Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 218: List!

Cynthia has observed this man for a long time. There must be something wrong with this man. This man seems to be in his 30s. He wears a well-tailored suit. Compared with the other hostages, he does not look nervous at all. Fear hung over the hostages, so that the people around him could not find the gangsters among them.

At the Newbet police station, the female police officer received a call from Cynthia and realized the seriousness of the problem, she immediately reported the matter to the chief.

"Chief Ford, I just received a call to the police. There was a report of hostage taking on 36 Celiebel Street. There were about 30 hostages. The person who called the police may be in danger and the phone was suddenly hung up during the call. ."

Director Ford issued an order to the phone, "Immediately track the phone location of the caller, and send a team of police officers to 36 Cellebel Avenue to investigate whether there has been a hostage taking case. The investigation is clear and immediately reported!"

The female police officer said to the phone, "Okay, Chief Ford."

The police station immediately organized a team of eight people to 36 Chelibel Street, the leader of the team was Detective Rister. Detective Lister’s jurisdiction is on Kincais Avenue and Feucoal Avenue, and Cheribel Avenue is within them. Detective List received the order and immediately drove to 36 Celiebel Avenue.

Detective List drove the car quickly across the street, and after he arrived at the scene, the other team members were already there.

Morton looked at the detective Riester who got out of the black car and said, "Captain, you are here, alas! Today happened to be your vacation. I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the jurisdiction."

List looked at Morton with a serious expression, "How's the scene?"

Morton began to report what he knew to Rist. "According to the reporter, there were about 30 hostages. The entrance has been completely blocked. The situation in the exhibition is still unclear."

Things got tricky. Apart from the police call, the police had no knowledge of the situation in the exhibition.

"Are there any internal design drawings for the exhibition? Who held this exhibition?"

"I just learned that Master Bennett, the organizer of this exhibition, did not notify the media because it was a private exhibition. There was no media coverage of this exhibition." It was Miranda who was speaking, and she saw Rist being serious. The expression, you know that the captain is very angry now, no one reports important information to him.

"Immediately contact the people involved in the art exhibition, and be sure to find the blueprints of this building. The murderous gangsters can do anything. Time is life, so act immediately."

The other seven police officers immediately said in unison: "Yes, Captain."

Rist stopped Miranda, "Miranda contacts the headquarters and needs additional staff."

"Yes, Captain."

Miranda looked at the captain’s frown. She just hacked into the system of art exhibition activities and got a list of participants in the art exhibition. The people on the list are all bigwigs in charge of the country’s economy and politics. If there is an accident in the area under their jurisdiction, not only will there be an accident in the Newbet area, but the whole of Milsey will be changed.

Just after assigning the task, Riester received a call from Chief Ford. His tone was very firm, "Ristor, you must ensure that no one hostage is in danger. For this task, I authorize you to mobilize all the police in your jurisdiction. I Once again, the hostages can’t get into trouble, otherwise neither of us can survive tomorrow!!!”

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