Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 265: Act separately!

He knew how he explained it, and the little guy wouldn't believe it anymore. The most important thing now is to take the little guy out of here first, and explain the rest when the danger is relieved.

When Miles reached out to hold her hand, she avoided him. She didn't know whether to continue to trust this person. Miles took possession of her and looked into her eyes and said sincerely: "Little guy, I know You are very angry, but now only I can help you. After the danger is resolved, you can blame me whatever you want, but please trust me, I will not harm you."

Cynthia hesitated, she didn't know whether to trust this man, one thing she had known since she was a child, she couldn't trust anyone in danger. She can only believe in herself, she was careless, and she came to their site easily without investigating the SHADOW organization clearly.

When she was imprisoned in the Klauy Experimental Building, in order to escape and kill their people, the people in black would definitely not let it go. As long as you are caught, you will not end well. Now is not the time to turn their faces with Miles, as long as they are slightly wrong, they will alert the people around them, which will put themselves in danger more quickly.

Cynthia quietly observed the surrounding environment. There were 13 people here. Although they were talking on the surface, they sometimes turned their eyes to her and Miles. From the moment they got out of the elevator, their sight was not broken. Over.

Now that he couldn't move back, he could only move forward. Cynthia thought irritably that it would be troublesome to not have a gun. Cynthia reached out and grabbed the corner of Miles, with a smile on her face, but her voice sounded very indifferent, "Look ahead and walk towards nine o'clock."

Miles saw Cynthia crumple the corners of her clothes and held them tightly in his hands. Although the little guy looked calm on the surface, he knew the little guy, this must be nervous.

Miles obeyed Cynthia’s command and walked towards nine o’clock. As they approached the door, she saw with her slanted eyes that some people had risen up and put their hands under their clothes. As long as the situation was not right, she would be ready to take a gun. .

Cynthia said in a cold voice: "We will run separately for a while. Their goal should be me. You are very useful to them now. Even if you catch you, you won't do anything to you."

Miles directly refused, "No, you are not familiar with the environment of the Krawy Experimental Building, and the chances of following me to escape are much higher."

"Myers! I'm not discussing with you, you just do as I say." Cynthia's tone couldn't be rejected.

Cynthia's pace began to quicken. When they walked into the corner, Cynthia suddenly let go of Miles's clothes and said to him: "Myers, move separately! And... be careful." After speaking, he ran away.

Miles stood on the spot, watching Cynthia's disappearing figure, his eyes could not show what he was thinking, after a while, a man in a professional suit came to him behind him.

Miles' eyes have become sharp, the tenderness on his face has completely disappeared, his eyes are cold, and the aura on his body has become completely different.

He ordered this group of people: "Don't use a gun, catch alive. If she is injured a little, you know the consequences."

The group stood respectfully beside Miles, "Okay, Lord Miles."

Miles gracefully turned and left, his lips curled up with a charming smile, and our game started, little guy! ! !

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