Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 749: Kind people deserve to be protected!

Kind people deserve to be protected, and she is willing to guard Carl's kindness.

Carl was taken aback. This was the second time Cynthia offered him an invitation, although she had forgotten the first time.

Carl took a deep breath, "I do!"

Cynthia was a little afraid of Carl's unwillingness. I don't know why. There seemed to be someone in her memory who said unwillingness, which made her regret for a long time.

However, Cynthia can't remember that memory, it may be something she said after she fell ill!

A happy smile appeared on Cynthia's face.

"Okay, it's so decided."

Cynthia waved his hand and motioned to Karl to come over.

Carl came to Cynthia.

"Milk can be given to me."

Carl didn't expect Cynthia to say this.

"Huh? The milk is already cold, I'll heat it up."


Drinking Cal's little milk, Cynthia will not feel pressured, because after Carl lives with her in Winter Manor, she will take good care of Carl and give him all quality resources.

Cynthia sat on the sofa and waited for Karl to return.

Within a few minutes, Karl came back with hot milk.

He handed the milk glass to Cynthia and said intimately: "The milk is a bit hot, be careful."

This is the case with girls, they just have to talk about their tempers and talk.

Carl actually didn't know what happened to Cynthia just now.

Seeing the white milk on Cynthia's lips, he knew that Cynthia didn't dislike his unclean quilt. There must be some reason for Cynthia to be angry.

Cynthia drank half of it and said to Leon, "It's so sweet! This milk is delicious, sweet."

Cynthia had never drunk the milk in the package before. It was milk that was just squeezed from a cow. Although it was pure, it always had a fishy smell.

Carl swallowed. After his mother died, it was difficult for him to drink milk. Even when he was in the orphanage, he could only drink milk once a week.

After leaving the orphanage, he never drank milk again.


Cynthia will stretch out his hand in front of Carl, "Hmm, you don't believe you can taste it, if you don't dislike it."

Carl thought in his heart, how could he dislike him, if Cynthia didn't dislike him, he would be very happy.

Carl waved his hand, "You drink! I'm going to make dinner."

Carl's appearance clearly wanted to have a bite, but he refused.

Cynthia said orderly: "No! Carl, you have to taste it, or you still think I'm telling lies, I want to prove that the milk is really sweet and delicious."

Cynthia stared into Carl's eyes, "Could it be that you dislike me!!! Carl, I will be angry! I will really be angry! The kind that is bad!"

Afraid of Cynthia's misunderstanding, Carl explained immediately.

"No!!! How could it be, how could I despise you."

As Cynthia stared at him, Carl reluctantly took the milk glass.

He took a bite, it was really sweet! ! !

This is the only sweet moment for Carl over the years.

Cynthia looked at Carl expectantly, "How is it?"

"Well, it's so sweet."

"Hahahaha, let me just say it! It's really sweet, I didn't lie to you."

There was still more than half of the milk in the glass, but he had drunk it, and he was afraid that Cynthia would dislike the milk he had drunk.

Just when Carl didn't know what to do, Cynthia's words helped him out of embarrassment.

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