Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 894: haze!

Officer Julia gave a slight pause with his hands on the keyboard, and his attitude improved a lot. Who doesn't like beautiful women?

"What's your name and why did you report the crime?"

Cynthia was a little displeased with the look in the female police officer's eyes.

It is to avoid such troubles that Cynthia wears a mask and a hat.

Officer Julia also realized that her gaze was too direct, and she withdrew her probing eyes.

Looking at the girl who hadn't spoken, she said again: "What is your name and why did you report the crime? I need to record this."

Cynthia: "..."

In her mind, shouldn't the police be sent to search and rescue after calling the police?

Cynthia frowned uncomfortably looking at the female police officer's calm model.

Is this to investigate her identity?

"Cynthia..., in TADFS Plaza, an Asian girl was kidnapped."

Julia began to record the reporter's transcript, "What is the relationship between the kidnapped Asian girl and you? How did you discover the girl was kidnapped? When was the girl kidnapped?"

"The kidnapped girl's name is Gu Xi, and I am friends with her. Today we made an appointment to meet together. After I arrived, I didn't find Gu Xi. Someone around saw her kidnapped, about an hour ago. "

Julia said with some slurs: "Guxi? Are you friends?"

"Yes, we are friends?"

Julia said suspiciously: "Why didn't you show that you are friends? You agreed to meet, but this Guxi didn't come. Is it possible that she was late and didn't come to meet you?"

"I didn't show that the relationship is important?"

"It's very important, I have to record these."

Cynthia looked at the female police officer coldly. The current communication was a waste of time. Gu Xi was in a dangerous situation, but now he was interrogating something insignificant.

"Can you save people? She is in a dangerous situation now."

Julia is a little unhappy. She has to receive a lot of people a day. Many of these people have reported false cases. Screening out those who report false cases is a very important part.

"Madam, if your friend is really kidnapped, we will send someone to rescue it, but your friend has been missing for less than two hours. I can’t open a case for investigation. After 24 hours, your friend is still missing. File the case, I will make a record now."

This is a rule, and Julia can't help it.

Julia: "I'm sorry! This is our rule."

The case can be opened for investigation after 24 hours, and Gu Xi can't wait that long.

The way to call the police is no longer possible, you can only rely on yourself.

After leaving the police station, Cynthia checked online shops where he could buy firearms.

The current location is ten kilometers away from the nearest store. Today, it is much easier to move because of driving out.

Now I can only go by taxi. Half an hour later, Cynthia came to the largest shop where firearms were legally purchased.

Cynthia looked at the sign at the entrance of the store and walked in. The boss is a muscular man with tattoos on his arms and his eyes revealing a fierce look. At first glance, he is not easy to provoke.

Cynthia went straight to the boss.

Cynthia did not directly express her intentions, "Hello! I want to buy a ladies pistol."

Gary is the owner of this gun store. He has noticed the girl as soon as she walked in. His store, except for some men, often visits, and there are very few such young girls patronizing.

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