The wilderness of Great Qin

"Master, what should I do with this woman?"

"Kill it!"The person who spoke was Yan Dan. The Qin Dynasty was suppressing the Zhao State and advancing on the Yan State. He came up with this assassination method in a hurry.

"Woohoo!!"When the woman heard that she was going to kill herself at this moment, she immediately started struggling excitedly.

"Young Master, this is Ying Zheng's concubine, and she is pregnant. It would be a pity to kill her like this. Why don't we use their mother and son to threaten Ying Zheng?"

"No, she is just a powerless palace maid, of no great use, so what if she is pregnant? Besides, we are on the run now, it is difficult to take her away, so why not……"

Before Yan Dan could finish speaking, a man hurried over.

"Young Master, people from Da Qin are chasing us, led by Meng Yi and Dun Rui. What should we do?"

"Kill her and we will retreat immediately."

The woman shook her head violently and struggled,"No, don't! My child hasn't been born yet.……】


The sharp sword slit her throat, the woman's struggle disappeared, and her eyes became distracted.


And the baby in the woman's belly is extremely depressed at the moment.

【Damn, my mother was killed before I was born. Could it be that I, a time traveler, am about to die?】

【This is not possible. Now that I have come to Da Qin, how can I come here in vain?】

【If that's the case, then I can climb out on my own! ]

Just as our protagonist Zhao Chen was preparing to take action, someone else came over.

He could only stop, because he was not sure whether he was still an enemy, so he could only wait.


A man's panicked voice sounded.

"If you feel weak, please notify your majesty immediately."


【It seems that he is one of our own, so there is nothing to worry about. 】

Zhao Chen began to crawl out of the woman’s belly with all his strength.…………

Da Qin, Xianyang City.

At this moment, the whole Xianyang was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

The black-armored guards walking back and forth had cold eyes, staring closely at every passerby.

If you are not careful, you may be arrested by these soldiers.

After the soldiers left, some gossipy people gathered together to discuss quietly

"Did you hear that? Someone assassinated Your Majesty"

"Who doesn’t know yet? The assassin was the famous assassin Jing Ke. Fortunately, His Majesty was so blessed that he was not injured. What a pity.……"

"Well, what a pity, is there something else hidden?"

"I also heard what my neighbor’s father’s son’s brother’s sister-in-law’s brother said. That brother is also in the army. This time it’s not just as simple as assassinating His Majesty. Someone sneaked into the harem and kidnapped a palace maid."The man whispered, and turned around to look around, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"It doesn't seem like it's a big deal to kidnap a palace maid!"

"Tch, what do you know!"

The person glared at the person who interrupted with contempt.

"Why is it not a big deal? This palace maid was favored by His Majesty, and she was pregnant with a dragon. She was said to be giving birth, but now she was kidnapped. Otherwise, why is the entire Xianyang City under martial law and the streets are full of soldiers?"

"What, who is so bold that he dares to rob Long Zi and risk his life?"

"I heard that it was done by people from the Six Kingdoms, but we don’t know about this."

"Alas, it has been more than two hours! I hope the young master will be safe and sound!"

"Soldiers are coming, let's leave quickly!"


Zhangtai Palace.

A general walked in hurriedly.

Looking at the person above him, he half-knelt down and said

"Your Majesty, there is news"

"Say it!"

The voice is full of endless majesty and coldness.

"In the suburbs of Xianyang, we found Madam, but...but Madam...but……"

Seeing Dun's weak and hesitant look, Ying Zheng had a bad premonition in his heart.

However, his expression did not change at all

"What kind of decency is there to hesitate and speak?"

"When we found Madam, she had already been killed. Hearing this

, Ying Zheng's face suddenly became extremely gloomy,"Where is the child?""

"Your Majesty, the young master is not born yet, I'm afraid... I'm afraid……"

"Presumptuous, what are you doing?……"

Ying Zheng wanted to say something else, but suddenly a loud noise interrupted his words.

Not only that, the sky above Xianyang was filled with purple air, and a huge golden light beam illuminated the entire Xianyang, dispersing the haze over Xianyang City.

"What happened?"

"Your Majesty, that pillar of light seems to be where Madam is."


Ying Zheng said nothing, and flew out of Zhangtai Palace with luck and movement.

Dun Rui followed closely behind, and more than that, a black shadow just followed behind Ying Zheng, secretly protecting Ying Zheng's safety.

The strange phenomenon that appeared in Xianyang City was directly It alarmed everyone.

They all looked at this huge phenomenon and were at a loss.

If Xianyang City was not under martial law at the moment and there were many soldiers maintaining order, I am afraid many people would have gone to find out!

"what happened?"

"What exactly happened there?"

"Purple air fills the air and golden light reaches the sky. I am afraid that auspiciousness has arrived!"

"I really want to go and see it, but it’s a pity that Xianyang City is under martial law and I can’t get out."


"What an eventful time!"


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