Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 869: Call the police!

Officer Julia gave a slight pause with his hands on the keyboard, and his attitude improved a lot. Who doesn't like beautiful women?

"What's your name and why did you report the crime?"

Cynthia was a little displeased with the look in the female police officer's eyes.

It is to avoid such troubles that Cynthia wears a mask and a hat.

Officer Julia also realized that her gaze was too direct, and she withdrew her probing eyes.

Looking at the girl who hadn't spoken, she said again: "What is your name and why did you report the crime? I need to record this."

"Cynthia, I was in TADFS Plaza. An Asian girl was kidnapped."

In fact, Samuel is a very gentle person.

Gu Qing lifted Cynthia's face, "Let me take a good look at you."

She stroked every inch of skin on Cynthia's face, as if she was reminiscing about these years.

Looking at her ruddy-eyed mother, Cynthia felt very uncomfortable, "Don't be sad, haven't I been fine these years? Sorry mother, I just came to see you now."

Gu Qing shook his head, eyes full of love, "It's okay, it's never too late."

Cynthia’s eyebrows were drooping, and Glia’s medical conditions were not worse than those in Germany. Why did he send his mother to Germany? There were no relatives in this strange place.

"Mother, you have suffered over the years. If you want to go back to Winter Manor, I will plead with your father."

"Do you really think Samuel trapped me in this place? Stupid boy, you misunderstood. I asked for it myself."

Gu Qing didn't want her child to know her condition. Every time she was treated, she felt very painful and she was still losing her hair.

If in Griya, Cynthia and Simpson would insist on visiting her, she didn't want them to see their embarrassment.

Her hair fell off a lot because of the treatment, and now she is wearing a wig.

Gu Qing looked at her soft personality, but she was firm. What she said and promises she had made would not change easily.

"My Cynthia, your father is not what you think, he is a gentle person, he will not keep you here, but I proposed it myself."

Cynthia looked at her mother in disbelief. Why is this?

"Cynthia, your father is very kind to me and will not make me feel wronged. The reason why I recuperate in Germany is my will. You have misunderstood your father."

Cynthia pursed her lips, her eyes a little complicated.

Not the mother of father Guan, but she misunderstood.

Why did Samur deliberately lead them, he "locked up his mother?"

Why did he do this?

Is it just to make them misunderstand him, or even hate him?

Father's thoughts were always elusive, and they couldn't guess it at all.

Seeing Cynthia frowned because of thinking, "Don't think about it, you just need to know that your father loves me, and I love your father very much. Sometimes what I hear may not be true."

"Hmm, I know my mother."

"When did you come to Germany?"

"It's been more than a week since I came to Germany. I rented a house 20 kilometers away from here. I want to stay in Germany for a while."

Cynthia looked like something on his mind, "Cynthia, what's wrong with you? Tell your mother if you have anything on your mind."

Cynthia put away the expression on her face in an instant, and looked at her mother with a smile, "What can I do, I just want to stay with my mother for a while, and then I will go home obediently."

You are not german? "

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