Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 878: The laugh of the clown!

George controlled his anger, clenched his fingers, lowered his head, his voice was a little hoarse, "Important...very important! You don't understand anything?"

Although the man in front of him was Gregg's bodyguard, even the boss was very polite to him.

One of the founders of Greger TZ Security Company, is one of the three largest security companies in Germany.

The last thing he lacks is money, and he accepts tasks as he pleases. The reason why he would be Gregg's bodyguard is that Gregg spent a high employment fee to hire Gregg.

George is very jealous of Gregg, not only very powerful, but also very handsome, he is also the owner of TZ security company.

The social status is very high, and they are not at the same level as these sewer rats.

Gregg glanced at George. They were not on the same topic, and turned away indifferently.

After Gregg left, George stood quietly at the door, his face gloomy, and the raised green stem on his arm could tell that George was very angry.

The sound of footsteps awakened, and some George was out of control.

When Cynthia walked by, George's eyes regained his clarity in a second.

George raised the corner of his mouth, smiling very brightly, "The person who got in the way has gone, I will take you to Boss Gregg immediately."

George's smile made Cynthia feel very oozing, his smile was like a clown, although his expression looked very happy, his smile was not visible.

Back at the front desk, Ge Li took out the gun that had been loaded.

"This gun is very light and suitable for ladies."

Cynthia looked at the silver gun body in front of him, it looked very delicate, and the shape was very small, suitable for ladies.

"It's so beautiful, how much do you cost."

Ge Li stretched out 5 fingers.

"5 euros? Very good, I want it, wrap it up for me!"

Gary shook his head.

"Isn't it 5 euros?"

Gary is a little helpless, do you have such a cheap pistol?

"No, I won't tell you first, guess what the price is."

Cynthia said in surprise: "Since it's not 5 euros, is it 50 euros? It's too expensive!"

Gary continued to shake his head, "No!"

Cynthia took a deep breath, her voice a little frustrated, "It's not 50 euros, is it 500 euros? Oh my god, it's too expensive!!"

It was the first time that Gary had met such an interesting little girl.

"Yes, this gun is a little expensive, worth 500 euros."

Cynthia now looks like a flared flower, looking disappointed, "How can it be so expensive? There are only 100 euros in my body. This is all my pocket money."

Cynthia put the paper money of 100 euros on the counter.

Her voice was very depressed, and a little embarrassed, her fingers gripping the corners of her clothes tightly.

Cynthia said shyly: "That's why I have the money."

"Sorry little guest, it's a little worse."

Cynthia held the money on the counter tightly in her hand, her eyes a little lost, "Sorry!!! Excuse me."

Cynthia turned and left in a loss. She was betting that the man would stop him.

"and many more……."

Cynthia turned around, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Cynthia stopped at his feet, "What's the matter?"

Gary said, "Why do you want to buy a gun? This is very dangerous."

Cynthia said frustratedly, "I don't want to, but I'm afraid."

He said it as if he was about to cry.

Cynthia's voice revealed fear, and in the eyes of Gary, the girl was really terrified.

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