Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 267: Strange woman!

The pain prevented her from getting up, Cynthia knelt on the ground, covering her head with her hands, because of the pain, sweat leaked from her forehead. She couldn't hold it anymore and fainted.

The distant voice seemed to call her, "Phyllis...Phyllis, you wake up soon."

It was a woman's voice, her voice sounded very gentle, Cynthia slowly opened her eyes, and a strange woman appeared in front of her. Looking at the strange room and the strange woman, Cynthia frowned. Isn't she in the basement of the Klauy Experimental Building? Why do you suddenly appear here.

Lilith's hand was stunned in the air, and then slowly lowered her arm, "Grace's current identity is my sister. If you don't get close to me, others will see it, and then I can't keep you."

"If you have the ability to kill me, I will not succumb to your threats."

Cynthia is not afraid of death. Life without freedom is even more terrifying for her. Cynthia has been trapped in Winter Estate for 16 years. Her father has always been with people by her side. She has never had real freedom and privacy, and Cynthia does not want to Being imprisoned for the second time by this mad woman, she didn't know why this mad woman was so attached to her. Without freedom, she would rather die.

The smile on Lilith's face suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Cynthia indifferently, "Unbehaved child, I can make you behave." She left the room indifferently and slammed the door shut.

The room was quiet again. She had to calm down and face what happened next. If what Lilith said was true, there was an explosion at the exhibition site, did Simpson and Casio escape? According to the current situation, Lilith will not endanger her life for the time being, and she is now more concerned about the safety of Simpsons.

The pistol has been taken away. Now, except for the ring that her grandfather gave to her, nothing belongs to her. That crazy woman could have left her in the exhibition and was bombed to death. Why did she spend her energy to take her with her? What kind of conspiracy does she have when she comes to France?

Cynthia has been imprisoned in the room for two days. Lilith has been here twice. As long as she admits her new identity, she will only have food. Cynthia has been ignoring Lilith and sat on the bed indifferently, even if she starved to death. She will not succumb.

Hunger has already caused Cynthia's spirit to become sluggish. Her body had just recovered and her body became weaker and weaker. Slowly, Cynthia's vision became blurred, and her body could no longer support the past. She seemed to see a rush in the blur! The silhouette of came to her, and her voice sounded very nervous, "Grace, don't scare me..." The fainted Cynthia said something after not hearing it.

This figure is Lilith. She was frightened. She immediately picked up Cynthia to find a doctor, went to the hospital and handed Cynthia to the nurse, waiting outside anxiously. When Lilith saw a girl for the first time, she thought of her younger sister. Her younger sister had a personality similar to that of a girl. She was a proud little princess. Every time she saw the girl's eyes, she would think of her dead sister.

The first sight of the girl in the exhibition reminded her of Phyllis, so instead of killing the girl, she took her back to France, gave the girl a new identity, and hid her by her side. She wanted to slowly contact Grace and let her get close to herself. Her world has always been dark. From the first time she saw Grace, she seemed to have met Redemption.

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