Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 852: See you for the second time!

Cynthia, who was reading a book, heard the phone ringing, picked it up, it turned out to be a message from Gu Xi.

"I have time, what's the matter?"

Gu Xi’s message sent a smiley face, "Great, don’t you like painting very much? Our college will hold a painting exhibition, if you are interested, you can visit it."

This week, she used text messages to communicate with Gu Xi. She told Gu Xi that she also likes painting.

Because of the common language, they soon got acquainted with each other.

Gu Xi told her about China's humanistic history, which made Cynthia feel very strange.

She yearned for her mother's hometown even more.

"Painting exhibition? Okay, I will come to visit."

"Great, I'm very happy that you can come. The exhibition will be from 10 am to 4 pm tomorrow. I will pick you up at the school gate tomorrow."

"Mmm Good."

No dream for a night.

Cynthia got up early.

In order to improve her spirits, Cynthia took a bath.

Cynthia looked at herself pale in the mirror. She suffered from insomnia last night and did not fall asleep until three o'clock in the night.

In order not to look pale, Cynthia applied lipstick, put on a set of casual clothes, and went out with a hat.

It is 8:15 in the morning, and her home is only half an hour away from Guxi College.

Cynthia chose to walk there.

With a smile on Gu Xi's face, he waved to Cynthia in the distance.

"Cynthia, I am here."

Gu Xi saw Cynthia in the crowd. Although she was wearing a hat, Cynthia's temperament was too dusty and easy to distinguish.

This is their second meeting. Although they don't meet many times, they are very familiar with each other.

Gu Xi is a self-acquaintance, and she will never be cold.

And for a little fairy like Cynthia, she is even more enthusiastic.

Ask yourself, who doesn't like fairies in this world?

Cynthia looked at Gu Xi who was standing at the door and beckoning to her, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Cynthia walked straight over.

"Meet you again, Cynthia, you are still so beautiful."

"Thank you, you are also very beautiful."

"Really? Hahahaha, I think so too."

Gu Xi glanced at the time, "It's still early, and the art exhibition has not started yet. Let me take you to visit my academy!"


Gu Xi enthusiastically explained his academy to Cynthia, "These buildings are our teaching buildings. I think the buildings of the academy are very beautiful. These castles are very old, some even have more than one hundred. Years, they have all experienced the years of war and have their unique memories."

When Gu Xi was telling the history of her academy, she had light in her eyes. She really liked the academy, and her eyes were full of worship.

Gu Xi is just talking about tuberculosis, and it's endless.

When she looked at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock, and she said a lot about where she was all alone, regardless of whether Cynthia liked it or not.

Gu Xi was a little embarrassed, "Cynthia, do you think I'm annoying?"

"No, you are very cute. I don't know what you told, but it's really interesting."

Gu Xi took a deep breath, that's good, as long as she doesn't find her annoying.

In Guxi’s hometown, her little friend gave her a nickname, "God of tuberculosis!!!"

Because she was so nagging, she couldn't stop talking about it.

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