Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 208: Siren!

Simpson saw Casio's stunned expression, with an ironic smile at the corner of his mouth, "Huh! Frightened? You and Cynthia are from two different worlds. Give up early."

Seeing Simpson's questioning eyes, he didn't know how to speak. He really didn't dare to kill, but he didn't want to let go of his love for Cynthia so easily.

Since he was a child, he felt that Cynthia was the longest-looking girl in the world. He liked to stay with Cynthia. He didn't know when he gradually fell in love with her. As long as he saw Cynthia, his heart Very happy.

Casio's eyes became very firm, "Simpson, no matter what you say, I will never give up liking Cynthia unless she personally rejects me."


Looking at such a stubborn Casio, I don't know why his heart is slightly loosened, his life is full of use, and such a simple liking for him is a little envious.

Cynthia left the auction site alone, and the noisy voice instantly calmed down. Cynthia looked around. There was no security guard on patrol, and a strange atmosphere came.

At this moment, the alarm on the wall suddenly sounded. Cynthia remembered that when they were watching the exhibition, the famous paintings in the exhibition were all held in glass, and there was a mechanism outside that would trigger the alarm whenever someone touched it.

Is there something wrong with the exhibition?

Cynthia frowned. Now I don’t know what happened. The most important thing is to rendezvous with Simpson and the others. She hurried back. When approaching the entrance of the auction, Cynthia saw the person with a handle at the door and realized that it was not right. They immediately hid behind the wall sideways, wearing black hoods on their heads and holding machine guns in their hands, watching the surrounding movement vigilantly.

Cynthia was very speechless inside, and it would happen if he came to see a painting exhibition, and it seemed that the people at the auction were hijacked. If it is really hijacking, it is not a wise decision to call Simpson now. You can only try to send him a message. If you don't reply, the problem will be serious.

The guests left their positions one after another when they heard the sirens. They looked around nervously. This is what happened. The host Elsa saw the chaotic scene. She picked up the microphone and said, "Guests, please calm down. There is a problem with the sirens. We have a first-class security system for this event and nothing will happen."

While Elsa was speaking, the bullet hit Elsa’s arm, and the microphone in her hand fell to the ground. Regardless of her hand injury, Elsa hurriedly hid behind the podium, and the guests were suddenly caught The situation was so scared that he screamed and hurriedly fled.

Simpson realized that something was wrong, this auction was targeted, and their group was held hostage. Simpson frowned and saw the startled Casio, useless waste. Although Simpson was very disgusted in his heart, he still pulled Casio and hid under the table. If he didn't save the idiot, he could not explain to Cynthia.

Simpson cautiously stretched out his head to observe the movement outside. A group of people wearing black hoods with guns in their hands came in from the door. This group of people blocked the door and the problem was serious. Unexplained Casio pulled down the corner of Simpson's clothes, and asked Simpson in a trembling voice, "This...what the **** happened to this?"

Simpson glared at Casio, how could this kid still not figure out the situation, "Keep it down, idiot! Don't you know we were kidnapped?"

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