Cyberpunk: Legendary Life

Chapter 242 Arrival

In the luxurious hall of Wood Manor, senior executives from major companies gathered here wearing high-end suits.

They were holding wine glasses and gathered around in twos and threes, exchanging intelligence and news they had with each other, chatting and laughing.

"This time Arasaka Tower did not choose to access the services provided by the matrix space. Are you planning to build your own server for networking?"

"It's useless to build it yourself. In Night City, even the basic network nodes are built by Ye's Company. If you want to connect to the Internet, you must have Ye's help. Now Ye's Company provides a free server. If you can use it, why not use it. As for the core The data can be stored offline and locally, not to mention there is a contract agreement, so there is no need to worry about data leakage. If there is a problem, go to Ye's Company."

"I remember that Arasaka initially supported the use of matrix space services. Since the incident at the company plaza, Arasaka has become conservative and cautious. It seems that Arasaka's internal system has been severely damaged and it is easy for loopholes to be exploited. Wait for the internal system to be rebuilt and repaired. Once completed, it should reconnect to the matrix space. It is unreasonable that one of the giants of Night City cannot connect to the public network normally."

"Have you not received the information yet? Tang Yu, who openly resisted Arasaka, has returned to Night City. I heard that he had talked with Arasaka for several rounds and seems to want to stay in Arasaka Company and continue to work. He even retains his position."

"No way, he can still work in Arasaka? It's all thanks to him that Arasaka has fallen to this point. The news of returning to the city has long been spread underground, and many senior hunters in the company are watching closely. Waiting Then go poaching people."

"Who made his performance in the company square so explosive? Arasaka was eager to block all news about him, but how could such a thing be hidden? What I heard is that Saburo Arasaka is critically ill, and there are great differences of opinion within the Arasaka family. , I will naturally not let go of such a unique talent, and whoever gets him can stabilize Arasaka’s current situation.”

"That's not entirely true. Look, the people present at the scene are all young and unfamiliar faces. Although the accident in the company square implicated many company executives, there is no shortage of people in high positions."

There were heavy lights and shadows, and people were drinking wine. As Miriam Knight slid out in a suspended wheelchair, the sound in the entire hall gradually subsided.

"Everyone, I am honored to invite you here to witness the launch of Matrix Space and experience this historic moment together."

"My husband once built the foundation of this 'free' city with a dream, hoping that it would become a new benchmark for future cities around the world and provide the best place for all people with dreams."

“Intelligence, technology, convenience, tolerance, security, future, etc., will be the most distinctive labels of this city.”

"After the big accident in Company Square, the operating systems of major companies were severely damaged, infrastructure was severely damaged, and the entire city came to a standstill."

"This has sounded a new alarm for us, reminding us that we need a more harmonious and stable environment that can eradicate all dangers and adverse factors."

"Now, we will take a big step towards becoming smarter, more technological, more convenient and safer, and initially realize the interconnection of everything in the entire city."

"After activating the matrix space, we will obtain a purer network, a more convenient transportation system, a faster security response, and more intelligent prosthetic control."

"On behalf of myself, and my late husband Richard Knight, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support, which has enabled us to work together to achieve this dream today."


As soon as he finished speaking, the whole hall burst into thunderous applause, one wave after another, lasting for a long time.

Miriam Knight's old face squeezed out a smile, and she slowly looked around the people in the hall, smiling and applauding everywhere she looked.

At this moment, her old and turbid eyes burst out with gleaming light, and she could not suppress the excitement in her heart. Years of hard planning was about to become a reality.

The people in the audience have all been stained with her husband's blood, tarnishing the glory that this city should have.

Now she wants to take back the city from these people and avenge the company's robbery and the gang's bloody assassination.

Miriam Knight saw too clearly that these people in the audience were just vampires in human skins. After killing a bunch of them, they would put on another new skin and continue to stand high.

Only when everyone is connected to the great existence and abandons their selfish side can this city and this world truly become beautiful.

