovers meet, the topics they talk about are always a bit explosive, so Tang Yu has no choice but to interrupt.

"Johnny, this is Rogge's brain. If you have anything to say, please go outside. The relic biochip has been activated. Your burned brain needs to be properly rested to recover."


Tang Yu took V out of Rogge's consciousness data space and returned to the bar box.

V seemed to have had a brief dream, and suddenly, his consciousness returned to his body and woke up.

She opened her eyes in confusion, and her heart skipped a beat. She saw Rogge slumped on the sofa, his head hanging down weakly. Electric sparks were still coming out of the biological neural interface, as if his brain had just been burned off.

Seeing the cardiotonic drug on the table, V picked it up without hesitation, jumped forward and pierced Rogge's heart with a needle, injecting all the drug into it.

Rogge, whose brain had been burned away, completely lost his vital signs and was leaning motionless on the sofa.

V looked at Roger nervously, worried about an accident.

As the cardiotonic drug was injected into his body, a moment later, the originally dead Rogge seemed to wake up from a nightmare. He opened his mouth and took a sudden breath of air, coughing several times in succession to regain his breath.

V supported her and patted her back gently: "Roger, are you feeling better?"

Rogge was so choked that she couldn't speak for a long time. She had just escaped from the hell gate, which caused a huge impact on her body and mind.

She tried to stabilize her emotions and become more conscious, but the endless sleepiness seemed to come in and swallow her up.

His eyelids were about to lose their hold. As he opened and closed his eyes, Roger saw the familiar figure of Johnny, squatting on the bar next to V. He asked unhappily while wearing sunglasses.

"Roger, don't play this trick of pretending to be dead with me, get up quickly and make things clear."

"Who are these two, people from Arasaka? What are you conspiring to do together?"

"I want to get out of your body, don't even think about locking me here, do you hear me?"

Hearing Johnny's curse, Roger just smiled and said nothing, gradually closed his eyes and fell into a dark sleep.

V shook Rogge and asked: "Rogge? Rogge? Wake up."

"Don't disturb her, just let her sleep for a few days. When she wakes up, everything will be normal. The relic biochip is deeply integrating to repair her burned out brain nerves." Tang Yu patiently explained at the side.

After speaking, Tang Yu handed the graphics card chip on the desktop to V and motioned for her to insert it into another biological nerve slot of Rogge.

V followed Tang Yu's instructions and helped Rogge embed the graphics card chip and read and run it.

It won't take long.

A figure, like a ghost, appeared next to V in an instant.

"Hey, is this the guy in Rogge's mind, Johnny Silverhand?" V looked at Johnny squatting on the table, feeling very strange.

Johnny could feel the eyes of the two people next to him, and flashed in front of Tang Yu again. He got very close and tried to grab his collar, but found that he had missed it.

"What?!" Johnny couldn't believe the fact before him. He seemed to have become a ghost-like existence, unable to contact this world. He really only existed in Rogge's brain.

Tang Yu planned to tell him the truth directly and explained: "Johnny, you are dead. After you nuclear bombed the Arasaka Tower, you were caught by Saburo Arasaka's people and used the soul killer program to turn it into a soul mark."

Johnny vaguely recalled that experience. He, Rogge, Spider Murphy, Thompson and others formed a team to attack Arasaka Tower at night.

Taking advantage of Johnny's stunned reaction, Tang Yu went on to describe how he was installed into Rogge's mind step by step, and finally activated, reappearing in the world as a digital ghost.

After listening to the explanation, Johnny gradually calmed down and said rather unwillingly: "Arasaka, I knew it was Arasaka who was riding a horse. It's Ultra's thing, Roger's thing, and now it's even me."

"Why do you want to get me out? I know, no one dares to get Arasaka now. You need someone like me to fight."

"Let me tell you, no matter how you treat me, it doesn't matter. As long as you can conquer Arasaka, it's worth it even if you become an electronic ghost."

V saw that Johnny's anger level against Arasaka was full, and he was full of words that he knew how to destroy Arasaka and the company, so he cursed in anger.

"Are you mentally ill or disabled? Rogge just died once in order to bring you back to life. Are you like this? Even a nuclear bomb can't destroy Arasaka. Do you still want everyone to accompany you to do it again? "

Johnny was severely scolded, but he was not as arrogant as before, but explained to himself: "You know nothing, I know what the company is like better than you."

V asked again: "Yes, you understand the company, but do you understand Rogge? She only has six months of conscious life left now. In six months, her soul will be destroyed by you, a savage donkey who only recognizes the company." Substitution, hey, are you satisfied?"

"She" Johnny looked at Rogge in surprise. He never thought that the final result would be like this.

The box fell into a long silence. Tang Yu stood up and prepared to leave, explaining before leaving.

"The pills on the table can put Roger's consciousness into a deep sleep, and you can take over her body for a short period of time."

"Johnny, in short, spend these six months with Roger. She has paid off what she owes you, and you owe her."

"There are a lot more."

Instant Noodles: “Super Invincible would like to thank the financial backer ‘Huntianhundi’ for becoming the new helmsman of this book.”

Johnny: "Then you have to give a speech or something."

Instant Noodles: "You can subscribe to this book several times for just 100 yuan! I'm really touched! It's because of the readers' support that I can reach one million words today."

V: "Of course, the readers support it and the author writes well. It is a wonderful interactive and creative experience!"

Rebecca: "Yanzu who rewards genuine reading for subscribing, please give me a thumbs up!"

PS: No tonight!

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