Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 883: urgent!

Just ask for peace of mind.

When encountering such a thing, it is inevitable that there will be a bit of reaction in my heart.

The content recorded on this camera at the entrance of the store will be automatically cleared after a week. Just tuned up the recorded video quickly, and the process of Gu Xi's kidnapping can be clearly seen on the video.

Just cut a part of the video recording, "Guest, how can I give this to you?"

Cynthia gave Just a list of email addresses.

"You pass on this."


Just entered the email address, because the video was only more than a minute old, and it passed quickly.

"Okay, the video has passed over."

"Thank you, you deserve it."

Cynthia left the money on the counter and left.

Fortunately, there are not many customers in the store now, and they do not look at the counter.

Just took the money off the counter quickly, Huh! It seems a bit more.

Just hurriedly counted, and while counting, his eyes were also watching the surroundings.

One thousand euros, God bless! He is rich! ! !

After Cynthia left the coffee shop, she took the drawing board and went to the nearest internet cafe nearby.

Temporarily keeping the painting tools in his hand at the front desk, Cynthia found a place in the corner.

After turning on the computer, she immediately opened the mailbox and clicked on the video.

Bring headphones, hoping to send some clues.

At the same time, Cynthia sent a copy of the video to Albert.

Albert called in less than a minute.

"Miss Cynthia, what happened?"

"I am now in Germany, and my friend is in trouble. You immediately find out the identity of the group of kidnapping girls on the video and send it to me. Thanks for your hard work, Albert."

Albert said quietly: "Understood, Miss Cynthia."

After hanging up, Cynthia carefully observed the scene in the screen.

The group of people who kidnapped Gu Xi was dressed in casual clothes. One of them was fat with a tattoo on his left arm.

They acted neatly and cooperated tacitly. At first glance, they often did this kind of kidnapping.

They attacked from behind when Gu Xi was not paying attention and sealed her mouth with tape.

One person stood by the car, one closed Gu Xi's mouth, and the other two ran in the direction of the car while carrying Gu Xi. Another person picked up the paint tray that fell on the ground when Gu Xi was struggling.

They cooperated tacitly, and the operation was completed in less than a minute.

Cynthia frowned, and the group of people looked well-trained.

No valuable information was found on the video recording, and now I can only hope for Albert.

At this time of waiting, you can't just sit still.

Gu Xi's situation was very dangerous, and Cynthia was a little irritable. She tapped her fingers on the tabletop, making a rhythmic sound.

Turning off the computer, Cynthia left the Internet cafe.

She got in a taxi and went to the nearest police station.

Go to the police station to consult the front desk.

Cynthia looked at the female police officer on duty in front of him, Officer Julia.

"Hello! I'll report the crime."

Officer Julia looked at the girl in front of her through the office counter, her expression was very cold, "You can't wear masks and hats at the police station and take them off."

Cynthia was taken aback, there is still this rule?

Cynthia obediently took off her mask and hat.

Officer Julia was taken aback by the girl's handsome face.

First of all, it shows that she has met many beautiful people, but she has never seen such a beautiful girl.

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