Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 100: The truth will always be doubted!

Matthew looked at Penny indifferently, if it wasn't for fear of attracting "F", he wouldn't care about Penny's life or death.

"Shut up Penny! Do you want to alarm "F" again? The game will not end until 20 minutes, you want to die, don't drag me down. If you want to die, leave the room to find Barritt, I won't stop you."

Penny wanted to leave the room immediately. She looked at the door and finally did not have the courage to leave. She couldn't die. After she died, Barrett’s sacrifice was wasted. Penny looked at Matthew with sullen eyes and waited for the game. She will definitely not let Matthew over.

Cynthia felt Penny’s hatred for Matthew, and the game will become more and more exciting. Cynthia’s mouth raised slightly, with a smile in his tone, "Matthew, the game has just begun, and I Waiting for a good show, haha!!"

Matthew claims to be smart and can play with human feelings, but he doesn't know that people's hearts are not as simple as he thought. This game may become the biggest lesson in his life.

Cynthia didn't pay attention to Matthew's provocative expression. She took Noel to the rest area, where many people had already arrived.

The broadcast prompts that there are 20 gamers who survived. Cynthia glanced at the rest area. The current number of people is 12. Excluding Matthew and the three, it should be 15 gamers who came to the rest area.

It has been 10 minutes since the end of the game, but 3 people have not come to the rest area for a long time. The purpose of these 3 gamers not to come to the rest area is very simple. Either they want to hide their identity, then it is the 12 gamers in the rest area. Have grievances with 3 gamers, they don't want others to know if they are eliminated.

The 12 gamers are 8 men and 4 women, and they are telling each other about their first game experience. Cynthia took Noel and walked over. After she was seated, she saw Matthew and the others enter the rest area. There are now 17 gamers in the rest area.

An older man among the game players stood up, and he first introduced himself.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Listen to me. I am Rex, the manager of this Christmas ball. I didn't expect such an accident. The broadcast reminded me that there are 20 players remaining. We are 20 players. We must unite one heart and deal with the enemy together."

Oliver couldn't understand Rex's hypocritical appearance, he snorted coldly: "Huh, don't think I don't know what you have done! One mind? To deal with the enemy together? Huh! I don't think you were killed by the enemy but you were This villain was killed."

Rex suddenly became nervous. Does this kid know what he is doing? calm! Can't mess around.

"You are slandering me, everyone here, I swear I don't know him."

Rex pointed to Oliver and said excitedly: "You said! What is your purpose! Players should help each other and overcome difficulties together. Do you want to provoke the relationship between game players?"

The woman sitting next to Rex stood up, "I agree with Manager Rex's statement that players should be united with each other and cannot have internal strife."

Oliver looked at the group of players angrily, but he was kindly reminded in exchange for suspicion, so don't regret it later.

He wouldn't tell this group of stupid players that he personally saw this hypocritical Rex manager kill his companion with extremely cruel methods.

Oliver has warned this group that there is nothing to do if he doesn't believe him. If he tells the truth, he will only be doubted. They will not believe what he said, and they will provoke Rex.

Damn it! Why did he say his true thoughts on impulse just now, as long as he protects himself in the game, he can't control the lives of other people.

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