Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 81: Silence does not mean good bullying!

Harvey’s female partner couldn’t stand it anymore, she said to stop Harvey, "Hawei, forget it! The prom is about to begin, let’s go!"

"No! Block this young master's way, let me let him? Humph! Impossible! I am not Harvey if I don't teach him a little lesson today."

Hawe’s female partner rolled her eyes silently, and she looked at Hawe’s tone of accusation, "I knew I didn’t agree to your female partner. The prom is about to begin. You are still wasting your time here, my sister. Got in early."

Because of the female partner’s complaint, Hawei was very embarrassed. He said in anger, "Chee! Bella! This young master is so handsome, and he asks you to be my female partner? What a big joke!"

"You... Hawe! Humph! Seeing you look like a dog, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Forget it if I was blind, I would agree to your dancing partner. This lady won't serve you anymore."

Bella walked up to Leon and looked at Leon seriously. She looks handsome, she likes the type.

"Don't pay attention to him, Harvey is just a bully, don't you want to go to the prom? I can take you in, but the reward is to be my male companion."

Bella raised the invitation letter in her hand to Leon, as if she was saying, let's see I can take you in.

Harvey gritted his teeth and said: "You..., Bella! You bastard! Do you like this little white face? It's disgusting, hahahahaha! **** with poor ghosts, perfect match!!"

The people around didn't expect the plot to change so quickly, and the novel didn't dare to write it like that. It was really wonderful!

Leon frowned, not because he was afraid of causing a conflict to disturb Cynthia and let her discover that he had followed the ball. He had long wanted to seal the mouths of these two noisy humans.

He walked up to Hawe and communicated in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Don't you want to teach me? Come with me, I will give you this opportunity, if you are scared, don't follow!", After speaking, Leon turned and left the entrance of the ball.

Harvey followed Leon and left, "Fear! I have never heard this word Harvey."

Bella stood where she was, no one could ignore herself so much before, and she chased after her angrily.

Leon led Harvey to the corner. Few people passed by here. He wanted to make a quick fight and wait for Cynthia at the entrance of the ball.

When Bella chased him, Harvey fell to the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face. He moaned bitterly. When Harvey saw Bella coming, he wanted her to tell people to teach the poor ghost to make him regret the behavior he had just done.

Harvey’s voice became agitated, he wanted to find someone to kill Leon, ", hurry up and find someone for me, hiss, it hurts! I want revenge! I want him to know that Harvey is not annoying of."

Bella looked at Leon in horror. They seemed to provoke someone they shouldn't provoke. She was thinking too simple. How could Kolohol have simple characters, the lower-key people generally have very strong backgrounds, and they have met hard bones today.

Bella smiled reluctantly. The young people in front of them looked at them as if they were looking at dead things. Hawei, this fool, wants to take revenge. It's good to be able to save his life! "

"Shut up! Hawe, die if you want to die, don't pull me. Uh! This handsome guy, I didn't see anything, you go on, go on! Hahahaha"

"You..., Bella didn't expect you to be such a person, bitch! I knew you were unreliable, I didn't expect you to be so timid.

Bella looked at Hawe angrily, "Shut up! Hawe."

Leon looked at Harvey indifferently, "This time it's your good luck! I don't want to cause trouble. I won't be so lucky next time I meet you."

Harvey wanted to continue to say, "Fuck you..., uh, uh, uh."

Harvey accused Bella with his eyes, why are you covering my mouth!

Bella whispered: "Stop talking! I want to die anymore! You didn't see what he was wearing on his waist."

When Leon walked away, Bella let go of Harvey, "You idiot, that guy has a gun in his body, don't drag me down if you want to die, it's really unlucky today."

Harvey looked at Leon's departure direction with lingering fears, and then ordered Bella, "It hurts me to death, hurry up and take me to the hospital."

Bella looked at Hawei speechlessly, her heart really big, didn't she know that she had escaped death?

"Hawe, you are not saved..."

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