Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 294: The story of memory!

She saw a very handsome man coming out of the small bungalow. A very gentle woman was standing next to the man. The woman tidied the tie for the man, and the two embraced intimately.

Later, the man got in the black car, and the woman stood at the door and looked at the Kaiyuan car gently. She touched her belly, her eyes became more gentle, as if she was telling something to her belly.

As soon as the screen turned, the woman’s belly had become very big, and she seemed to be about to give birth. The man was guarded by the bed anxiously, looking at the weak woman on the bed, his tone was full of distress, "Salena, my dear wife , How I wish I could replace your pain." After speaking, she kissed the woman's forehead distressedly.

The doctors around were busy. A few hours later, the baby's cry sounded throughout the hospital. The man happily said to the woman: "My dear, thanks for your hard work. We have a daughter. She is so beautiful."

The woman looked weakly at the baby in the man's hand, "Yes, our daughter is so beautiful, so call her Lilith."

The man nodded softly. He looked at the baby in his arms and said, "Hmm, do you know Lilith? Mom and Dad have always been looking forward to your arrival."

Cynthia floated in the air and looked at the warm family. The smile at the corner of her mouth couldn't help but rise. The picture turned, and the girl named Lilith had grown up.

The girl looked at the woman's belly innocently, "Mom, you said my sister was born a long time ago. I can't wait to play with her. I really like my sister. I hope she can be born soon."

The woman gently stroked Lilith's cheek, "Lilith, don't worry, my sister will be born soon."

The man sitting next found the newspaper in his hand and waved to Lilith, "Lilith, coming to Dad soon. Mom is pregnant now and needs a good rest."

Lilith looked at the woman’s belly with some dismay, expecting her sister to be born soon. She came to the man, and the man picked Lilith up and put it on his lap, looking at Lilith tenderly, "My Lilith is long When you get older, you must protect your sister after birth."

Lilith's eyes smiled crescent-like, "I know my father, I will protect my sister."

The picture turned again. Cynthia was floating in the space looking at the happy family in the frame. The man was holding a few-year-old girl in his hands, and in front of the woman stood a six or seven-year-old girl with their faces Looking at the camera with a happy smile.

The man and the woman seemed to be out, leaving only the two little girls playing in the living room. The sound of opening the door sounded. The two little girls put down their toys and happily ran to the door to greet their parents.

After the man opened the door, he hugged the two girls in his arms happily. The girl looked at the man excitedly, "Dad, mom, you finally went home. My sister and I stayed at home very well and didn't run around."

After the woman hung up the clothes, she looked at her two daughters tenderly, "My Lilith and Phyllis are so sensible. Mom is so happy that you can become so brave."

Fei Lisi said gruffly: "My sister has always been protecting me. She said that there are bad people outside and we can't go out. We can't go out until Dad and Mom come back."

The woman gently stroked Lilith's cheek, "Today Lilith is very brave to protect her sister and can reward a candy."

Lilith saw her sister's envious expression, and said with a small face earnestly: "Mom, can I give my sister the candy? She is also very brave today."

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