Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 292: The sea of ​​memories!

What bad idea is this black cat hitting? What is the reason why the black cat approached her? Is everything it says true or not? ! !

Cynthia's eyes became dangerous, and he looked at the black cat Arthur suspiciously, "I am Phyllis!!! This is simply the most absurd story I have ever heard! Arthur, do you think I am a good fool? There is no basis, how can you make me believe in such an unthinkable thing!"

Arthur turned around in a hurry, how could he deceive Master Cynthia! Seeing the adult’s suspicious eyes, Arthur was a little wronged, and Cynthia did not trust him at all.

"Master Cynthia, Arthur did not deceive you. Your lord, you can see Felice’s memory only because the adult is Phyllis. It’s not a coincidence that the lord went back in time, just because these are also the memory of adults. Here It's not true at all, my lord, please believe me to wake up as soon as possible!"

Arthur's tone was a little anxious and continued: "I know what to explain now, Master Cynthia will not believe me. But Arthur will not hurt your adult, please wake up as soon as possible, otherwise the body of the adult will sleep forever."

Arthur wanted to tell Master Cynthia everything, but now is not the time. When everything is over, Master Cynthia’s memory will be restored, and Master Cynthia will know that Arthur did not lie to her.

"Arthur, are you saying that the tragedy of the Phyllis family cannot be changed?" Cynthia's voice sounded a little sad, and her idea of ​​changing the fate of the Phyllis family seemed so ridiculous.

In the last life, Master Cynthia had been entangled with the tragic fate of his family, so part of Master Cynthia's soul was imprisoned in the sea of ​​memories. Master Cynthia’s soul remembers Lilith, a poor and tragic woman. At the moment when he saw Lilith’s death, Master Cynthia’s soul was stimulated and came to the sea of ​​memories, trapped in the sea of ​​memories, repeating the previous life. fate.

The reason why Cynthia-sama can contact Phyllis is only because they have a soul, and Cynthia-sama's soul is not complete.

Arthur must make Master Cynthia recognize the status quo, "Yes, Master Cynthia, if the fate of the Phyllis family is changed, Master Cynthia will not exist in this world. This space is not the real past, here is Master Cynthia’s confused memory space, what you see and participate in is something that has already happened."

Cynthia's eyes turned red, she squatted on the ground holding her head, it hurts! Just start remembering her head like it's going to explode.

Cynthia doesn't want to participate in anything, she just wants to be an ordinary person, why is it so difficult! What are those memory fragments that do not belong to you? She was a little tired of this **** world.

Cynthia's head hurt more and more, and her voice became hoarse, "Don't say it, Arthur, I don't know! I don't want to know! You get out of me!!!"

Arthur looked at Cynthia anxiously, "Master Cynthia,'s okay...!!!"

With a bang, before Arthur's caring words were finished, he was knocked into the air by the powerful force of Cynthia's body. The flowers around her instantly dried up, and the sea of ​​memories became chaotic.

Arthur looked worriedly at Master Cynthia, who was curling his body together in the distance. This space was about to collapse. He seemed to have said something wrong, stimulating Master Cynthia, causing the adult’s divine power to begin to run away. Master Cynthia will become a demon without emotion.

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