Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 654: The 21st day of survival!

During this period of time, it was like a year for Mina. During this period of time in the forest, every day made her feel broken.

Mina's eyes darkened, and she felt that she should not be able to hold it for long.

"Then there are still 16 days, Doctor, do you think someone will really come to pick us up in 30 days?"

Anna Wei's burrowing movement stopped, her hand was rubbed with many small bubbles, and when she pinched the handle of the knife, she accidentally broke one.

Anna Wei took a deep breath, how could it hurt so much.

Anna Wei looked at her rough hands, she didn't know what she was insisting on, it was really too difficult to live.

Mina saw the stunned Anna Wei and promptly said: "Doctor? What's wrong with you?"

Anna Wei raised a smile weakly, "It's okay, I'll know if anyone will pick us up after 30 days."

"That's right! Then we will know."

Duke on the side has not spoken, nor has he joined Anna Wei and their conversation.

Duke said suddenly, "Doctor, Z has never appeared."


Duke stopped his movements, "Z on the radio, they have always appeared."


Mina also looked at Anna Wei, "Duke is right, this Z who is hunting us has never appeared."

They have also met other game players in the past ten days. In order to avoid trouble, they all chose not to negotiate directly, but to change their course.

Duke began to analyze the things he had been struggling with these days, he felt that he was being teased.

"So is there such a possibility? Z in the broadcast is cheating us, and their purpose is to let us enter the forest. The day after we entered the forest, that is, the broadcast prompted Z to hunt us down the next day. At that time, we were not too far from the coast where the plane was docked, and during the second time we did not hear any sound of the plane landing."

Anna Wei looked at Duke and said, "You mean, someone wants us to enter the forest, and this person knows the dangers in the forest. They just want to kill all the people on the plane. The 30-day game and rewards are all scams?"

"Doctor, this is all my guess."

The survival instinct can make Mina want to return to the plane, at least where is too much safer than the forest, and their food can support them for two days at most.

Mina put down the knife in her hand with excitement, "Doctor, Duke, let's go back to the plane on the shore! It might be safe there."

Anna Wei became very hesitant, and Duke only speculated that if Z was guarding someone near the plane, they would just go back and throw themselves into the net. These more than ten days of hard work were wasted.

Looking at Anna Wei who hesitated, Mina was a little anxious, "Doctor?"

Anna Wei said soothingly: "Mina, you make me think about it."

Mina also wanted to continue saying that she felt that she was too excited, Z had never appeared, it might be because they were lucky.

"it is good……."

Anna Wei looked at Duke, "What's your opinion?"

Duke said his thoughts, "Although it is very possible to meet Z, Doctor, I still recommend going back."

"Okay, just go back."

Three days later, Anna Wei leaned on the compass and walked out of the forest. Fearing that Z would be ambushing along the coast, they decided to observe a few days nearby before returning to the plane.

After several days of exploration, there was no Z's whereabouts near the coast.

Now is the 21st day of survival on the island, Anna Wei and the others decided to return to the plane.

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