Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 32: silence

At nine o'clock in the evening, the black car drove into Winter Manor. Cynthia, who didn't plan to go home this weekend, because his father came back from France, disrupted his original plan and returned to Winter Manor.

Leon followed her with Cynthia's box and walked to the entrance of the manor, where Cynthia's close maid, Ash, waited.

In the morning, Ash was doing cleaning in the lady's room. Butler North sent Benson to inform her, "Aish, Butler North is looking for you. He is in the study room now. Go to the study room."

Ash hurriedly put down the rag in his hand, arranged his clothes in front of the mirror and headed to the study.

Ash knocked on the door of the room, and a sweet voice came from the room, "Please come in."

Ash bowed his head respectfully, and the butler of North elegantly reviewed the documents in his hand, "Aish, Miss Cynthia will go home tonight, and you will take someone to the door and wait."

Ash nodded respectfully, "Okay! Butler North."

"North glanced indifferently at Ash and said calmly: It's okay, go down!"

Ash slowly withdrew from the room. She had always been afraid of North. She had never seen the butler of North smiling, her eyes were always cold.

Because of North Butler's orders, Ash waited at the door early.

She stepped forward to take the box in Leon's hand, but Leon indifferently refused. He turned sideways to block Ash from reaching out, "I'll take it, don't bother you!"

Ash stopped in the air, and then smiled at Leon and said, "It's no trouble, Miss Cynthia's luggage is all my belongings, please leave it to me."

Cynthia looked at the deadlocked two people, "It's okay! Ashe, just ask Leon to mention the room to me, and you will clean it up later."

"Let's go, Leon."

Back to the room, there were only two of them.

Cynthia lightly nodded Leon's forehead, "Why are you arguing about everything like a child? This was originally what Ash did. You snatched it from her, but the North butler knew that she would be punished." Leon Cynthia is helpless for such a child's character.

"I, I'm sorry, Miss Cynthia, I won't be like this next time." Leon lowered his head like a kid who made a mistake.

Cynthia held Leon’s cheek, and said softly, "Leon, can you keep your head down every time you apologize, I won’t be able to see your handsome face like you."

She rubbed Leon's hair fondly, with a very sincere tone, "I'm not angry, really!"

Leon's eyes were as beautiful as the sea of ​​stars, and Cynthia gently touched his eyes with his lips as if being tempted.

"Leon, I like your eyes so much, don't let me fail to see them!"

Leon Ergen turned pink, "Okay! Miss Cynthia."

"Hey, really obedient."

As long as Cynthia likes him, he can always become a character she likes, and only then can he stay with her.

He has been watching Cynthia, understanding her preferences, and hiding his true self. He is afraid that Cynthia will find such a despicable self.

"It's late, you go back to your room!" Cynthia urged Leon who was staying in the room.

He really didn't want to leave, just like when they were in college, at least they could stay in a dormitory, and Leon prayed that the weekend would be over soon.

Leon stood stubbornly beside her, his slender figure made him look particularly seductive. The people who can join the Cobb Hall training camp are all orphans. He must have had a bad childhood. Only now would he look at her wink like this, and he tightened his lips at the thought of Cynthia.

Cynthia proactively stood on tiptoe and touched Leon's lips, "Good night! Go back and rest soon, see you tomorrow."

"Good night! Miss Cynthia." Leon said contentedly.

After Leon left, Ash, who was waiting outside, knocked on the door of Cynthia's bedroom.

Cynthia had changed clothes and put on a bathrobe, "Come in, Ash."

Ash took the new bath towel in her hand and put it in the bathroom. She saw that the bathtub was full of water. Compared to taking care of other young ladies, taking care of Miss Cynthia's diet and daily life is really simple.

Last time Daisy and the others secretly complained about how picky Miss Sida was, and they would be punished for doing something wrong.

She is really lucky to take care of Miss Cynthia, except that she is not very talkative, her young lady is perfect. People are also very gentle, and sometimes I feel sad that Miss Cynthia will ask her what happened.

Ashe thought, he didn't realize that Cynthia had reached her side, "Ashe, there is nothing wrong with me. It's too early now. Go back and rest."

Ash took the bathrobe handed by Cynthia and stood aside, watching the lady walk into the bathtub naked.

"Okay, Miss Cynthia." Ash closed the door respectfully and exited the room.

Cynthia was soaked in the water, and her whole body sank to the bottom. He wanted to keep going like this, without thinking about anything, not worrying about it, and not having to think too much.

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