Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 678: Malnutrition!

Leon squatted at the door of the pharmacy. He curled his body together, his teeth trembled when he came, "Okay~cold~ah! When will the pharmacy open?"

Leon is a little anxious now, he has to go to the bakery after buying the medicine, he is afraid that time will be too late.

The distant horizon finally began to shine, which indicated that the day was about to dawn. Leon had been waiting for almost half an hour, and his face was pale with cold.

The blood vessels on the back of his hand are clearly visible, Leon is terribly thin, and his cheeks are completely sunken, just like refugees from Syria.

Although he got a job recently, Leon went to the supermarket to buy some bread that was about to expire in order to save money.

The price of these breads is much cheaper, which is the range that Leon can afford.

On such a day, Leon has been very satisfied. In the winter, he had a place to live. Although the room was small and small, at least he should not be frozen to death.

And I have food to eat every day. Although it is not very nutritious, it is much better than the days when I was hungry a year ago.

As long as he works hard, his future life will be better.

The street lights on the street are extinguished one by one, which indicates that the sky is already bright.

Leon stared at the drugstore closed by the iron gate, very anxious in his heart. When did he open the door?

After waiting for a long time, pedestrians began to appear on the street, the pharmacy still did not open, and Leon felt that he could not just sit and wait for death.

Leon knocked on the iron door eagerly, "Is anyone? Doctor... are you inside the doctor?"

Leon knocked for a long time and no one responded. Isn't the pharmacy open today?

There is only this pharmacy nearby. When Leon is passing by, he is not sure when the pharmacy will open because it hasn’t opened the door too early.

Leon continued to knock on the iron door, "Is anyone there?"

After a while, there was a sound of walking in the drugstore, and Leon was a little happy, and finally there was someone.

Insults came from the room, "Damn it! It was a **** early in the morning, what kind of knock? I really don't have any education. I don't know if someone is resting inside?"

Leon squeezed ten fingers tight, his eyes faded, he knew his behavior was rude and disturbed others.

The iron door was opened. Doctor Dali, a fat white man, stood at the door with a slightly angry expression. He looked at Leon on the opposite side.

"It's you who keep knocking on the door?"

Leon was a little embarrassed, his face turned red. He knew it was because of his own problem, so he was a little embarrassed.

Leon said cautiously, "Sorry! I... didn't mean it."

Doctor Dali didn't accept Leon's apology at all. Looking at Leon's white clothes, he was another poor ghost. The corner of his mouth was raised, showing a look of disdain.

"Are you sure you are here to buy medicine? Are you rich? I am a pharmacy and not a charity. Don't expect me to give you medicine."

Leon said quickly: "I have money, I'm here to buy medicine."

Dr. Dali turned and went back inside, his voice a little impatient, "Say it! What do I need?"

Leon's memory is very good, he repeats what the dangerous man needs.

Leon accidentally saw the time on the wall. It was almost 7 o'clock. He had to get to the bakery before 7:30. His time was running out.

Leon appeared to be particularly anxious, which attracted the attention of Dr. Dali, these things are used by people who have suffered trauma, and the child is not injured.

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