Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 339: Three hundred and thirty-ninth

Seeing little Scorpio's distrustful expression, Bob was a little embarrassed, he was really bad at lying.

"Hahaha!!! We are brothers, little Scorpio, how could I lie to you, are you not trusting me?"

Bob has been his partner for many years, how could he not trust it, but he was very worried about the safety of Miss Cynthia.

Seeing Bob's slightly frowned brows, how should he explain to alleviate the embarrassing situation now? Leon is not good at dealing with this kind of things. If it is a stranger, he doesn't bother to explain, but Bob is one of the few. friend.

"Sorry, Bob, no... it's not you..."

Bob sighed. He knew that this kid always talked little and was too lazy to explain when he was misunderstood. Looking at his anxious appearance, Bob couldn't bear to deceive him.

Little Scorpio is very good. Before joining their team, he has completed many outstanding tasks. Bob has heard his name because he is often jealous because he is too good. Because of his feminine appearance, he can’t understand him. The target that the people attacked caused him a lot of trouble.

God! Is it a sin to be too beautiful?

Little Scorpio's body is still very weak. For more than a month, he has been relying on nutrient solution to maintain his life. He has just woke up and is very weak. The news of the little princess's death must be hidden for a while.

Bob made up his mind that even if little Scorpio blamed him in the future, he must do the same.

A week later.

All indicators of Leon's body have returned to health. If it were an ordinary person, he would die on the spot without the impact of a big explosion, but Leon miraculously woke up, and his body recovered very quickly.

Bob is holding the cleaned fruit in his hand, biting bit by bit, looking calm on the surface, but in fact he is very nervous, what should I do! If little Scorpio asked him about the little princess, how would he explain it?

Leon was packing his luggage. He was going back to Winter Manor. In order to prevent Miss Cynthia from seeing her weak self, he endured the miss in his heart and did not contact Cynthia.

Bob said anxiously: "Little Scorpio, your body has not fully recovered yet, you...Where are you going?"

Leon answered truthfully: "I am going back to Winter Manor."

"No, you can't go back!!!"

"Bob, what happened?" Looking at Bob who was a little excited, Leon had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Sorry!! Little Scorpio, I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept the news of the death of the little princess."

The box in Leon's hand slammed on the ground, and the clothes arranged inside were scattered on the ground, like Leon's heart, falling to the ground and shattered.

Leon stretched his hand to Bob, his body began to tremble. He didn't believe what Bob had just said. How could Miss Cynthia die? How could she be so smart, how could she die! ! !

"Impossible!! Bob, you are lying to me. Are you? Miss Cynthia can't die, you must be lying to me."

"It's true!! The news of the death of the little princess was suppressed by Lord Samuel. Only a few people knew that Lord Samuel offered a huge reward for investigating the group of criminals who held Master Bennet's exhibition. And little Scorpio, I There is one more bad news to tell you."

Leon couldn't accept the news of Miss Cynthia's death, impossible! This must not be true, he could feel that Cynthia was not dead.

Bob looked at little Scorpio’s gloomy expression and couldn’t bear to tell him that because Miss Cynthia was injured at the Christmas ball, little Scorpio as a bodyguard failed to protect the safety of the little princess, and was removed from the Winter Manor by Lord Samuel. He is no longer the bodyguard of the little princess now.

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