Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 229: Monitoring bracelet!

Lilith has no relatives in this world. As long as Grace listens to her, she will treat her well. Lilith put a bracelet on Cynthia’s wrist and said calmly, “This is a tracker. If you force it to be removed, it will explode, so don’t worry about it. You are in a strange city now, except for me. Trust, other people would rather have their own plans. From now on I will love you like my sister. Don't leave me."

Cynthia looked at the tracker on her wrist in silence. Does this mad woman want to keep her by her side for a lifetime?

Lilith watched Cynthia no longer struggle, she gently stroked Cynthia's soft hair, "When my sister gets revenge, I will take you out of this country. You can go to any country you want, except for Glia. "Lilith's tone became cold when she said Glia, she especially rejected the place where Cynthia was born.

A few days later, Cynthia’s health slowly recovered. Lilith decided to take her back to her apartment. In fact, she didn’t like the hospital at all. The surface of the hospital was dying. Death reminded her of her tragic family and her body. The hostility couldn't stop venting, only a murderer could make her heart stable.

For dozens of days, Lilith went out early and returned late. Sometimes she could still smell Lilith's very **** smell. She knew that Lilith's job was a killer, and she would take on many delegated tasks every day.

This kind of work Cynthia thought of Leon. She hadn’t thought of Leon for a long time. Leon was also a killer when he didn’t come to Winter Manor. He would often accept assignments, but Leon smelled very clean. She was very relieved, thinking that Cynthia couldn't help but her heart tightened. The boy who had clean eyes and sometimes turned reddish ears to her has left her forever.

Cynthia, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a strong gaze looking at her. She opened her eyes and found that no one was around. She felt that everyone was watching her all the time. Cynthia knew that the person watching her was not Lilith. who is it?

Early in the morning, Cynthia noticed that there was a busy figure in the kitchen. Today's Lilith did not leave the house very early as usual. She came out of the kitchen with freshly baked milky bread in her hand. Lilith will be soft. The bread was placed next to Cynthia, looking expectantly at her, "Grace, this is freshly made bread. Try it out."

Lilith's eyes were too blazing. She picked up the bread on the plate and took a small bite. Cynthia is very picky about the food. As long as the taste does not meet her wishes, she will never try again after a small bite. Two bites, I didn't expect Lilith's bread to be very delicious.

Cynthia said intuitively: "It tastes good."

Lilith heard that Cynthia liked it, she said very happily: "Phyllis also liked to eat the bread I baked before. If you like Grace, I will often make it for you."

She ate the bread in Cynthia's hand and stopped eating for a little while. Her appetite was very small and she was full with a little food. Lilith saw these in her eyes, her eyes became lost, "Grace, isn't the bread bad? You don't eat it if you eat such a little bit?"

Cynthia looked at Lilith's lost eyes and knew that she had misunderstood. She didn't like eating at first, but when she woke up from a coma, she lost her appetite.

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