Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 95: The true face of Matthew

When Cynthia aimed his gun at the door of the room, the cold broadcast sound suddenly sounded, and the movement of the door opening at the door also disappeared with the sound of the broadcast, and Cynthia's high hanging heart could finally relax.

"Game time is over!!! There are 20 survivors in this round of the game, and 10 game players are eliminated. Players are asked to continue their efforts. Now please come to the rest area to gather together. The next round of games will start in three hours."

After the broadcast was finished, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become brighter, just like the transition of the game scene, the time and space just now shrouded the depression of darkness, and the light in the time and space now became bright.

It is very likely that within an hour of the game time, the space she and Noel are in is not in the same dimension as the void after the game is over. All this is her conjecture.

Gamers have three hours of rest. What challenges will they face after three hours? What are the rules of this game? How many rounds of the game will be played? Countless questions piled up in Cynthia's mind.

According to the broadcast prompt, Cynthia took Noel to the rest area. When they first arrived in the rest area, they ran into the group of Matthew.

Cynthia noticed that there seemed to be two missing people among them, the very arrogant Monica and the little fat man named Barritt.

Matthew looked particularly embarrassed, one arm of his black suit had been torn, revealing the white shirt inside.

Penny behind Matthew did not keep her eyes on Matthew as she did in the rest area. Now she looked at Matthew with a gloomy expression. There must have been an unhappiness between them in just an hour.

Matthew saw Cynthia walking by him indifferently. Carl's expression didn't show a trace of panic. Matthew's expression became dark. Why? Carl is still so calm with a drag!

Will people protect themselves when danger comes? People are hypocritical animals, and he doesn't believe that Karl will always protect Nancy.

Cynthia walked by Matthew indifferently. The environment in which Cynthia lived forced her to grow up quickly. She seemed to have a special ability to recognize whether the people around her treated her sincerely. People like Matthew are too low in rank. Cynthia could see through his false disguise at a glance.

She knew very well what Matthew was like. In such an environment, Matthew could not continue to maintain his mask. The two young people were either separated or used by Matthew. Penny's current expression said everything.

Matthew hid his dark expression, and hypocritically greeted Cynthia, "Carl, what a coincidence, I met you here."

Cynthia stopped and looked at Matthew coldly. She looked at Matthew coldly.

"This is the last time I warn you Matthew! I don't know you very well, your smile is disgusting to me."

Matthew removed his gentle disguise, his smile turned dark, "Hahahaha!!! You are the first such direct person I have ever met. We could have been friends. It's a pity that you are so ignorant, Carl. I will make you regret it."

He looked at Noel behind Cynthia, his smile suddenly turned bad, "All people in this world are hypocritical, you can't always take Nancy with you, you will eventually abandon her. People are selfish especially When facing death, I will appreciate the arrival of this scene, it will be very exciting, hahahahahaha!!!"

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