Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 661: Must give an explanation!

Their relatives just disappeared, and the airline must give an account.

Antila came to the front desk, because there were a lot of people consulting, and the front desk had to receive a lot of people, so he waited for a while.

After half an hour, it was finally his turn. Antila originally wanted to squeeze a smile, but now he can't smile at all.

Antila is a gentle person, he looks at everyone with a faint smile, and looks very polite. The usual smiling etiquette, in the current situation, Antila can't laugh at all.

The lady at the counter looked at Anna Wei, her smile was very professional.

"Hello sir, what help is needed."

"I want to check the news of this person."

Antila handed Anna Wei's name to the counter girl.

The lady at the counter gave a professional smirk, "Sorry, sir, we can't disclose the passenger's letter at will. May I ask what your relationship is.

Antila said directly: "She is my lover, I am not sure if she was on this flight, because I saw my lover's name on the list of missing persons, I need you to help me check this and me The message of the lover's same name."

"It's such a sir, I can understand your feelings now, but the company has regulations not to disclose passengers' private information to outsiders, so I'm really sorry sir!"

Although the voice of the lady at the counter was very polite, Antila was no longer sane when it came to Anna Wei.

Antila felt that the lady at the counter was unwilling to check the information for him. He was really angry because of the mixed feelings of worry and anxiety.

Antilla, who rarely gets angry, said aggravated, "I! Say it! She! Yes! Me! Love! People!"

Facing the angry Antilla, the well-trained counter lady did not panic at all. There were too many troublemakers, and she was used to seeing this kind of scene.

In this matter, the emotional guests must first be calmed and stabilized. "Dear guests, because of my authority, I cannot directly query the information of the guests. I will report this to the leader. Do you think this is OK?"

Antila is not an unreasonable person, he can also understand the difficulty of the counter girl, but he is too worried about Anna Wei, if the person in the accident is really Anna Wei, he will definitely collapse, and he will not know about the rest of his life. what to do?

Antila calmed down her emotions, "Okay."

"Okay, guest. I have recorded this matter. Please go home and wait for the news. As long as the news is confirmed, I will notify you immediately. Guests, please record your phone number and name here, as long as we are here There is news. You will be notified immediately."


After leaving the phone number and name, Antila left the counter in a daze, and walked outside desperately.

Desperate Antila, accidentally ran into a strange man.

The strange man yelled: "Damn bastard! No eyes!!!"

Because Antila has been indulging in her sad mood, she did not hear the man's anger, which made the strange man even more angry.

The strange man rushed up immediately, and Antila hit the face with a punch, and the unsuspecting Antila fell to the ground, his eyes staring at the void blankly.

The physical pain seems to be insensible at all. The stranger sees Antila who is lying on the ground, is this person a fool? Why is there no response after being beaten?

The strange man picked up Antila's collar. He wanted to teach him a few times. He was foul, and was startled by Antila's cold eyes.

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