Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 135: The Ambition of Burris Butler

Daisy was held in her arms by Dr. Grace. How could she hate Dr. Grace? She had a crush on Dr. Grace for a long time. Because of her low self-esteem, she couldn’t believe that all of this was true. All she could think of was to hide. When she heard Dr. Grace's sad voice, Daisy explained anxiously.

"No! How could I hate Dr. Grace, a lot of people like Dr. Grace as gentle and outstanding."

Dr. Grace hugged Daisy tightly and said touching words, "Will Daisy like me?"

Daisy's voice became more shy, and she whispered, "I, I also like Dr. Grace."

"That's great, Daisy, I'm so happy. I fell in love with you at first sight when I was treating Mrs. Monlisa at the Castle of Merisig, Daisy, do you know how I felt at that time? I was wondering how could there be a girl as beautiful as an angel here, at that moment I knew I was in love."

The love words that Grace said made Daisy happier. It turned out that Dr. Grace started to like each other very early, just like her. "Dr. Grace, what you said is true?"

Grace gently lifted Daisy's cheek with her hand, "It's true, I fell in love with you from the first sight, Daisy, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Daisy looked at Grace's sincere eyes. It turned out that everything was not her dreaming. Daisy nodded happily, "I want Dr. Grace, I want to be your girlfriend."

After Daisy agreed, Grace's eyes became lost again. Daisy thought it was because she said something wrong that made Dr. Grace upset. She asked anxiously, "What's the matter, Dr. Grace, did I say something wrong, I my apologies."

"No, how could you make me unhappy, my dear sweetheart,? I know the rules of the castle of Merisig. Servants can’t fall in love casually. If our relationship is known to Mrs. Monlisa, she will definitely Let people stop us from separating us."

Daisy looked at Grace and said seriously: "Doctor Grace, I am already very happy. It is enough for me to know that we are in love."

Grace saw Daisy trusting herself so much, and the corners of her mouth raised happily. It was a lie. "Daisy, I have a suggestion. We just don’t let other people know about our relationship, so that Mrs. Monlisa won’t know about us. We won’t be dismantled in the matter of interaction."

Daisy agreed to Grace's suggestion. In the following months, Daisy and Grace had been secretly dating. No one noticed that they were dating. Daisy thought they would stay sweet until they were discovered by the butler of Burris. Secretly communicating.

One time, Daisy and Dr. Grace were dating in the garden by Burris butler. As a condition of not telling Mrs. Monlisa that Daisy and Dr. Grace wanted to help him, Burris butler was very ambitious.

He has lived in Merisig Castle for more than 50 years and he has great rights, and he also enjoys the feeling that rights bring to him. Since Lord Harris passed away, the housekeeper of Burris has become less and less satisfied with being just a housekeeper. He thought Be the male host of Merisig Castle.

The butler of Burris caught the handle of Daisy and Dr. Grace. He asked Grace to add psychedelic medicine to Mrs. Monlisa’s medicine. Later, Mrs. Monlisa often had hallucinations and her body became more and more serious. The worse, butler Burris took all of this in his eyes, and the castle of Merisig was finally hiss.

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