Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 656: I hope I can leave!

For these nine days, Duke and the others have spent the whole time on the plane. Because of the safe haven, they slept much more securely than when they were in the forest.

There are a lot of food cans and water tanks on the plane, allowing their weak bodies to slowly recover.

Today is the last day of the 30-day survival game. After today, you can leave this **** place.

I hope I can leave.

Mina curled up in the seat. This experience let her know that it is not easy to live in the wild.

The former Mina sneered at the group of showmen on TV. She felt that survival in the wild is very easy to survive. In fact, some things seem simple, but when you experience it yourself, you will know how difficult it is.

Although there are many animals that can be hunted in the wild, you don’t have good tools to hunt, and the prey you catch is not burned properly. Many parasites will enter the human body, and people will get sick gradually without drugs The final result of treatment is death.

Mina's voice was disturbed, "Doctor, can we really leave this island after today?"

Anna Wei fell into deep thought. At first, she just wanted to live and didn't think so deeply, but now that the food and water problems have been solved, what is in front of them is how to leave the island.

The canned food on the plane is fixed, it cannot be regenerated, and it is gone after eating. The same is true for water. Although there is still a lot of water in the water tank, if they can't leave the island, they will have to drink the water in one day.

Whether someone will pick them up tomorrow, Anna Wei really doesn't know.

The unknown is really terrible, this feeling torment Anna Wei, she wants to live, she wants to live more than anyone else.

Anna Wei leaned her head on Mina's shoulder, her thoughts lost.

Anna Wei was giving herself a psychological hint, "Yes, it will, and someone will come to pick us up."

Mina closed her eyes, and the anxiety in her heart relaxed a little.

"Doctor, when I get home tomorrow, I'm going to the fried chicken shop to buy all the fried chicken in the shop. I really want to eat fried chicken."

Mina licked her tongue, saying that she was already greedy.

"Doctor, what do you want to do when you get home?"

What does she want to do when she gets home? Anna Wei dreamed about it in her mind. She wanted to see Antila, her lover, for the first time. She wanted to kiss her lover for the first time. She really missed Antila during these times.

Twenty days have passed since the plane lost its flight. At this time, Antilla had already seen the news of the plane's loss. In the list of "victims", Antilla may have seen her name.

Anna Wei's lips had a gentle smile, she was fantasizing about Antila seeing herself.

There will be expressions of surprise, shock, disbelief, surprise, and happiness on Antila's face.

"Doctor? What are you thinking so happy."

"I'm thinking about my lover, his expression when he sees me, that must be funny."

Mina is an orphan, she has no relatives, and now the closest person is a teammate. Her teammates are now only Duke, and Mina's heart is pulled together when she wants to reach Captain Neil and them.

Anna Wei sighed slightly, "Mina's time is late, take a good rest, all results will be known tomorrow."


She had had enough of this isolated island, Mina closed her eyes and prayed that she could really leave this ghost place tomorrow.

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