Arasaka Tower.

In an office half the size of a football field, little Michiko sat on the sofa, put out the cigar in her hand, and then threw it into the ashtray.

"I'm always satisfied with what you do. I just do what you say."

Little Michiko was so cheerful, which saved Tang Yu some words.

The two of them had just exchanged the information they had, and made predictions and countermeasures for the upcoming launch of the matrix space.

After the nuclear bomb code problem was solved and the Kujira aircraft carrier returned to Kyoto, Michiko's mood became significantly more stable.

Arasaka Yorinobu is gone, the board of directors is broken, Saburo is critically ill in Kyoto, the dove faction has an overwhelming advantage, and the Arasaka Tower in Night City is currently in her hands.

After one storm after another, little Michiko finally became the person who stood at the top of Arasaka Tower until the end.

She knew that all this success was inseparable from the man in front of her - Tang Yu.

Just now, Tang Yu mentioned the conspiracy behind Ye's company and the rogue AI, and that he must be prepared to deal with it in advance. In his words, he still looked like he was doing his best for Arasaka.

Xiao Michiko accepted everything Tang Yu proposed without rejecting it at all.

She immediately issued the instructions according to Tang Yu's opinion, and the board of directors approved it almost instantly and handed it over to the relevant departments.

After everything was arranged, little Michiko cheered up, leaned forward slightly, and stared at Tang Yu thoughtfully.

After a moment, she murmured and asked, her voice full of tenderness.

"Tang, I want to know if any of what you've worked hard to do is for me?"

Tang Yu glanced at the table. He didn't place a wine glass today. He suddenly said something drunk. Things in the workplace should not be taken seriously. They were just using each other to exchange value. If something really happened, it would be ridiculous.

He said in a nonchalant manner: "Each faction fights for its own master. Who made me branded as a dove?"

"The brand of the dove faction" Xiao Michiko showed a slight smile. Seeing Tang Yu tidying up his clothes and preparing to leave, he joked: "You are in a hurry to leave. Since everyone is their own master, why don't you explain to me?" What's going on with the guy in the building opposite, and what's going on with the guy at the Lizzy Bar?"

Tang Yu touched his nose and said with a guilty conscience: "I need it for work."

He has dealt with Aunt Mei too much, and many things cannot be completely concealed from others. The reason why he can still be so calm in the company must be that Michiko has covered some leaks for him.

Although Tang Yu doesn't plan to hang out in the company, it's better not to spread some rumors around.

"What a work need. It seems that you have completely devoted your body and mind to running Arasaka's errands. You are worthy of rewards. This is also my work need." Little Michiko bit her lip with silver teeth, straightened her waist and hunched over. Slowly kneeling and climbing onto the glass table, he got closer to Tang Yu little by little.

She breathed hot air and said softly: "You can get rid of Arasaka's identity, but you can't get rid of the mark of Dove. I really need you."

Falling into selflessness, like a hawk and a dove chasing each other.

Tang Yu asked in a deep voice.

"The matrix space will be activated soon. What we just discussed must be done as soon as possible."

"Well, you are still talking about work at this time. Don't worry. We have already asked people from the Special Operations Department to take care of it. It's up to you to concentrate more seriously. This is an order."

Arasaka R\u0026D Department.

David Martinez led the team out of the public elevator and went straight to the front desk of the R\u0026D department. After presenting the board of directors' instructions, he immediately turned and walked into the R\u0026D experimental center.

Tanaka, the director of the R\u0026D department, who had received instructions from his superiors, was already waiting at the entrance of the R\u0026D center, with his son Tanaka Katsuo standing next to him.

Katsuo didn't know what important situation had happened for the time being. It was rare to see his father go out in person to greet senior officials from other departments, which showed that his father valued the visitor today.

During his time working at Arasaka, he not only got started with R\u0026D work smoothly, but was also promoted two levels and became the deputy leader of the project team of the R\u0026D department. As long as he continues to work hard step by step, he will soon become a middle-level backbone of the R\u0026D department.

Katsuo hoped that one day he would be recognized by his father and praise him for his efforts and progress. As he thought about it, he couldn't help but secretly look up at his father. He still looked serious and indifferent.

At this time.

There were footsteps on the other side of the corridor. It should be the arrival of senior officials from other departments. Katsuo followed the sound.

David Martinez?

The leader of the group was someone he knew very well, a classmate who had been bullied by him for three years at Arasaka Academy.

With a heavy face, David Martinez came to Tanaka, the director of the R\u0026D department. The two sides reached out to hold each other's hands and said hello.

"Director Tanaka."

"Deputy Secretary Martinez."

Katsuo: "."

Although he had already known about David's rise in the Special Operations Department, when this moment came, he still couldn't help but feel sour in his heart. Looking at David's proud look, he couldn't scream.

