Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 538: People who are good at disguising!

A person who is good at disguising may sometimes deceive himself. Adolf actually knew that Dr. Trem approached him with purpose.

His mother told him that in this world, don't believe anyone except yourself, because the people around you may approach you with purpose.

After Marilyn died, Adolf began to pretend to be himself. He began to become as gregarious as possible. The people around him could be arranged, so he was extra careful about the people who suddenly appeared around him.

In the second year after his mother's death, Dr. Trem suddenly appeared in his life. Adolf guessed that this person was probably the person who monitored him in the organization that his mother said.

Adolf pretended to be a sensitive child who lost his parents. For him, the death of his parents did not affect him too much, but the secrets his mother told him made Adolf interested. It turns out that he still has this secret in him.

If Dr. Trem wanted to approach him, he would often appear in his sight to familiarize him with his existence. Adolf saw that Dr. Trem appeared too frequently, which was enough to prove that this man approached him purposefully.

Doctor Trem entered his life. This was Adolf's plan. He still has no ability to get rid of the control of the organization. He must make this person who called Trem one of his plans.

However, in Dr. Trem's opinion, he slowly opened Adolf's closed heart. This was all Adolf's plan.

Later, he escaped smoothly through Doctor Trem, and organized a large number of killers to hunt him down. Their secret research has been discovered. People who are not controlled will be killed by the organization, so Adolf must die.

Later, Adolf lived a life of being hunted down, only suspended animation can let him escape the hunt. He has spent many years in the village safely. Just when he thought that the killer who was chasing him had given up chasing him, a few strangers came to the village the day before he suspended his death. Fortunately, Adolf had always been disguised. The group did not find Adolf, but was in the village. Ask about his whereabouts.

Adolf did not expect that the organization had never stopped searching for his whereabouts over the years. The village was so remote that the killer had found the village. Who betrayed him?

Adolf suspended himself once again, and he hid in the secret tunnel he built, which had enough food for his one month's ration.

The secret path could hear the conversation outside. As he guessed, Village Chief Job and they all thought he was dead, and later buried him in the cemetery to the west.

One month passed quickly, and his food was almost finished. Adolf took advantage of the night to come out of the secret road, took the important things and left the village overnight.

Adolf once again lived a wandering life, this time he did not live in one city for a long time, he would change to the next city.

More than ten years have passed. Adolf looks in the mirror and he is not old at all. In fact, his true age is an old man who is already in his sixties, but his body shows no signs of decay. He is very healthy and totally unlike. The physical fitness that an old man should have.

The toxin on his chest has quickly spread to his arms. If the toxin spreads to the whole body, it is his death period. Based on the speed of the toxin spreading, he should still be able to live for several decades.

Suddenly, Adolf did not want to live in Tibet. He had had enough of these lives. He could not travel in the "sun" like a normal person, but could only hide in the dark "sewage".

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