Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 245: Commercial street!

Miles looked at Cynthia in amazement, "Little guy, you...your hair?"

She couldn't tell Miles that she had cut her hair short to hide her identity. Looking at Miles's surprised expression, Cynthia frowned. Was it weird?

Cynthia made up a lie at random, "Long hair is too troublesome, and I don't know how to arrange my hair, so I cut my hair short. Does your look like short hair look ugly?"

", the little guy looks good in everything."

Fearing Cynthia's misunderstanding, Miles explained immediately. Miles looked at Cynthia in a trance, how could there be such a good-looking person in the world.

Myers suddenly didn't want to take the little guy out. For such a good-looking girl, he wanted to hide her at home so that no one could see her. Her beauty belonged to him.

Realizing what he was thinking just now, Miles immediately stopped the crazy thoughts in his mind. How could he covet a little guy too much younger than him, and the little guy looked like he was still a minor, God! ! ! He must be crazy?

When leaving the room, Miles suddenly put the hat on her head. She looked at Miles' unnatural expression in confusion, what's wrong?

Miles looked at Cynthia with embarrassment. This was the first time he was born with a lack of language in 22 years. Facing the little guy’s questioning expression, he could only find a reason at will, “It’s very windy outside today, with shelter from the wind. , Yes! It's just to cover the wind."

"It turned out to be so, thank you!"

The road was extremely quiet. Because it was too embarrassing, Miles kept walking in front of him in silence. Cynthia didn’t talk much at first, but everything turned into a handsome man walking in front. His expression was subtle. Unnaturally, behind the man was a cold boy, a strange combination that looked strange from a distance.

The little guy is not familiar with this place, what should I do if I get lost? When Miles turned around, he found that the little guy had been behind him, and his nervousness could only be let go.

He took Cynthia to the commercial street. There were a lot of people here. Miles' expression was slightly uncomfortable. In fact, he rarely came to places with many people. He still likes to stay in the laboratory. Peace of mind.

Miles' body began to become stiff. Such an environment made it difficult for him to breathe. Miles walked forward with difficulty. He has not bought suitable clothes for the little guy. They will live together for a long time in the future. Prepare everything that the little guy needs every day.

Cynthia found the sweat oozing out of Miles' forehead and his walking movements were also very strange. Does he hate crowded places? Geniuses like Miles will have characteristics different from ordinary people.

Cynthia asked suspiciously, "Myers, what's the matter with you? I'm not feeling well?"

Cynthia's voice stabilized him. He looked at the worried eyes of the little guy and suddenly felt less uncomfortable. This was the first time that he felt uncomfortable in a crowded place. He doesn't hate contact with people, but he hates noisy environments. Such an environment makes him nervous. The noisy environment is very oppressive and makes him want to escape.

Miles smiled weakly, "It's okay, I'm much better, little guy, let's pick what you need first"

Miles looked a little guilty in his eyes. He thought he could persevere. It turns out that the hateful things can never be changed.

Cynthia replied faintly, "Well, you are fine."

She glanced at the crowded shopping mall and said calmly, "Myers, there are too many people in this commercial street, let's change another place!"

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