Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 286: Flower sea!

The fear that had troubled her for months was relieved. Although there were only a few words on the note, she felt gentle. Phyllis has been shrouded in the shadow of fear all this time, but when she saw the words on the note, she had unprecedented relief.

She can have a good dream, and she can no longer be awakened by nightmares. Her broken nerves were not so uncomfortable only because of a few simple words on the note.

Phyllis was originally a sensitive and fragile child. Since she has been in poor health since she was a child, she has been transferred to school many times. She has no friends in her life. She doesn't know how to confide in others. Being strong can not withstand a little bit of destruction.

Felice, who has no friends in her life, is even more afraid of losing her family. Her sister is her only friend, and Lilith seems to get along very well with her other self. After she knew about it, Phyllis became jealous, and she was very jealous. Her sister belonged to her alone. That's why Felice's behavior has become so abnormal. She paranoidly believes that as long as the other herself no longer appears, her sister belongs to her alone.

For some reason, the moment Felice looked at the contents of the note, she was relieved. She has always wanted to know why she lost her memory. She was afraid that she was sick and that her father and mother would not like her.

Phyllis closed her eyes and felt the other soul. She was not repelling the other herself in the body.

Felice heard someone calling her, and she was very gentle, and her voice gradually became clear. Felice closed her eyes and felt it carefully. She said in her heart: "Who are you? Why are you in my body?"

At this time, Cynthia was in darkness, but the dark space was gradually broken into pieces and fell down, and the dark world gradually became brighter.

When the whole world became bright, Cynthia was in a sea of ​​flowers. She looked at this endless sea of ​​flowers. Who can tell her what happened?

She was standing in the sea of ​​flowers, could it be Felice's inner world, she tried to call Felice a few times. Some changes occurred in the sea of ​​flowers, and the breeze rolled up the petals of the sea of ​​flowers, as if responding to her.

After the breeze passed, Cynthia noticed the light shining in the distance, and she walked over. It turned out to be a huge white silkworm chrysalis-like thing glowing.

Cynthia stretched out her hand, and she gently touched the huge white cocoon with her hand. The white cocoon shattered like glass, and the white and soft light inside the cocoon enveloped a girl.

For some reason, Cynthia recognized the girl at a glance. The girl closed her eyes tightly, her frowning brows made her look uncomfortable, and Cynthia softly called the girl, "Phyllis...Phyllis , You wake up soon!!!"

The girl slowly opened her eyes. She looked at everything in front of her in confusion, and said in a daze, "Who are you?"

Cynthia looked at the girl tenderly, because she could not explain what was happening now, she was afraid to scare the girl, she made up a beautiful lie, "I am the fairy of this sea of ​​flowers. Phyllis, you awakened I."

Phyllis looked at the girl who was even more beautiful than the elf in front of her in doubt, and said in confusion: "Are you really an elf? What is this place? Why did I wake up from here."

Cynthia rubbed the girl's platinum curly hair and said softly, "This is the sea of ​​flowers in your inner world."

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