Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 42: secret

Samuel was an important guest of Earl Will. According to the invitation, Samuel took Cynthia to Wembillon Castle two hours before the banquet. Earl Will sent his butler to wait for Sam outside the castle. You.

Cynthia sat in the car and looked at the ancient castle in the distance. The towering spires of the castle and the huge glass paintings on the windows came into view. The mottled prints around the castle could clearly tell its long history.

Cynthia stared indifferently at the glorious but already crumbling castle on the surface. It looked glorious but the family was empty. The property left by the old earl could no longer support the extravagant life of earl Will.

The current Will has taken the title of the old earl, and his purpose of holding this banquet is only to privately auction the few properties left by the old earl.

After getting out of the car, Cynthia silently supported Samuel’s arm and walked towards the castle. A steward in a tuxedo waited at the gate of the castle. Looking at Samuel approaching, his gentleman took off his hat and turned towards the castle. Samuel leaned over slightly, "Honorable Samuel Lord! I am the butler Gilbert, Lord Earl sent me to lead the Lord here, Lord Lord He has been waiting for the Lord in the study for a long time, please ask Lord Samuel to follow me. Come."

Samuel glanced at Gilbert indifferently, "Yeah! Let's go."

The father obviously wanted to talk to the Earl of Will. She didn't want to be too involved in work, so she interrupted the conversation, "Father."

Samuel stared at Cynthia, his eyes filled with tenderness, "What's the matter? Cynthia!"

"Do I need to go with me too?"

Samuel saw that Cynthia didn't want to see Will. "If you don't want to go, ask Gilbert Butler to send you to the banquet hall, and I will go to the banquet hall to find you when I'm done."


Gilbert had long heard that Samuel loved his little daughter Cynthia very much. The girl in front of her looked cold and distant. She seemed not interested in anything. The other noble ladies came to the castle, even if they were well-informed. Will be attracted by the beautiful castle, but she is very calm, really a special girl.

Gilbert instructed the maid beside him, "You take Miss Cynthia to the banquet hall, take care of Miss Cynthia, and you must satisfy her needs."

The maid replied respectfully: "Yes! Lord Gilbert."


The banquet was extremely grand. Earl Will invited many nobles to the banquet. Cynthia looked at the laughing people on the dance floor, and how many secrets were hidden behind such a luxurious party.

Earl Will at the banquet saw the appetizing prey. He noticed the boy and walked towards him with a glass of wine. "Are you the bodyguard of that family?"

Leon stayed silently, ignoring Earl Will's call up.

He seemed to be particularly interested in Leon, and the corners of his mouth raised to indicate that he was in a good mood now, "Can't speak? Haha! It's interesting."

Cynthia noticed the movement on Leon's side. Why was Earl Will talking to Leon? Cynthia whispered to Samuel, "Father, let me leave first."

Cynthia walked through the crowd and came to Leon. She stood in front of Leon, blocking Earl Will's eager look at Leon, "Earl Will, is there anything wrong with my bodyguard?"

Earl Will squinted slightly, looking back and forth between Leon and Cynthia, "This is your bodyguard?"

"Is there something wrong? Earl Will, I will leave first without any problems."

Cynthia turned her head to Leon and said, "Follow me."

She took Leon to the other side of the garden, where there were very few guests. Cynthia chuckled with her hand over her lips. "Hahaha, Leon, I didn't expect you to be so popular."

"I...!" Leon looked at Cynthia awkwardly.

"Miss, don't make fun of me." He flushed his cheeks.

Earl Will likes men. This is a secret that everyone knows in the upper circles. He has many lovers, and he will take the initiative to pursue them when he sees he likes them.

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