Chapter 67: Rogue’s Mission, Lai Xuan Conference

At 6 p.m., the afterlife bar.

Lin Yue came to work on time today, and Claire also arranged everything and came to the bar. But before the two of them is the boss of the afterlife, Queen Rogue.

At this time, I had already sat down in the private room of the bar.

“Come, my big store manager.”

Rogue motioned for Lin Yue to sit down and drink two cups, and Lin Yue nodded and did so.

“Why, this is about to start?”

“Well, the timing is good, the plan can begin.”

“Are you sure?”

“The first stage mainly depends on how far the three companies hit, and there will probably be results the day after tomorrow.”

“The second phase now seems to be no problem and relatively well prepared.”

“The main thing is the third stage, there is not yet a complete preparation, the main thing is the problem of the managers of the city.”

Rogue nodded when he heard this.

The plan was planned a few months ago, and everyone had already planned it. However, it is necessary to wait for the timing and some preparation.

The time has come now, the armaments of the three companies are already in place, and they are waiting for the war.

And looking at the current situation, it is a sure thing, mainly Arisaka Yori-sen, the old sixth, desperately trying to bring down his own company’s great goal.

Lin Yue had been ridiculing and ridiculing all kinds of before, looking down on the behavior of this prince, that is, for this revolutionary to really take the last step and push things to the abyss of irreparability.

It seems that everything is going well.

However, the most important thing is not to break through these large companies, which Lin Yue can do by himself.

The focus of the plan is the third stage, after taking over the city, what kind of city to build the Night City into is the focus.

“The selection of managers is really difficult.”

“Moreover, this process will definitely not go smoothly.”

“What are you going to do about this hidden boss of the Night Company?”

Just because Rogue doesn’t come to the bar often doesn’t mean she doesn’t know anything. Lin Yue also did not recommend that she know much, anyway, they were all comrades on a front.

“The Night Company is not afraid, mainly because the AI outside the black wall they cooperate with is more troublesome.”

“The Ye Clan Company and the Tiger Skin have been almost invaded, and you can basically rest assured that there will be no moths.”

“The goals of those AIs are a bit vicious, and there has been no good way to solve them before.”

“But recently I got a decent comrade-in-arms, an independent AI, similar to ICE, who is on my side.”

“With it, basically there is nothing to fear about these AIs.”

“So in the end there is a question of city managers and urban institutions.”

Lin Yue finished talking to this queen in the afterlife, and also let the other party feel at ease.

“Then it’s no problem.”

“As for managers, slowly discover in the process.”

“It’s best if you can find the right one, and if you can’t find it, you will do it for the time being until you find the right one.”

Rogue was no longer worried, finished his glass of wine, and stood up.

“Then I’ll leave Night City first.”

“Over there in the new beautiful country, I’ll take care of it and don’t let them be idle.”

“You probably have a month at most to fully take over Night City.”

Rogue also plays a very important role in the planning.

There is a large-scale battle here in Night City, and the new beautiful country, the base camp of military technology, will naturally not care. Then only by letting the other party have no time to manage and buying some time for Night City can this plan go more smoothly. Lin Yue nodded, and then reached out and condensed a lightning ball in the air.

The lightning ball kept changing, and finally turned into a bracelet, which slowly floated to Rogue’s wrist.

“It’s kind of a teleportation device that can teleport you away from a crisis.”

“If something goes wrong, remember to use it and break it.”

“But the direction of the transfer is random, the distance is five hundred kilometers.”

This life-saving charm can be regarded as a peace of mind for your “boss”, so that the other party does not have an accident easily. Although this queen in the afterlife has a lot more eyes than herself.

“Thanks, sometimes I don’t know where you got these things.”

“But it works.”

“I hope this plan will not end up like 50 years ago.”

“Good luck!”

After Rogue finished speaking, he left the bar directly, without a trace of nostalgia.