She smiled happily, happier than ever, and even waved to everyone in the audience when she left the stage, even though it took all her strength.

Miriam Knight returned to the backstage waiting room, her tired eyes almost unable to hold up.

A holographic blue figure slowly condensed and appeared, suspended in front of her eyes. Judging from the appearance, it was a woman.

She asked: "If you are willing, it is still too late. Physical death is not the end."

Miriam Knight smiled helplessly, her hoarse and weak voice extremely weak.

"When Richard leaves me, that's the end of me."

"Go ahead, there are more important things waiting for you."

"I want to sleep for a while"

After saying that, the old and tired Miriam Knight covered her wrinkled eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The blue holographic figure no longer stayed, floated towards the hall, and appeared in front of everyone again.

People stopped what they were doing and focused their eyes on the blue figure, waiting for the matrix space launching ceremony to begin.

"Today we will usher in the new life of this city"

The ethereal voice of the blue figure echoed in the hall, and with a wave of his delicate hand, a full-scale modeled image of Night City was broadcast.

Under the company square, a red light spot began to shine faintly, beating rhythmically like the heart of the city.


The red shimmer became brighter and brighter, becoming the brightest thing in the room and attracting all the attention.


The red light flourished, turning into lines of light with it as the center point, extending in all directions, constantly filling the various network lines.

The red light lights up company buildings, network nodes everywhere, traffic arteries, and electronic devices.

The originally dark city lit up again, as if it had a bright red life.

The company's senior executives looked up, all with a look of wonder on their faces, the shadow of the red city flashing in their pupils.

"Our company's public network services have returned to normal, and the previously damaged office systems are being repaired."

"The power supply system was successfully restarted and the causes of damage were identified."

"Traffic control systems in various places have resumed normal operation."

Pieces of good news continued to echo in the hall, and people were delighted to find that all the damaged systems were being restored in an orderly manner.

In a city full of red light, one building still stands alone, still dark and unlit, and that is Arasaka Tower.

at this time.

At the top of Arasaka Tower, the strong wind roared. David Martinez's whole body was tightly wrapped in the enhanced version of the prosthetic King Kong, and he stared at the distant sky with a pair of falcon-like eyes.

Several other company buildings in the company square have successfully activated matrix space services, and the office system has basically returned to normal. Only the interior of Arasaka Tower is still being repaired, and many defensive weapons are out of business.

Coupled with the big accident in the company square, Tang Yu killed too many well-trained Arasaka warriors. Although the number of manpower has been made up recently, the combat effectiveness is still far behind. In order to make up for the combat effectiveness, many elite warriors were also transferred from the Tiger Claw Gang. This was one of the few moments when Arasaka Tower was at its weakest.

David did not dare to neglect at all. The enemy might attack from the base or from the air. He deployed most of his troops to guard the base, and part of Arasaka's security personnel guarded the important elevators and checkpoints inside. He led a small number of elite teams to guard the roof to prevent air attacks.

The multi-layered transportation hub disc of the company square, the bottom three disc lanes have been officially opened to traffic, and vehicles like flowing water shuttle through it, forming several flowing haloes.

Suddenly, a large truck that was driving suddenly turned around and rushed towards the direction of Arasaka Tower regardless of the danger of falling from high altitude.

The large truck crashed through the guardrail that had just been built, rushed out of the three-story disc, and fell high.


The big truck exploded violently, setting off a fire and immediately blocking the traffic on the street.

Many people passing by also stopped and looked at the place where the incident occurred in surprise.

Immediately afterwards, another car sped out from the three-story disc. This time it rushed harder and further. It hit the ground with sparks after hitting the guardrail. The damaged car body slid forward for dozens of meters and was about to approach Arasaka. Tower base.


The sudden car crash seemed to be a signal for a charge. More and more cars flew out of the second and third floors of the disc, rushing to hit the ground and rushing towards Arasaka Tower.

This crazy move immediately caught David's attention. He stood on the top of the building and stared at the situation below. The situation gradually got out of control. Piles of cars crashed towards Arasaka Tower like crazy, and some hit the base wall. On the road, some hit the tails of other cars, one after another.