"Katsuo, this is David Martinez, the new deputy director of the Special Operations Department. He was your classmate at Arasaka Academy." Tanaka said the word "classmate" very strongly.

Katsuo suppressed the grievance in his heart and opened his mouth to say hello with great embarrassment: "Hello, Deputy Minister Martinez."

David was once just a nobody in the class. Later, he was lucky enough to join the Arasaka Company as an intern. Thanks to Tang Yu's connections, he joined the Special Operations Department. Now he got lucky and got promoted several levels in a row. In just a short period of time, he became a veritable senior executive of the company. This made Katsuo feel extremely uncomfortable.

"The Special Operations Department has many tasks, so promotions will naturally go faster." He could only attribute his lagging behind to the department. If his father were the head of the Special Operations Department, it would definitely be a different world.

David didn't care about those things in the past. It didn't mean that he forgave Tanaka Katsuo for the harm he had done to him, but that he stood on a higher mountaintop and saw a higher scenery, so he naturally ignored the people at his feet. , it is not his character to retaliate for his anger.

"Long time no see, Katsuo."

After speaking, David brought up the topic and said that they would leave after taking the things.

Tanaka led David and his team into the R\u0026D Experiment Center, where a variety of experimental equipment and equipment were built and laid out. R\u0026D personnel from each project team gathered together to discuss project progress and problems.

Everyone came to a large glass jar. The blue liquid in the jar was soaked with a bright white brain. Several thin tubes hung from the top to connect it to maintain the oxygen and nutrients needed for the brain to survive. The glass jar On the silver table next to it, there is a burnt black mechanical skeleton cybernetic body.

David Martinez's pupils shrank and he stared at the brain in the vat in surprise. He knew very well that the human brain soaked in the glass jar was the existence that almost tore him apart in the dream - Adam's Hammer.

And the brain of such a legendary figure was now soaked alone in a glass jar, which made him feel a little sad.

Following the instructions from his superiors, Tanaka ordered the scientific researchers to take out the Adam Hammer brain, safely store it in a specific container, and then package it into a square safe.

At the same time, Tanaka asked his son to bring a black suitcase, and then handed it to David, which contained the Relic biochip.

David completed the work handover and left with the Adam Hammer and the Relic biochip.

When Katsuo saw the other party leaving, he asked his father with some confusion: "The project to reshape Adam's body has been cancelled? But isn't this the project designated by Director Yorinobu?"

Tanaka shouted seriously: "You are not allowed to mention members of the Arasaka family again. There is only one person in charge of Arasaka Tower now."

After saying that, the father and son looked at the ceiling at the same time.

In the director’s exclusive office on the top floor, pigeons are still jumping around.

"Well, you still mentioned work? If I don't take care of you today, you won't be honest. I've already arranged for someone to go there, so you don't need to worry."

"The spread of AI is such a big thing."

"No matter how big it is, it's not as big as yours. Well, you said they would invade Arasaka Tower. Why don't I believe it?"

"Do not believe?"

"Ah, I believe it, I believe it, hurry up and make arrangements."

In the shrine space below the Arasaka Tower, Sasha walked into this mysterious place under the leadership of Arasaka's personal bodyguards.

"Didn't you say Mr. Tang was looking for me? Where is this place?"

She looked around curiously and saw only a transparent glass wall that isolated the console and the internal space. There was a data core inside, glowing with bursts of red light.

The private bodyguard replied respectfully: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Tang will come down and explain to you later."

Sasha didn't ask any more questions and waited patiently.

The mikoshi space extends further down to the base of Arasaka Tower, where large transportation pipelines and various infrastructures are erected everywhere.

Rebecca carried the shotgun iron core and urged Pyrrha, who had been busy: "Brother, can you do it? We are here to dig a passage, not for you to blast and demolish the Arasaka Tower. What are you doing looking around?"

Pyrrha wore engineering probe glasses and stared at the ground to explore, comparing it with the foundation structure diagram in her hand from time to time.

"You don't understand. This time, the shortest possible time is required to open the passage to the matrix space below. It must be accurate to the smallest detail."

After exploring for a while, Pila called the Arasaka staff who was standing by, pointed at several points on the ground and ordered: "Mark here, here, and here, and then prepare the drilling machine. Go back and follow your superior, yes, Mr. Tang reported that it is estimated that it will take fifteen minutes to break through this thickness, and this time must be set aside no matter what."

Staff Arasaka received the order and immediately reported the situation on the scene to his superiors.

After reporting up the levels, the message reached the exclusive office of the director.

"There is progress. Adam Hammer's brain cannot be taken out for too long, or it will become deprived of oxygen."

"anything else?"

"The base of the Mikoshi space is ready, just waiting for you to go out and test it."


"It will take another fifteen minutes to penetrate the passage. You must persist for more than this time."

"no problem."

None tonight!

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