Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 67: Forgotten place

Ten minutes later, Officer Ed and they discussed the action plan.

"Dean, Philip, you stay outside the abandoned laboratory building to prevent the gangsters from escaping in the chaos, keep in touch, and report the situation immediately."

Dean: "Okay, Captain."

Philip: "Okay, Captain."

"Jokley, Angel, Bart, the three of you and I went down to the basement and searched separately. If you find the gangster, don't be impulsive, report the location immediately."

Jokley's usually lazy character also became serious, "Okay, Captain."

Angel wiped the sniper rifle in his hand, calmly on his face, "Okay, Captain."

Bart: "Okay, Captain."

Ed announced the arrangement to his teammates, walked to Cynthia and Leon, his expression was very solemn. "This task is very dangerous. You have to be mentally prepared. After you get down to the basement, follow me closely and find a place to hide when you encounter danger."

Cynthia smiled sincerely, "I will act according to Officer Ed's instructions, and I will definitely not cause any trouble to Officer Ed."

Leon also nodded towards Ed, indicating that he would obey the arrangement. The youth's temperament is cold and withdrawn, Ed and him rarely make eye contact.

Ed and others walked in along the gate of the laboratory building. The inside of the laboratory building was very dilapidated, and the corridors were covered with weeds. The windows of each house were covered with heavy dust. Ed wiped the dust off with his hands. Through the windows, he saw that many experimental equipment used by former students had been abandoned in the classroom.

This experiment was really forgotten for a long time. The experiment equipment was covered with heavy dust. The environment of this place was very much like a scene in a horror game, and strange noises were heard from time to time.

Jokley whispered, "What the **** is this! The environment is very similar to the game he played, "Escape from the Horror Madhouse". The dark and gloomy corridors are covered with all kinds of scary graffiti."

He seemed to be able to feel the mouse running by his feet, and his body could not move as if he had been pressed the pause button. Jokley was afraid of the mouse without fear of anything. This animal carries all kinds of deadly bacteria, and he hates it.

Angel behind him looked at Jokley suspiciously, "What's wrong with Jokley! Why are you standing still, haven't you seen the captain and they have gone far?"

Jokley kept his slightly trembling body stable. He couldn't let Angel find that he was afraid of mice, otherwise she would be teased for a long time.

"No, nothing! I, I'm watching if this is the entrance to the basement. You go first, and I'll follow right away."

Ed and the others walked back and forth for more than ten minutes on the first floor, but they had not found the entrance to the basement.

Bart stopped Ed, "Captain, we have been spinning around on the first floor, is the suspect lying to us? This laboratory building doesn't look like there is a basement."

The laboratory building is dark and damp. It is really difficult for people who are not familiar with the structural design of the laboratory building to find the basement. They have searched for every classroom, and still haven't found the entrance of the basement. Could the entrance of the basement not be on the first floor?

Angel stared calmly at the surroundings. When she turned her head, she realized that Cynthia and Leon were missing. "Captain! The two kids are gone."

Ed looked back and saw that Cynthia and Leon were really missing. "Oops! Are they lost? Let's look around."

Jokley immediately stopped Ed, "Captain! We can't waste time. The two children are not as simple as we looked at. The young man saw that he was very good at skill, and they didn't care about our protection. The girl looked weak in her eyes. But they are shrewd, they may have known the entrance to the basement and deliberately avoided us."

"No! Jokley, this is just your guess, they were brought by me, and I am responsible for their safety."

Angel, who had been quiet, finally spoke, "Boss, this time I agree with Jokley. The first floor is relatively safe. If they get lost on the first floor, they will only be frightened. It is better than following us to the basement to meet the gangster. If we waste time looking for them, and they have already gone to the basement, then there will be real danger."

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