Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 241: Experimental calculation!

This study looks like an ordinary room, but a wall of the study is connected to the basement. This was discovered by Miles accidentally. The basement may have been built by the owner of the previous house. Later, Miles used the basement. Do chemistry experiments.

At this time, Miles had changed his clothes for the experiment, and he went to the bookshelf and removed the mechanism blocking the entrance to the basement. He gently pressed the button on the wall, and the wall where the bookshelves were placed moved back and moved an exit. The wall began to turn in and out. The movable wall also contained bookshelves. After the inner wall was turned outward, outsiders could see It is the same bookshelf.

The only difference is that the books on the bookshelves are different. There is no one in the haunted house of Miles, so no one will find a secret road here.

After entering the secret passage, Miles pressed the switch on the wall, and the dark secret passage became bright. Each section of the secret passage has a wall lamp. The wall lamp is very beautifully hung on the wall. This small house already has 20 Many years of history, but the wall lamp is very well preserved. The owner of the original house also took some effort on it.

Walking down the deep secret road, you will come to the entrance of the basement. Miles has already replaced the door with a code lock, and the door will only open after entering his fingerprints.

Miles stood in the airtight glass and waited patiently for disinfection. The glass door would not open until the disinfection was completed. He put on gloves before walking in. The basement was filled with various chemical test tubes and experimental equipment, and the liquid in the test tubes appeared to be different. Kind of color, and many computers are running at high speed. This is because computers can help him plan problems and save Miles a lot of time.

Miles sat next to the computer, opened the mailbox and still did not reply to the message. He has lost contact with T. About half a year ago, T told him that the experiment was about to succeed. Later, T suddenly disappeared and never contacted him again. Over.

The message he sent to T also fell silent and there was no news, most likely it was in danger. Miles has been in contact with T for 10 years. It was T that made him interested in the experiment. T is not only his friend but also his teacher. As long as he encounters problems in the experiment, he will send messages to the teacher, and the teacher will patiently give it to him. He explained.

The teacher said that he will not live for many years, and his only wish is to study the final version of AWK medicine. This is a medicine that can strengthen the body. After taking the final version of AWK medicine, it can change the physique and conquer all viruses.

At that time, Miles felt that T's character had become paranoid and morbid, and the teacher had mailed him several versions of AWK medicine. Miles immediately tested the AWK medicine T gave him, and he got a terrible conclusion.

After his calculations, AWK medicine can conquer all viruses, but the cell structure of the human body will also be changed. Can people who have changed the cell structure be called humans?

He told the teacher about the experimental structure he had calculated, but he didn't care. The teacher frantically said, "When people die, there will be nothing. Isn't it good to create more perfect human beings?"

No illness! There is no death! What a beautiful world like this.

Miles looked worriedly at his teacher T who was in madness. Although humans would have no pain after taking the final AWK potion, humans would also lose their emotions and become an empty shell without thinking. This is really what the teacher wants. Want it?

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