An old cyberpunk, put on his jacket again, picked up a custom pistol, and fought again for the faith in his heart. Arasaka Yorito waited quietly in the conference room of Arasaka Tower.

Excited fingers are shaking.

Not fear, but excitement.

After waiting for so many years, it is okay to endure, pretend to be crazy and sell stupidity, and finally let myself usher in this moment.

The Arasaka Group had always been controlled by his father before, but in addition to his father, there was also a group of subordinates who followed him, and they formed a board of directors, even if his father died, it would not put Arasaka on the road to disaster.

Instead, he will continue to uphold his father’s beliefs, continue to be the Great Arasaka Company, and then eventually enslave the world. Although it may not succeed in the end, it is impossible for the Arasaka Group to truly disintegrate and change. Killing his father himself is only the beginning of success, definitely not a sign of success.

And killing these father’s ideological puppets together can be regarded as once and for all.

Coupled with the external battle, coupled with the bloodbath and dismantling inside himself, this biggest tumor entrenched in the Night City will truly disappear.

As for what will happen after it disappears, I don’t know.

But he can only do so much, he does not have a clear path and goal, he wants the world to be the same, but he knows better to break first and then stand.

The helicopters overhead and the sound of floating cars rose and fell one after another, and board members rushed to Night City from all over the world. It’s finally here!

“The meeting begins.”

Arasaka Yorito announced first, then looked at everyone and said.

“Everyone knows the situation, and it is a moment of life and death for the group, please express your opinions carefully.”

“If you hadn’t messed around in Night City, would it be until now?”

One director spoke the minds of the crowd.

“Oh, do you think I really did these attacks?”

“I don’t know, but I know that these things happened immediately after Saburo-kun’s death, and I have to doubt you.”

“Even if you didn’t do it, you have to be too weak to cause this to happen.”

“And what was your attitude after what happened?”

“Not only did he not issue any statement of peace, but he was also anxious about the army and us?”

“Do you really want to fight these two companies?”

The director was very angry!

Arasaka is already one of the largest companies in the world, and it should certainly continue to fight for territory, but it is definitely not the party that actively provokes the incident.

That would only invite a siege from all other forces.

In his opinion, the best way is naturally to maintain chaos, seek profits in the chaos, step by step encroaching on the Night City, or the rest of the world.

This is the only way to achieve the Arasaka Empire.

And now this situation is really a good card to play sparsely!

“What about a fight?”

“These two companies don’t have much strength in Night City right now.”

“As long as we are fast enough, we can definitely control this small city quickly.”

“If this war is won, then the rest of the world, our prestige will definitely be greater.”

“Are the regimes of those puppet states more afraid of us?”

“Wouldn’t it be easier for the company to move forward globally?”

Arasaka Yorito naturally had his own set of reasons to persuade them.

Getting them to agree to their own plan to go to war is their last role before they die!

Hearing Lai Xuan’s speech, some directors really began to seriously consider his words.

Veterans of the war, or some militants, believe that war is the only 3.3 way to resolve disputes.

And the war means the orders of the military-industrial complex, even if they are the party that started the war, in the end they can definitely earn a lot of money.

“So you can think about it.”

“If we hesitate now, miss the opportunity, and if we lose the battle, then we will be greeted by endless humiliation.”

“I believe that the humiliation of fifty years ago, you shouldn’t have experienced it again, right?”

At the mention of the nuclear explosion fifty years ago, everyone fell silent.

At that time, they were backstabbed by military technology and directly detonated a nuclear bomb on their Arasaka Tower, which greatly damaged Arasaka’s strength. Night City’s control ability has also decreased a lot, and I know that it has only slowly recovered recently.

Thirty years later, the investigation revealed that the nuclear bomb was not Arasaka’s own nuclear bomb. It’s military technology to support Johnny’s silver hand!

This made Arasaka not only really lose the power of Night City, but also hit him in the face. After a long silence, a selector rose in front of many directors.

“Those who agree to go to war press to agree, and those who oppose directly press oppose.”

“Now, start voting.”

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