Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 65: resurrection?

How can it be! Isn't Ron already dead?

According to Ron's blood loss at the time, he couldn't survive. How could he appear in the police station? Still come from the head!

Cynthia frowned. Assuming Ron was not dead, his gunshot wound would not heal so quickly.

impossible! impossible! This incident exceeded her expectations. Cynthia's pupils dilated and looked at Ron, who was talking to Officer Ed in the room in shock. Although they didn't know what they said, Cynthia was sure that the person inside was the dead Ron.

Cynthia's thoughts were chaotic now, and she forced herself to calm down and calm down no matter what happened next.

Cynthia's flustered mood gradually stabilized, and her clenched fingers gradually relaxed. She looked at the person in the mirror and said to Leon: "Leon, do you say that people will resurrect when they die?"

Leon looked at Cynthia with a strange expression, because Leon didn't know Ron or what Ron looked like, so he was not as shocked as Cynthia.

He said worriedly: "In my cognition, death will not be resurrected. Has anything happened to Miss Cynthia?"

Cynthia shook his head lightly, "It's nothing."

Twenty minutes later, Officer Ed finally came out of the interrogation room with a rare smile on Ed’s face. The case has finally progressed, and the criminal’s hiding location has now been mastered.

Cynthia's expression was obviously a little unnatural, she deliberately pretended not to know Ron, and watched the police officer Ed who came out of the room asked anxiously.

"Who is inside? Did he kidnap Noel?"

Ed checked his pistol and communication equipment. When he passed Cynthia, he said to her: "Time is running out. We are talking in the car."

Ed took out his mobile phone to release the task, and his voice sounded very serious, "Angel, Jokley, Dean..., the prey has been out of the hole, and the five of you will gather immediately before the location I posted."

Angel: "Okay, boss."

Jokley: "Hey, I can finally act, I'm almost boring these days."

Dean: "Good captain, promise to complete the task."


Cynthia could no longer control her patience. Ed hadn't spoken since getting into the car, her voice was annoyed, "Sergeant Ed! Can tell me the truth now."

Ed calmly said: "This operation is very dangerous. I will send you back to the college. You will go back to the dormitory first. After the news, I will notify you as soon as the operation ends successfully."

Cynthia snorted coldly, trying to get rid of me, it's not easy.

"No! Officer Ed, you can't just abandon us as soon as you're done using it. Can your police not be honest?"

"Um..., this classmate! I am also out of consideration for your safety. This action is very dangerous. I can't put you in danger."

"Sergeant Ed, I will be responsible for my own safety, I must join the operation!"

Ed: "..."

According to the clues provided by the suspect Ron, Professor Katie in the college instructed him to kidnap the victim. According to the investigation, Professor Kaidi is a person with limited mobility. If the clue provided by the suspect is correct, as long as it is to find Professor Kaidi's hiding place to rescue the victim, it will reduce the difficulty.

Officer Ed said helplessly: "Okay! You follow me behind me in this operation, and I will protect your safety."

Leon's cold voice sounded in the car, he was jealous, and Cynthia could only let him protect him, "No! I can protect Miss Cynthia, you just save Miss Noel."

"Haha!" In the face of Leon, who is extremely possessive, Ed can only smile awkwardly.

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