Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 231: Imprisoned in another place!

The corners of the girl's eyes became moist, but they didn't arouse their pity. The man in black rudely covered Cynthia's head with a black cloth and took her out of the room where she had lived for 10 days.

Although she left the room, she was only taken from one imprisoned place to another monitored place. The man in black let her be imprisoned in the middle and there were handles on both sides. The car drove for a long time and finally reached the destination, the man in black. Tear her off the car rudely, and put her in a very small room with high windows. Compared with the place where Lilith was imprisoned, this is the real prison.

Bad habits. Since she married Casio's father Eroy, she has never been as humiliated as she is today. She looked at Chad with angrily in her eyes, and the humiliation she suffered today will be doubled.

Originally, Mrs. Joyce did not want to threaten her son. Another reason is that the gang has a gun in her hands. She originally planned to pretend to be weaker and let the crazy woman named Lilith relax her vigilance while taking advantage of Lily. When Si was not paying attention, he took the gun in her hand. The mad woman saw that they were the leader of these people, and everything would be easy if she controlled her.

Cynthia witnessed what happened in the vent. The man named Chad threatened Casio and his mother with a gun. What should I do? She had just seen how crazy Lilith was. If the police did not arrive in time, both Casio and his mother would be in danger.

Through the vents, Cynthia observed that there were 8 masked gangsters at the auction site, and Lilith was the leader of these gangsters. After these gangsters took control of the venue, Cynthia noticed that the woman named Lilith looked at her watch 5 times. It has been 24 minutes since the gangsters took control of the hostages. Those who participated in the auction were all powerful people. The gangster did not threaten the hostages and money. Lilith’s game seems to be to "kill the time".

Simpson told her that this exhibition and auction are very private, and invitations are sent to specific people. Why the security measures are so poor? Cynthia frowned and thought, could this auction be a conspiracy? , Some people deliberately gather the upper class people together.

Master Bennett did not show up from the beginning of the exhibition to the auction. Is he related to this kidnapping? The curator of this exhibition is Master Bennett. If something happens to the exhibition, he must be inseparable from him. Why does he do such a thing that harms his own interests?

There is another point that she is very confused. Since this is a private exhibition, how did these gangsters inquire about the exhibition so clearly? Would she not believe it if she hadn't stepped on it beforehand, or there were gangsters among the group of people participating in the exhibition? And this person is very likely to be the true leader of this group of gangsters.

Aware of this, Cynthia focused his observation on the hostages being held. Her vent can be a good way to observe the expressions of the hostages. Cynthia glanced at the group of hostages held hostage. Most of their expressions were fear, shock, and sadness. The hostages put their hands on their heads and made a gesture of protecting themselves. Only one person betrayed him with the upward arc of his mouth. Although this person was also holding his head, Cynthia did not find any fear in him. The smile at the corner of his mouth made him look a little excited. If this person is not being abused Mad, then this person must have a problem.

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