Soon, David received a report from the frontline team members.

"Commander! We found something unusual. More and more vehicles are piling up at the door. The behavior of those vehicle owners is no different from cyber lunatics. Please handle it!"

The attack begins.

David decisively ordered that everyone stand firm and were not allowed to leave Arasaka Tower. Anyone who broke into Arasaka Tower without permission would be shot and killed on the spot, no matter who they were.

Within a few minutes, there were piles of smashed vehicles in front of the base of Arasaka Tower, and liquefied alcohol was flowing everywhere.

These car owners completely ignored the risk of being shot, pushed open the car door and stumbled towards Arasaka Tower, their prosthetic eyes glowing with a faint blue light.

As the first group of out-of-control people approached the gate of Arasaka Tower, the Arasaka Elite Team did not hesitate to shoot, killing them at the gate.

Many people began to find that the vehicles they drove began to behave uncontrollably, switching radio stations arbitrarily, changing the navigation destination to Arasaka Tower at will, and even actively turning on the autonomous driving mode, accelerating and running rampant.

As the area around the base of the Arasaka Tower was filled with vehicles, the sparks from the iron sheet finally ignited the alcohol fuel, and a raging fire immediately ignited.

Bang! Rumble.

Flames shot into the sky, and the violent explosion set off high-temperature waves that broke through the windshields of surrounding vehicles.

The debris and debris flew out, and many of them hit the facade of Arasaka Tower, but they did not move at all.

"Activate level one alert!" David Martinez gave the order without hesitation.

A red alarm immediately lit up inside the entire Arasaka Tower, and the only remaining security smart weapon system began to operate.

The combat mech in the middle of the hall was on alert, its gun barrel stretched out and aimed at all non-Arasaka personnel.

The charge at the base of Arasaka Tower was still continuing, and it was not a big threat, but the attack from the other direction began again.

I saw a swarm of drones suddenly floating in the distance in the sky. The wings of the drones were spinning and buzzing, and small missiles were dragged out one after another.

call out! call out! call out!

The missile bombardment hit the hard shell surface of Arasaka Tower, leaving only a thermal explosion mark.

The heavy machine gun set up on the rooftop immediately launched a counterattack, and several tongues of flame instantly poured out bullets like a rain of bullets.


The drone swarm instantly exploded into sparks one after another, and the first wave of air strikes was resolved.

But David's expression did not relax at all, but became more solemn. The enemy's methods were definitely not limited to these.

It has only been less than three minutes since the opponent launched their attack.

In Wood Manor, many company executives received relevant alerts, and the company's office system was invaded and illegally controlled.

They looked puzzled and began to discuss in whispers. Only then did they realize that the problem came from the matrix space they had just accessed.

Everyone angrily wanted to ask for an explanation, but then they shut up obediently.

The bodyguards and private guards they brought had their prosthetic eyes glowing with faint blue light, and they raised their guns and pointed them at them.

Obviously, Ye's Company came prepared this time.

The holographic blue figure was like a high-altitude god, overlooking the people in the hall, and his cold voice was devoid of any emotion.

"Joining this evolution is the honor you deserve."


The screen suddenly went black in front of all the company executives present, and various code windows popped up, seizing their company authentication rights.

at this time.

A technician in the military science and technology office system suddenly discovered that a program was trying to tamper with permissions. Although he tried his best to resist, the other party still took advantage and gained control of the weapons library from a higher level.

"Activate the emergency alarm and the office system has been deeply invaded!"

The door of the armory opened wide, drones took off one after another, and intelligently controlled floating vehicles started autonomously one after another, with lights flashing and began to move out in an orderly manner.

At Kangtao Intelligent Company, the smart office system responded to the red alert and tried to shut down electronic devices to protect itself, but the control was still taken away by an unknown intrusion program.

A series of brand-new combat robots, under the influence of intelligent networking, suddenly focused on their prosthetic eyes, then lit up with a faint blue light, and then moved in unison, stepping forward to stand on the transport floating vehicle.

