Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 511: Fortuneteller!


"Father..., I..., what's the matter?"

Because of Adolf's roar, Nidia's body trembled more severely. He hated Nidia's cowardly appearance, and he looked like a mouse seeing a cat. Adolf is a fortune-teller, and his side job is a pastor. The reason for being a pastor can make him a better fortune-telling.

The people in this village are ignorant. They hate all kinds of aliens. As a fortune-teller, Adolf, in order to live quietly in the village, deliberately claimed a job in the church and became a priest.

The pastor is the messenger of God, who can guide people who are lost. Many people confide to Andorf in the church, so he knows the little secrets of many people in this village. But as a "pastor" he can't tell these secrets out at will, this is the integrity of the pastor.

He came to this village 18 years ago. In order to avoid the enemy, he has been living quietly in this small village. 16 years ago, he found Nitya, an abandoned baby girl, at the door of the house, which made Adolf very troubled. He would not bring children, and he was still a baby.

As a fortune-teller, Adolf calculated that this baby girl had 16 years of fate with him. There is no way he can only adopt this abandoned baby. He calculated that the baby girl's life will be very miserable, and the only thing that can change her fate is that she cannot leave the village before she is 18 years old, and the miserable fate can be broken.

But how could it be so easy to change one's destiny? People's destiny is doomed when they are born. If you want to change, you must pay a great price. Adolf knows the mystery.

During the divination today, he discovered that the tragedy of Nitya’s fate has accelerated. He calculated that Nitya would die on a cold street corner, and his consciousness became very unclear, running like a mad woman on the snowy street because of stealing food. Was ruthlessly beaten to death.

Adolf's face became solemn. Although he had no feelings for his adopted daughter, after all, after living together for so long, he couldn't help but frown when he saw her such tragic fate.

He knew that his adopted daughter was very afraid of himself,

If you can't take care of your own life, how can you be free to help others? As a taxi driver, Johnny has been in contact with many people, and he is familiar with all kinds of things in the world.

The daughter who was in the rebellious period had not spoken to him for a week. When his daughter asked him for living expenses, he could not give the money to his daughter, so the daughter was angry and ignored him. This made Johnny very helpless. He also wanted to pay his daughter happily so that she could buy something he likes, but he couldn't take out a few coins in his pocket, so he could only refuse on the grounds of not spending money indiscriminately. Give your daughter money.

His son has not returned home for several months. He knows his son's vices. Once his son was put in a correctional facility after a disturbance. He spent a lot of money to get him out. A year ago, his son became addicted to drugs and got into a group of gangsters. They started to rob passers-by in order to make money for drugs. This Johnny was very sad.

He is worried that his only son will be put in prison again, and he has no money to get him out. This world is dark. Even the police officers who guard the prison are dark. Only by giving them money can people get out.

Those prison guards are not as upright as they seem to be. As long as they have money, they can do things easily. This is the consistent principle of prisons.

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