Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 716: anger!

Philip has known Daniel since he can remember. Because of his withdrawn character, he has no friends. He is willing to be Daniel's friend.

At first, Daniel only regarded him as air and would not speak to him at all. Later, Daniel slowly began to accept Philip and didn't dislike Philip being by his side, knowing that Daniel is willing to talk to him now.

Philip has always felt that Daniel did not regard him as a good friend. Today he saw Daniel leave in such a panic. Philip felt that Daniel could not do without him.

Seeing Daniel who cared about his stay, Philip was actually a little happy, and Daniel finally accepted him sincerely.

Daniel does not do this task. He has been jealous of Philip since he was a child. Philip is a happy child, and he is just the opposite of Philip.

Facing Philip, who wanted to be friends with himself, Daniel was very angry. Why could Philip say "Can we be good friends?" so easily, because everyone likes Philip, must he also be friends with Philip?

Daniel, who has great self-esteem, doesn't need such charity.

He put Philip to the side and ignored Philip's favor. The other children felt that Daniel didn't know what was good or bad.

In the hearts of children, Daniel is an alien. Everyone hates Daniel and thinks that his personality is strange and gloomy. Who wants to be friends with him?

Other children felt that Philip was too kind and willing to be friends with people like Daniel, and Daniel's mother was a well-known bad woman in the village, which made the children hate Daniel even more.

The thinking that an adult instills in a child will be realized by a simple child, but an adult will not directly realize his dislike for a person because he is concerned about his own face.

They will use their actions to alienate and be indifferent to a person, making this person unable to mix in this area.

Slowly, Philip was like a follower, following Daniel, telling jokes to Daniel, and he was happy.

Philip thought he could influence Daniel and make him more cheerful, so that everyone would like Daniel.

Daniel, who has become accustomed to being alone, is very uncomfortable with the addition of a follower around him. He feels that Philip is just showing off his popularity.

Philip often shared with Daniel what happened in some schools.

Daniel is tired of the life of herding sheep, he wants to leave this painful village, but now Daniel is too young, he has no extra money to support himself.

Daniel also wanted to go to school, but his mother didn't have extra money for him to go to school. The only way to change the status quo is to read more and increase your knowledge reserve.

In Daniel's eyes, all the people in the village are ignorant, selfish, narrow-minded, cold-blooded and ruthless people.

Daniel agreed to let Philip follow him to graze the sheep, but only if Philip's book can be loaned to him.

Daniel is very clever. He started to teach himself the knowledge in the books, and soon he could read the books Philip lent him.

If Philip left, he would no longer be able to borrow books, and the people in the village would not be as "kind" as Philip.

Daniel lowered his head, his voice was hoarse.

"Don't go, okay? I only have you as a friend. If you go, I won't have any friends in the village anymore."

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