Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 243: Nightmare!

Miles noticed that the teacher's name at the end of the mailbox was no longer T, but Molika. The original teacher was Molika.

Miles didn’t know what mood he used to finish reading this email. The teacher has passed away. This is a fact that he has not been able to accept. The teacher hasn’t contacted him in the past few months and he guessed that something might have happened to the teacher. But after he really knew that the teacher had passed away, he couldn't believe that the teacher had died.

The teacher taught him a lot. He can't blame the teacher because he can't empathize with the teacher's pain. His hands began to tremble. From the few words he exchanged before, he could feel the teacher's pain. What kind of hatred could make the teacher ruin his health at all.

Miles deleted the letter on the computer and could never recover it. Miles looked at the computer with a cold face. He could not let people know that it was the teacher’s fault. At the end of the world, he would only defend himself. The person who wants to defend, what does the life and death of other people have to do with him.

After finishing his mood, Miles left the basement. When he returned to the study, it was almost dawn and he had been in the basement all night. The little guy should get up in a while. The little guy didn't eat a lot of dinner last night, and he should have been hungry after the whole night.

This night he was not peaceful, he had too much to digest, and he was a little tired. Miles stretched out his hand to squeeze his temples to relieve his fatigue, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the little guy.

Cynthia woke up very early, and she had many nightmares that night, all about Leon.

Leon stood in front of her covered in blood, staring at her with empty eyes, "Miss Cynthia, you finally came to see me, I am so happy. Do you know what I have been waiting for you for a long time, I have been waiting in the same place all the time? You didn't go away, but Miss Cynthia never showed up. I really miss you."

Leon's face was very pale, red tears kept flowing from the corners of his eyes, Leon slowly approached her, not knowing why she was not afraid of Leon, who was terrifying in appearance, what Leon said made her heart seem to be tangled together. It hurts, it really hurts! ! !

Leon finally came to her, grabbed her neck, suffocation made her uncomfortable, she raised her hand with difficulty to touch Leon’s cheek, just when she was about to meet Leon’s cheek, he turned into The fragment disappeared before her eyes.

Her heart suddenly became empty, and Cynthia woke up like this. The sky outside was still dark. She touched the corners of her eyes and her hands became moist. She seldom cries since she can remember, but this time she cried because of a dream. .

Cynthia was completely drowsy. She sat on the bed and stared in front of her, waiting for the dawn to come. Sitting there like a puppet, completely motionless.

The clock on the wall moves slowly, ticking! Tick! Tick! In the quiet night, Cynthia's voice was exceptionally clear, and Cynthia watched the clock go from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock with empty eyes.

At dawn, Cynthia got out of bed, walked to the bathroom sluggishly, stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at her paler herself. Leon's death had too much influence on her, and she thought she had digested her well. The fact that Leon died, but she did not fully recover.

She pretended to look good, but only she knew how much she wanted to see Leon, wanted to tell Leon that she was used to his existence, wanted to see Leon’s ears that turned red because of his shyness, and wanted to hear Lyon. Ang said in her ear that I love you.

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