Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 890: fury!

Creel took Leon to see the psychiatrist many times, and Leon’s symptoms did not alleviate, but became more serious.

He is more addicted to his world.

Except for his own concern, there is nothing else that can arouse Leon's interest.

This result is not what Krell wanted to see.

Creel told Jeffrey of Leon's symptoms.

Jeffery can only comfort Krell, Leon will get better when he grows up.

It just takes some time, and the waiting process is long and painful.

Leon will slowly get better.

Creel knew that Leon would not get better if the knot in Leon's heart was not untied one day.

Leon has not told Creel about what happened two years ago. As long as Leon is willing to tell him what happened, Leon's heart knot will be solved.

Jeffrey looked at Leon with a worried look. He leaned over and hugged Leon, "Don’t worry Leon, everything will be fine. I know Krell has always been a strong man, so we just have to pray. , I pray that Krell will be safe."

Jeffrey actually had no bottom in his heart. When Kreel was sent to the hospital, Kreel's breath was already very weak.

In fact, he has always been very upset, this feeling makes Jeffery very uncomfortable.

He hates this feeling.

Leon in his arms is still an adult, what will happen to Leon if Creel really leaves?

Jeffery has no confidence at all. Leon is an independent individual, and he himself is also a complicated person.

When Creel realized that he was going to be dying and entrusted Leon to him, Jeffrey refused. He was really not sure to raise Leon well.

He is not Creel, his preference for Leon is because Creel is his good brother.

If Krell really left, he would become very confused.

There are no people in this world who are unselfish. In fact, Jeffrey was also puzzled at first. Why did Creel care so much about an orphan?

And for so many years, Krell has been alone. Facing Leon who suddenly appeared in his life, it was hard for Jeffery not to doubt whether he was on a whim.

At the moment Leon appeared in the container, Jeffrey understood that emotions are not only a bond of blood.

Krell's kindness to Leon has formed a bond between them, even surpassing family affection.

Leon, who had been in a trance all night, was a little uncomfortable in the face of the sudden concern.

Leon has always known that Uncle Jeffrey and his father are the best people in the world to him. Without them, he would have become a pile of loess.

Leon was very grateful to them in his heart, and he also knew that his current strength was too weak to be a pillar of his father and Uncle Jeffrey.

Father and Uncle Jeffrey are not young anymore, Leon doesn't want to keep them protected all the time, he is not a flower in a greenhouse.

Do not want to slowly corrupt in the greenhouse, this is not his belonging.

He wanted to be a sharp blade that could protect his father and Uncle Jeffrey in times of danger.

The embrace is really warm, and the warmth makes the corners of Leon's eyes red.

He wants to protect such warmth, time is a lifetime.

Leon's eyes became firm, and his primary purpose was to let himself grow up quickly, to be able to stand beside his father and to protect him.

Instead of letting his father work hard to feed him.

Leon doesn't want to be a parasite on Krell's father, he wants to be his father's visor.

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