Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 900: Rich man with bad temper?

Matt whispered. Rich people have a strange temper. It's best not to tell things.

He looked at the tip in his hand and felt very happy, but the tip was very generous.

Cynthia lay on the bed, her eyes a little tired, "Where do you think Guxi will be locked up on the cruise ship? I don't know what the current situation is like."

Leon looked at his girl distressedly, why Miss Cynthia was always so kind, like this to him a few years ago, and this time to Gu Xi, who has not known her recently.

This is also the reason why he fell in love with Cynthia.

Although she always said different things, she looked like a difficult person to get along with, but she was actually a very kind girl.

I thought that with the appearance of Cynthia, Leon would feel how beautiful this world is.

To meet Cynthia, exhausted the best luck of his life, being with Cynthia has always been his extravagant hope in the future, but he did not expect that one day the extravagant hope will come true.

All this is like dreaming, and because of the existence of Cynthia, all the haze in his life has disappeared.

She is like a beam of light, illuminating his life.

"I love you, Cynthia." Leon said suddenly, looking at Cynthia.

Cynthia, who was lying on the bed, heard Leon's inexplicable confession and looked up at him, "Huh? What's the matter with Leon?"

Leon had a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, and Cynthia would be stunned. How could there be such a good-looking boy? She was really discerning.

She was confused by Leon again, this charming little fairy is simply her lifeblood.

This is why she can't really get angry with Leon.

May I ask? Who could be angry looking at Leon's face. If anyone gets angry, they really don't know what is good or bad.

Leon is simply a typical assassin.

Cynthia turned her face to one side and her ears were slightly red. What should I do? Recently, she has become more unable to look directly at Leon's face. She is afraid that she will be "hungry wolves".

The temperature of his cheeks rose, and Cynthia decided that the air in the room had changed.

wide awake! Now is not the time to think about it, she still has important things to do.

Cynthia rubbed her cheeks, trying to wake herself up. At this moment, a warm and charming voice sounded, "What's the matter with you?"

The voice was very close, and she could feel the warm air.

Cynthia buried her face in the quilt, like a groundhog, and her voice was like acting like a baby.

"Leon, you... don't come here yet?"

Leon looked at Cynthia worriedly, "What's the matter? Are you feeling sick?"

He knew that Cynthia would become warm and sore whenever he caught a cold in the winter.

At this time, Miss Cynthia's appearance was extraordinarily cute. The clothes were very thickly wrapped, like a chubby big white bear, very cute.

The weather is getting cold now, Leon is very worried that Cynthia will catch the cold, watching the unnatural flushing on Cynthia's face, thinking it is because of physical discomfort.

Hearing Leon's worried voice, Cynthia's heart was warm, and there was nothing more heartwarming than the concern of his lover.

Cynthia murmured: "No discomfort, I'm fine, Leon, don't make a fuss."

Leon looked around. There was a separate kitchen in the suite. Leon went to the kitchen and prepared to warm Cynthia a glass of milk.

Opening the freezer, the neatly arranged drinks made Leon slightly frowned. He rummaged around and still didn't see the milk.

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