Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 881: The speed of the bullet!

Cynthia saw the joke in the man's eyes. This man was very conceited. He felt that he was not his opponent at all, so he did not put her in his eyes.

"I will ask the question myself. Gregg can't die. If you want to do something to him, I will kill you."

Cynthia didn't fear the man in front of her at all. She had two guns in her hand, and it was easy to kill this man.

Even if men are protected by bodyguards, can their speed be faster than the speed of bullets?

The result is obvious.

Cynthia hesitated, "Can I really tell you?"

Gary nodded.

Cynthia hesitated and said again.

"In fact, it is like this. There are girls of the same age around me who suddenly disappeared, and not one or two. Some people say that these girls were abducted and they were all abducted on the street, and they never came back. These girls Although I don’t know each other, I’m also very afraid that one day I will be kidnapped like these girls. It’s really horrible. I’m very afraid of thinking about buying a gun for self-defense."

Gary had also heard about this. He had contact with many and complicated people, so the information was naturally well informed.

I didn't expect this group of people to be so rampant.

These people, Gary knew, had bought guns in his shop, and he didn't intend to hear them talking about business, only to know that a girl was sold for 500 Euros.

Gary frowned. "A lot of girls have disappeared?"

"Yeah, I know three of them, so I'm so scared."

Gary was a little angry, and he knew if he would sell the gun to this group. If he is caught by the police in the future and investigate the source of the gun, he will find his shop.

Although he is a legal shop, he doesn't like having the police come to investigate him.

"Why these people have become so rampant? Just find out..."

Gary realized what he was talking about and shut up immediately.

"Boss, do you know what?"

"Um... I don't know, go home early, and a little girl should not wander around, she will be late when she is in danger. Well, since this is the case, I will sell it to you for 100 euros."

Hearing this man's tone seemed to know something.

Cynthia was very happy, "Really? Thank you so much, boss, you are such a kind person."

This was the first person to praise him for his kindness, and Gary thought in his heart that he was not a kind person.

"It's installed for you, go home early!"

Cynthia said sweetly: "Thank you, boss, I wish you a prosperous business, goodbye."

After Cynthia turned around and lowered the brim of her hat, the smile on her face disappeared, replaced by an indifferent face.

This person must know something.

Cynthia took out the phone, and after a few beeps, the phone was connected.

"Miss Cynthia."

Cynthia hummed softly.

"Albert, is there a clue?"

Albert looked at the data on the computer, because his face was not very clear, and he was wearing a hat and sunglasses, so it was a bit difficult.

Video recordings can only see the body shapes of these people, and they can't clearly see what they look like.

"Sorry, Miss Cynthia, we haven't found any important clues yet. Now there is a serious problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"The face on the video recording is not very clear and difficult to recognize."

She has watched the video, because there is a certain distance, the face cannot be seen clearly on the video, and they also wear a hat and sunglasses to cover half of their face.

"Okay, I know the situation."

"Albert, help me investigate a person. He is a firearms boss. Help me find out his details and who I have close contacts with. The photos have been sent to your mailbox."

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