Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 663: The story has changed in the end!

Because of the decrease in reports, people's lives seem to be back to normal again. The number of people demonstrating in airlines has gradually decreased, and many people have accepted this fact.

The airlines also compensated the families of the missing persons. Most of the family members have "understood" the airlines. Only a few people did not accept compensation. They wanted people instead of money.

Because of the decrease in popularity, coupled with other entertainment news reports, fewer people paid attention to this incident, and the media reduced coverage of the incident.

As people in the media, they are all reporting the hottest incident at present, and it seems that the loss of the plane has become an event in the last century.

Antila turned off the TV. He hadn't gone out for a whole week. He closed all the windows so that the sun couldn't get through, and the room became very dim.

He trimmed all the reports in the newspaper about the incident.

There are not many customers in the shop today, and Antila has already decided not to open the shop.

Taking advantage of the good sun, Antila wanted to go out and relax. The weather this month was the same as his mood, it was rainy and rainy.

A month ago, when Antilla was watching the news, he accidentally saw that the French flight to Grete was lost. Less than an hour after the plane took off, the command center lost contact with the plane.

Because of Anna Wei's relationship, Antilla paid special attention to the flight from France to Grete.

Somehow today, Antila's heartbeat is extremely fast, and he always feels that something bad is about to happen.

He turned on the TV, and the news of the missing plane was broadcast on the TV. Because it was a flight from France, Antilla also paid attention to this incident.

The failure of the aircraft is either due to a problem with the signal on the aircraft and the command center cannot be contacted in time, then the aircraft has an accident.

According to the normal flight time, the plane should land at the time the news of the plane’s missing connection was broadcast. The time of the news broadcast is already 3 hours after the plane should have landed.

Many of them are well aware that when the fuel on the plane finally runs out, and this is international news, if the flight lands at a certain airport, it will cause a sensational report.

But now there is no movement at all. Some experts pointed out that the fuel on this plane can only sail for 8 or 9 hours at most, and now that this time has passed, everyone knows that the plane has an accident, and all the people on the plane may have lost their lives. Up.

One day later, the plane was still in a disconnected state, and the plane had been out of touch for 24 hours. The passengers on the plane.

The loss of the plane this time had too much impact. It was on international news, and the media of various countries paid great attention to it.

I don't know why, Antila feels very upset, always feel that something is going to happen, he also paid attention to the news of the plane loss.

News reporters interviewed the designer of the aircraft, and they speculated that there might be a problem in the design of the aircraft itself, which caused the aircraft to malfunction and fail to fly to the Grete International Airport safely.

Because the loss of the plane has a huge impact, there are more than one hundred crew members and passengers on the plane, and now all the more than one hundred people are strangely missing.

This kind of news has caused an uproar in the world. Many people have silently begun to mourn the people on the plane because they know that the survival rate of the crash is very low.

On the 10th day after the plane was lost, there was still no news of the lost plane. The sea between France and Glia was very long, and it was undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find survivors.

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