Groups of combat units poured out of major company buildings, heading towards Arasaka Tower.

David saw three armed aerial vehicles flying towards the building opposite, and immediately ordered to aim and fire again, and at the same time dispatched Arasaka armed aerial vehicles to take off to fight.

For a time, the entire Arasaka Tower was caught in a hot battle, with red bullets flying everywhere and high-temperature shells exploding one after another, making deafening sounds.

More transport floats arrived above Arasaka Tower, and piles of Kontao robots jumped from mid-air and began to attack the Arasaka elite team wantonly.

The Arasaka elite team raised their plasma cannon and aimed it at the Kangtao robot. The blue arc instantly destroyed the circuit it touched.

Seeing more and more robots, David no longer stayed behind and directly activated the enhanced version of the prosthetic King Kong with full firepower.

Circles of gravity field boundaries appear on the ground, flashing with rapid red light.


Piles of robots were crushed to pieces.

He raised his hands toward the transport vehicle and turned on the magnetic suction again.

The strong magnetic suction force immediately enveloped the transport float vehicle, pulling it down and causing it to roll seriously, and then it fell to the ground due to unstable control.

In the sky, the number of military technology armed aerial vehicles increased to six again, and the powerful firepower instantly destroyed the Arasaka aerial vehicle.

He activated the anti-gravity system, stored energy in his huge mechanical legs, and jumped into the air.

The tall mechanical figure flew out in a parabola and landed directly on the military technology armed floating vehicle. Then he raised his iron fist and smashed it, instantly tearing the floating vehicle into pieces.

Before it collapsed, David jumped up again and landed on another armed aerial vehicle, wreaking havoc. The military-tech armed aerial vehicles crashed one after another.

David suddenly received a request for help from the ground. The door was severely blasted. The Kangtao combat robot broke through the bottom line of defense. The two sides started a fierce confrontation in the hall.

He looked down at the crowds of people rushing toward Arasaka Tower, and his eyes gradually became serious.

After a moment, David tore apart the last armed aeroplane and jumped into the air with his tall mechanical body.

This time he did not choose to jump back to the top of Arasaka Tower, but aimed below the base.

A steel black shadow fell rapidly, and multiple heavy pressure limits were activated at the same time, covering a wide range of target units.


There was just a loud explosion, and the entire Arasaka Tower shook three times. There was a slight earthquake on the ground, and black smoke suddenly filled the place.

Each battle group that was hit by the impact flew out in all directions, knocking off parts and being unable to continue moving.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, David stood up at the center of the fall, and circles of cracks appeared on the ground around him.

Without waiting for the opponent to organize another attack, David activated Si'an Westan, disappeared into the Arasaka Tower, and eliminated the remaining robots as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard from the upper floor of Arasaka Tower.

"Report to Commander, multiple private aerial vehicles are crashing into Arasaka Tower. Three of them have broken through and entered the building. They are currently on the 82nd floor, the 67th floor, and the 53rd floor."

"Kill all intruders!" David ordered decisively.

He looked at the time and saw that he still had to watch for five minutes!

In the mikoshi space.

Tang Yu lay in the long metal car and waited.

The sound of the fighting outside had penetrated the ground and reached the basement. Even he could feel a slight vibration, which showed the intensity of the fighting on the ground.

He estimated that the Fleeing AI's operation must be a frontal attack, then find a breakthrough to enter the security center, and sneak into the program given by Ultra to open the entrance to the Mikoshi space channel.

Finally, the relic biochip loaded with Ultra will be connected to the Shenyi data core. If confirmed, Ultra will devour all the soul imprints contained in it and complete her final lack of emotional logic.

This is when Tang Yu took action, launching the soul killer program, entering the Divine Space, and using his once-maximum hacking skills to trap him in the Divine Space again.

One minute earlier, he was afraid that Ultra would be alert, and one minute later, he was afraid that Ultra would escape. Everything had to be done just right.

None tonight!

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