Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 237: brat?

"Little guy, this is not the place to talk." After speaking, Miles took Cynthia's wrist and led her away from the bottom of the Krawy Experimental Building.

Miles pulled Cynthia away from the crowd, and led her to a remote corner. The more people walked in, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians around. After walking for a long time, the surroundings are no longer prosperous high-rise buildings. The house is beginning to become dilapidated, with all kinds of graffiti painted on the walls. Cynthia frowned when he looked at the garbage randomly discarded on the ground, but the bustling city has this Where is this man taking her to the run-down place?

Cynthia tried to break free of his hand, but was clamped tighter. "Little guy, it's coming soon."

Cynthia looked at Miles indifferently, "Where the **** are you taking me? I didn't deal with you because you helped me. If you don't let go, I'll be rude to you."

Cynthia touched the ring with her fingertips. As long as the man made a little attempt to kill her, she would kill him unrelentingly, and would do everything to keep her alive.

The girl looked weak, but she didn't expect her personality to be very stubborn. He noticed the blood on her clothes when they saw the girl. When they looked over, the girl immediately covered the blood on her clothes with a white coat, her eyes were alert. Looking at them, as long as they act rashly, Miles can feel that the girl will kill them without hesitation.

Miles heard the vigilance in the girl's voice, and he calmly said: "Little guy, don't hurry up soon, I won't hurt you, or I would have handed you over to Manager Anthony."?

After walking for a long time, a mottled iron door appeared in front of them. Miles skillfully opened the lock on the door with a key. It seemed that he was very familiar with it. Inside the iron gate is a yard overgrown with grass. This place doesn't look like a trace of human life. What did Miles bring her here? Cynthia has read from the book that some people who study medicine are obsessed with corpses. Did Miles bring her here to kill her and dissecting her corpse?

Miles kept smiling and looked like a pervert. Cynthia looked at Miles in horror, thinking about how to deal with this pervert for a while.

Because the girl's eyes were too strong, Miles, who was walking in front, felt cold on the top of his head. When he looked back, he saw the girl's eyes gloomy looking at him? Because the girl always wears a mask, he doesn't know what she looks like, but from the girl's delicate eyes exposed outside, it can be guessed that the girl is not ugly.

Miles asked kindly: "Little guy, what's the matter? Tired of walking?

Cynthia shook her head and said it was okay. She couldn't let Miles realize that she was thinking of a way to deal with him. Miles' smile was in her eyes, like a demon disguised as a human being, he induced humans to the abyss of hell.

Walking through the overgrown yard, I came to the single-family three-story bungalow. From the outside, the bungalow is completely a haunted house. There are bells at the door of the house, and the wind makes a tinkling sound. Listen It looks very weird. At this time Miles had let go of her hand, he was opening the door, Cynthia had imagined the cold and dark environment inside the house, and when the door was opened, there was an old and old noise.

"Little guy, my home is here, come in." Miles looked at her with a smile, and offered an invitation.

Cynthia stayed where she was. She didn't want to go in. The house looked too weird from the outside. She didn't know what dangerous things were waiting for her inside. She was willing to stay outside.

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