Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 623: Loss of temperature!

Duke tied another rope to Mina's exposed upper body. After checking that it was tightly tied, he said to Daniel and the others on the shore: "You can pull people."

More than ten minutes later, Mina was finally rescued ashore. Mina fell into a coma due to hypoxia. Fortunately, Mina was still breathing.

Duke got up and took off his soiled clothes, and reached out to Daniil, "Give me the clothes."

Daniel knows that Duke has a very serious habit of cleanliness. This time he went down to the swamp and did a lot of psychological construction. After this, their team will be more cohesive than before.

Darnier reached out his hand and messed up Duke's clothes. Watching Duke's face become ugly, the smile on Duke's face increased.

"Duke, thank you for saving Mina."

Duke watched Daniel silently and did not speak. He hated other people moving his hair. This behavior was unbearable. Duke looked at Daniel warningly, "Daniel, no next time."

Darniel said in a spoiled tone, "Ah? Don't be so stingy? Duke, how can your hair be messy in the wild."

Duke said again: "No next time!!!"

This stinky boy is really not a joke, his face is stinking to death.

Daniil was a little helpless, "Good, good, no next time."

It is too dangerous to camp near the swamp. Biogas is also a deadly poisonous gas. Inhalation is bad for the human body. No fire can be lighted next to the swamp, and now Mina's body is almost frozen, and a fire must be lighted to restore Mina's body temperature.

They camped almost 200 meters away from the swamp, because in the forest, dead branches and dead grass are everywhere. Because the humidity of the forest is too high, the dead branches and dead grass are very humid, and it becomes difficult to ignite the fire.

Daniil took out his own clothes from his backpack and wrapped it in Mina to keep her body warm. Such an environment is easy to catch a cold, and it is very deadly if you catch a cold in the wild.

Daniil's clothes are very generous, making Mina look even thinner.

Denise deliberately said: "Misunderstanding? Eleanor, don't you always like Edward? I'm helping you."

Eleanor's face turned red, and she hurriedly explained, "Denise, what are you talking about! How could I like Senior Edward? Senior Edward's girlfriend is so good, how can I compare?"

Edward's eyes were disappointed, "Denise, do you have to do this?"

Denise pretended not to understand, "How about what? Edward, what are you talking about?"

Edward complained silently, "You know what I'm talking about!!! You know how happy I am..."

Eleanor looked at Senior Edward in shock, no! ! ! Do not say! ! ! !

"Denise, do you want to eat? You should be hungry after walking for so long."

Ernest interrupted what Edward wanted to say in time. Edward was so handsome. What if Denise heard his confession and fell in love with him?

No way! ! !

He can't let this happen!

Denise looked at Ernest, who was looking at her eagerly, very helpless.

"Ernist, I'm not hungry!!!"

Ernest took the bread back into his school bag and said to Denise to please: "That's good! Denise, when you are hungry, tell me that I still have a lot of snacks."

Being interrupted by Ernest, the topic just now can no longer continue.

Edward was also very embarrassed, he almost told the truth on impulse.

The atmosphere gradually became awkward, and Edward looked to the other side in silence.

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