Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 253: organization!

She swiped the list that Cynthia got in her hands. She had contacted all the three people listed above, but she didn't expect that they were all important members of the SHADOW organization.

Cynthia looked at the information in her hand, her eyes became more and more indifferent, and her luck has always been good! ! !

She didn't come into contact with this person next. This man named Kleist looked very young, but he was among the top 3 in the SHADOW organization.

Name: Kleist

Sex: Male

Age: 28 years old

SHADOW organization code: 003

Current occupation: None (cannot be investigated clearly)

Traits: Unpredictable, mysterious, extremely dangerous, one of the top 3 figures in the SHADOW organization, and the top three are very powerful figures. (Note: The top 3 figures are all very powerful.)

The remaining members of the SHADOW organization have five individuals whose information has not been checked. The fact that the information of the four people who can be found can be found shows that they are not afraid of being checked.

The Croy Biopharmaceutical Research Center is only one of the companies founded by the SHADOW organization. Is it possible that the members of the SHADOW organization penetrate into different industries?

The group of people in black broke into the apartment where Lilith was imprisoned, came to Lilith, and arrested her to hold Lilith together.

At first she thought it was Lilith's enemy, but now that she thinks about it, it doesn't seem that the people in black locked her in the basement of the Croy Biological Building, indicating that these people in black are members of the SHADOW organization.

Lilith is also an important member of the SHADOW organization. Could there be conflicts between important members? Or is Lilith tired of the SHADOW organization and wants to leave this organization?

Lilith told her that as long as she avenged her, Lilith would take her out of France. Now think about Lilith's possibility of leaving the SHADOW organization, and the group of people in black are chasing her.

Cynthia couldn't help but think of Miles, who is also working at the Krawy Biopharmaceutical Research Center. Is he also a member of the SHADOW organization? Has he participated in human trials? Cynthia couldn't help being irritable. Although Miles looked gentle, it was extremely difficult for this person to see what he was thinking.

Cynthia encrypts the information Albert sent him and sets up programming. As long as she doesn't open it, the encrypted file will be deleted directly, and it will never be reborn.

The next day, Cynthia got up early. She had been thinking about how to enter Miles' room without being found. With Miles' caution, she could not rush to search Miles' room.

Going down to the first floor, Miles was already up. Cynthia stood at the door and saw Miles' mood rising. He found Cynthia behind him and said, "Good morning, Cynthia. Why did I get up so early today? My breakfast is not ready yet."

Miles was preparing breakfast, the water on the stove was boiling, making a cooing sound, while Miles was hurriedly cutting vegetables. It's really difficult to cook. Miles was a little embarrassed when he saw Cynthia standing behind him, looking straight at him.

Miles flushed and looked at Cynthia, "Cynthia, breakfast is still not ready, can you go to the study to read a book, I will call you when the meal is done."

In the past, when Miles was alone, he would only bake two slices of bread and a cup of milk for breakfast, but now it’s different. There is one more person in the family, and you can’t just use a simple breakfast.

Cynthia looked at Miles with a flustered look, knowing he didn't want her to see such an embarrassing side, Cynthia nodded understandingly, "Okay, Miles, you are busy first, I won't disturb you."

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